- [UPA] - Added Error handling around Connect() call in the UpaTcpInterface.
- [Portico] - Added amount indiciator to credit sale/auth
- [UPA] - Added SetParams functionality and added invoice number to credit sale.
- [GP-API] - Add new mapping fields on get transaction list: "funding", "authentication"
- [GP-API] - Add new enum values for PayByLinkType: HOSTED_PAYMENT_PAGE, THIRD_PARTY_PAGE
- [GP-API] - Unit tests enhancements
- [UPA] - Refacto on UPA amount format
- [MITC UPA] - Fix void command
- [GP-API] - Add missing mapping on digital wallet transaction response: brand, masked_number_last4, authcode, brand_reference
- [Portico] - Added ClientTxnId to ReportBatchDetail and ReportOpenAuths reports
- [UPA] Add SAF indicator (bool) to Host response
- [GP-API] Update 3DS Object fields in transaction endpoint ("server_trans_ref" and "ds_trans_ref")
- [Portico] Update 3DSecure mapping transaction details reporting response.
- [GP-API] Send "cvv" in create transaction request with a tokenized card
- [PAX] Correction to tip/gratuity handling in the request to device
- [Portico] Map amount property for Recurring Payment FindAll-schedule.
- [UPA] Add new UPA commands.
- [Portico] Using TagData for EMV tags. Removed deprecated field EMVTagData.
- [NWS] Add EMV Contactless support for NWS.
- [NWS] Add Voyager EMV Support for NWS.
- [GP-API] Correct mapping for the order id for settlement reporting.
- [NWS]:Remove TransactionId mandatory field for Capture transaction type for NWS
- NWS 3Des, Tokenization and combined functionality implemented.
- [GP-API] Unit tests enhancements.
- [DiamondCloud]: Added logger for DiamondCloud terminal.
- [GP-API]: Fixed items amount in PayPal charge with more than one quantity per product.
- [GP-API]: Added suggested improvements into some requests and mappings
- [GP-API]: Added "destination" field as optional for Open banking.
- [Portico]: Enhanced Support for EMVChipCondition Element
- Fixed NWS date time format issue
- [GP-ECOM] Add HPP additional field "HPP_REMOVE_SHIPPING"
- [GP-API] Add "Payers" feature
- [GP-API] Improvements on access token request.
- [GP-ECOM] Added additional fee to a card transaction (surchargeamount).
- [GP-ECOM] Refactored RealexHppClient.
- [GP-API] Unit tests enhancements.
- [Portico]: Added support for 'CategoryInd' element.
- [GP-API] Add "payer->email" property on 3DS "/initiate" request.
- [GPAPI]: MerchantId supported in endpoint for MITC.
- Fix Deploy version
- [UPA]: Added support to allow logging of request / response messages.
- [GPAPI]: Mapping the right AuthotizationCode for Digital Wallet.
- [Portico]: Allow 'DebitReversal' transaction type
- [GPAPI]: Mapping the right AuthotizationCode.
- Removed library CoreCompat.System.Drawing.
- [GP-ECOM]: Added Estimated Number of Transactions for multicapture.
- [GP-ECOM]: Supported Sha256 for HPP.
- [Portico]: Map customer name in ReportingService response.
- [Portico]: Added accountNumberLast4 property for RecurringPaymentMethod response.
- [PAX]: Added Update Resource[A18][A19] and Delete Image [A22][A23] request and response.
- [MEET-IN-THE-CLOUD][UPA]: Fix endOfDay.
- [ProPay]: ProPay mapping response for achOut and flashFunds separately.
- [Transit]: Amount in refund transaction bigger than 999.
- [Portico]: Fix SAFData element was being included with all transactions.
- [Portico]: Map response date & transaction date in TransactionSummary for ReportingService.
- [GP-API]: Add missing properties to authentication->three_ds (message_version, eci,server_trans_reference, ds_trans_reference,value).
- [GP-API]: File Processing.
- DiamondCloud: Add support for Diamond Cloud provider payment terminals.
- [UPA] Mapped the tokenRspCode and tokenRspMsg to response
- [PAX] TipAdjust -Adding tip after the Sale.
- [PAX] Tiprequest flag
- [Portico] Mapped CardType property in transaction to card brand
- [Portico] Fix Line Item Details to only add UnitOfMeasure and DiscountAmt only if ItemTotalAmt is null
- UPA: SignatureData
- UPA: Line Item
- UPA: GetSAF report
- UPA: Incremental Auth
- UPA: Start Card
- UPA: DeleteSAF
- UPA: Register POS command
- UPA: Added Ref/Saf reference number
- UPA: Modified builder for AdjustTip
- GP-ECOM: Limit what card types to accept for payment or storage (HPP & API)
- Portico: Fix logic to check if CreditCardData.Token value null instead of CreditCardData.MobileType value null.
