GloboDNS server:
- git >= 1.7
- openssl
- openssl-devel
- openssh-server
- openssh-client
- rsync
- mysql-server >= 5.1.73
- mysql-devel >= 5.1.73
- mysql-shared >= 5.1.73
- bind >= 9.9.2
- ruby >= 1.9.3
- rvm >= (it's not mandatory)
- rubygems >= 1.3.7
- bundler >= 1.0.0
- all gems in Gemfile (bundle install)
- http server
- sudo
- gcc
- gcc-c++
- gnupg
Bind server:
- bind >= 9.9.2 (already configured and running)
- bind-chroot
- rsync
In order to install GloboDNS in your enviroment you'll need to follow the steps bellow, please don't skip any step!
1. User and groups
On the bind server, the user running the API needs to have the same uid and gid and also be member of the Bind (named daemon) group. * Note: GloboDNS processes the files on your own machine and then transfer the desired files already modified through rsync to the bind server. So you need to make this access possible and take care of your specific file permissions.
my GloboDNS server:
$ id globodns
uid=12386(globodns) gid=12386(globodns) groups=25(named),12386(globodns)
$ id named
uid