- Transit: Fixed transactions with amount bigger than 1000.
- Added OnMessageReceived event handler to device interface
- [HPA] Support for GetSafReport
- [Pax] Support for Batch Clear
- [Portico] mapping fields in Portico's transaction detail report raw response to SDK's transaction detail report
- [Portico] Added Commercial Data Tax Amount and PO number to level 2 sale transaction.
- [Portico] Add cardholder email
- GP-ECOM: HPP using card and apm together
- GP-API: Add a new alternative payment method, ALIPAY
- GP-API: Upload Merchant Documentation - https://developer.globalpay.com/api/merchants
- GP-API: Credit Or Debit a Funds Management Account (FMA) - https://developer.globalpay.com/api/funds
- GP-ECOM: HostedService supports SHA256.
- GP-ECOM: 24 Hours clock format (HH) Timestamp from DCC
- Verifone P400: Added initial Meet-In-The-Cloud connectivity support for this device
- GP-ECOM Support parseResponse for status_url on HostedService (HPP APMs)
- Portico Gateway: Added ShippingDay and ShippingMonth to Transaction Summary for Transaction Detail report output
- Pax: Added OrigECRRefNum to request trace
- Enhance logs based on environment (GP-API & GP-ECOM)
- GP-ECOM: Added custnum from Customer on payer_new request
- GP-API: Rename PayLink to PayByLink
- Added builder methods WithStartDate and WithEndDate to the Report builder
- NWS: Fixed multiple null reference exceptions when attempting transactions without passing in TagData
- GP-API: Included in the verify request the authentication field with tokenizable card or without it.
- Portico: Support Store and Forward mode for transactions.
- Portico: FindTransactions report allows to search using SAFIndicator.
- Portico: Allow transactions to be updated with level 2 and level 3 info after an authorization using FindId method
- Pax: Support partial authorizations
- GP-ECOM: Add refund for transaction with open banking
- GP-API: Added integration examples using Hosted Fields (GP JS library), 3DS library
- GP-ECOM: Send the correct "message_version" in the initiate step on 3DS2
- GP-API: Improvements in the Request Builders, on GpApiRequest and TransactionType
- GP-API Unit tests updates
- Heartland Profac: Device ordering
- GP-API: Manage fund transfers, splits and reverse splits in your partner network.
- Portico Gateway: Enable CreditAuth transaction type for Apple Pay & Google Pay.
- GP-ECOM: Added missing 3DS fields mapping for MOBILE_SDK.
- GP-ECOM: Fixed remittance_reference when it is null.
- GP-API: Update token with usage_mode only.
- GP-API: Manage merchant accounts for partner solution
- NWS: Various backend updates (Chip EntryMethod support, DE56 updates, OriginalEntryMethod tracking)
- End-to-end demo security enhancements
- General: MasterCard regex correction
- GP-API: Updated some properties for merchant request.
- GP-API: Added payer information on Transaction object.
- Portico Gateway: Updated Portico TransactionDetail report mapping to include Invoice Number.
- GP-ECOM: Added Payment Schedule that allows you to easily set up and manage recurring billing payments.
- GP-API: Added as default the account_id instead of account_name for all GP-API requests.
- GP-API: Added validation method for X-GP-SIGNATURE that is received from GP-API on the notification URL.
- GP-API: Added Open Banking to let customers pay using their bank account.
- GP-API: Added Risk Assessments that represents an analysis to determine the risk of fraud associated with a transaction, payer or payment method.
- NWS: Gift Card Available Balance added to response
- NWS: Out of balance issue related to gift cards
- GP-API: Click To Pay added for merchants can give customers an easier, seamless checkout experience while also gaining access to Secure Remote Commerce network tokens
- GP-API: Buy Now Pay Later payment method allows customers to repay the cost of their purchase over time instead of all at once
- GP-API: Added exemption status to help reduce payment friction
- Portico Gateway: Fix for Level III data not being included in the CreditCPCEdit request
- Portico: SdkNameVersion: Name and Version of the SDK used for integration, where applicable
- Update device configuration to be generic
- Transaction API: Add transaction api support for US and CA region
- GP-API: Added brand_reference in the recurring transaction request
- GP-API: Added Decoupled authentication
- GP-API: Added onboarding merchant feature
- Portico Gateway: add Ecommerce tag to CreditReturn transactions
- Security enhancement in example application
- Sanitize phone numbers and zip codes
- Added phone country and retrieve the same by NumericCountryCode/ISO2/ISO3
- Removed 3DS1 for GP-API and GP-ECOM
- GP-API: The Fraud Management solution passed the values sent in the risk_assessment object
- GP-API: Updated PayLink properties on the request
- Added isnotnull validation for subproperties in builders
- Updated OpenBaking service endpoints
- Heartland/Portico Gateway: added method for voiding eCheck using ClientTxnId to CheckService
- Heartland/Portico Gateway: add "ClientTxnId" to transaction response properties
- Heartland/Portico Gateway: fix CreditReversal message structure
- UPA Devices: increased read buffer size to allow for larger message size from devices
GP-API: Add new mapping for card issuer avs/cvv result
- PAX Devices: - fixed 'verify' transactions not working
- GP-API: Fix issue with the ServiceUrl when switching to PRODUCTION env
- UPA Devices: Improved connection timeout exception handling
- UPA Devices: Corrected invoice number logic
- Enhanced security on MVC end to end example application
- Increased the version number of Newtonsoft.Json in the GlobalPayments.API solution
- GP-API: Updated Misc Tests
- GP-ECOM: Add srd information on store a new card request
- GP-API: Add mapping for "acs_reference_number", "acs_signed_content" and "server_trans_ref" in 3DS flow on initiate authentication step
- UPA Devices: Added invoice number to Refund and Tip Adjust transactions
- GP-ECOM: Billing/Shipping country value should be ISO2 country code
- Added DE 25 Message Reason Code enum value for Failure to Dispense to replace incorrect, outdated values (NWS)
- Corrected an issue where EmvFallbackCondition was not being respected when set (NWS)
- GP-API: Added PayLink API that allows you to generate single or multi-use unique payment links.
- UPA Devices: added tip-adjust support, open-tab report type, & expiration date transaction response property
- UPA Devices: added support for the new fields 'directMktInvoiceNbr', 'directMktShipMonth', 'directMktShipDay'
- UPA Devices: corrected End-Of-Day response exception handling
- Wallet and 3DSecure: fix request
- GP-ECOM: HPP_CHALLENGE_REQUEST_INDICATOR value from integer to string
- GP-ECOM: Added supplementary data elements for having extra data in the request and can be used in Authorization, Credit, Refund (Rebate) and Capture (Settle)
- GP-ECOM ApplePay: Fixed amount less than $1
- GP-API: Added Dynamic Descriptor
- GP-ECOM: Added flag EnableExemptionOptimization to identify customer exemptions and avoid unnecessary authentications
- GP-ECOM: Added Open Banking as new payment method
- GP-API: Features (Adjust, Stored Payment Methods - POST Search and disputes- GET Document)
- GP-API: Update payment token (Added missing keys in the request to update the payment token)
- GP-ECOM: Added New HPP Fields in the SDKs for HPP Capture Billing enhancement
- PAX devices: Fix refund validation logic
- TransIt Gateway: Fix pin debit message handling
- GpApiService refactor
- GP-API: Add increment an Auth
- PAX Devices: Fixed issue with EBT processing using recent application versions
- Fixed connection failover to secondary endpoints (NWS)
- Added support for device ordering during account creation (ProPay)
- CountryUtils class expanded to convert from any ISO 3166 value to any other ISO 3166 value
- GP-ECOM: add 3DS tests to the suite
- Added additional batch details to End of Day response object (UPA)
- Updated Digital Wallet and 3DSecure support to use latest Portico data fields
- Fixed HPP verify with 3DSecure
- Fixed an issue when setting DeviceType to HPA_LANE3000 during configuration
- Card Brand Transaction ID is mapped with the response when token is requested (UPA)
- Fixed index out of bounds exception with Cardholder Name
- Fixed processor configuration error with birth year
- Addressed null reference exceptions with response mappings (UPA)
- Corrected an issue with a HEX conversion helper method (UPA)
- Corrected a boolean conversion error on request building (UPA)
- Corrected an incorrect internal TransactionType setting (UPA)
- Added challenge request indicator on 3DS2 initiate step on Gp3DSProvider
- Fixed Multicapture information on the response of Authorize transaction (GpApi)
- Fixed for card information not to be sent into request when using tokenized card (GpApi)
- Added Authorization (UPA)
- Added DeletePreAuth (UPA)
- Added Tokenization (UPA)
- Added HSA/FSA support (UPA)
- Support alphanumerical ECI values on 3DS
- Fixed mapping issue with Payment Method details (GPEcom)
- Added direct Base64 string support for Document/Document Chargeback Upload image parameters (ProPay)
- Added ProPay error code to GatewayException object (ProPay)
- Added fingerprint_mode in the create transaction request
- MOBILE_SDK source in the 3DS flow
- Alternative Payment Method (PayPal) for GPEcom
- Added expMonth and expYear on test classes
- DCC tests updates
- Added more tests for fingerprint
- Added test for expiry card
- fix for set attributes exp month and exp year when updating a token
- use "IN_APP" entry_mode when creating a transaction with digital wallets (GP-API)
- Refactor reporting unit test (GP-API)
- Pass X509 Certificate by Base64 string (ProPay)
- Added ProPay transaction type 19, Get Enhanced Account Details (ProPay)
- Add Payment Link Id in the request for authorize (GP-API)
- Add Dynamic Currency Conversion feature for GP-API
- Fix issue for Diners card type (GP-ECOM)
- move RequestLogger to new structure
- fix FLEET card types on GP-ECOM
- Add Paypal alternative payment method to GpApi
- Fix Mater Card automatic card type detection
- Fix thread safe hash generation
- Added initial support for Unified Payments Application
- Update default GpApi version header
- Add Eci field to DigitalWallet
- Add Throw Exception on error to UpdateTokenExpiry and DeleteToken methods on Credit class
- Removed funding and cvv_indicator fields when not needed when calling GpApi
- Add Contactless Swipe entry mode
- Add ACH functionality
- Add Thread safe add/remove configuration on ServicesContainer
- Fix issue in v1.7.31 and up for eCheck auths on Portico/Heartland
- Add Multiple merchants to GpApi
- Add Entry Mode to GpApi
- Add Dynamic Headers to GpApi
- Add Digital Wallet to GpApi
- Add AvsResponse mappings to GpApi
- Add Fraud rules response to RealexHppClient
- Add Fraud Dynamic Rules to GpEcom
- Add amount and currency into Apple Pay hash generation for GpEcom
- Add Alternative payment method response mapping to GpEcom
- Add recurring payment with stored credentials functionallity to GpApi
- Add MerchantContactUrl to GpApiConfig
- Add "Netherlands Antilles" country codes
- Add phone and subscriber number validation for 3DS2
- Add search by deposit ID for settlement disputes on GpApi
- Add PAY_BY_BANK_APP as an alternative payment type
- Fix alternative payment method for charge on GPEcom
- NWS second phase:
- NWS Credit card transactions
- Giftcard and Fleet tested
- Changes specifically for Purchase cards, EWIC, ECheck, ReadyLink and Fleet
- Added DE 72 for POS site config
- Fixed issues with formatting and test data
- Update AVS tests
- Upgrade GpApi to March version
- Add support for single and multiple usage mode for tokenized cards
- Remove detokenization endpoint
- 3DSecure mapping updated to support liability shift to GpApi
- Add deposit date filter for find settlement disputes search to GpApi
- Add EBT functionallity to GpApi
- Add ability to remove gateway configurations by config name
- Add "encoded_method_data" field mapping to PayerAuthenticationRequest in Map3DSecureData
- Fix GpApi response mapping for null dates
- Add Itokenizable implementation to eCheck class
- Add MessageExtension property to ThreeDSecure class
- Add DepositDate and DepositReference to Settlement Dispute Summary response mapping
- Add SchemeReferenceData to GPEcom Transaction Detail Response mapping
- Add support for portico create customer functionallity with legacy credentials
- Add GP ECOM dynamic descriptor field
- Add support for Tokenize transaction type with Portico Gateway
- Update GP API access token not authenticated scenarios
- Add GP API 3DS builder stored credentials and properly map the data on each request
- Set global merchant country configuration where required
- Add enable exemption optimization on GP ECOM 3DS2 initiate authentication
- Add GP API close batch functionality
- Add GP API stored payment methods report
- Add GP API actions report
- Implement GP API transaction reauthorization
- Update GP API production url
- Move GP API 3DS tests service container to class initialize to make sure we reuse the same access token
- Fix GP API get settlement dispute detail with wrong id unit test
- Enable use GpEcom query command to get transaction details report
- Update GP API tokenize payment method and verify flows
- Enable limit the specific permissions the GP API access token will have
- Update GP API 3DS authentication flows
- Add GP API 3DS check availability request body fields
- Add GP API 3DS initiate authentication request body fields
- Add additional GP API transaction summary mappings
- Remove GP API disputes and settled disputes filter by adjustment funding
- Remove GP API disputes and settled disputes filter by from adjustment time created and to adjustment time created
- Enhance GP API transactions reports and settled transactions reports
- Check if GP API token is not set to create a tokenized payment method
- Clear GP API card token on detokenize to prevent error creating transactions from that card object
- Check GP API 3DS not enrolled response code and let the flow throw the exception in other case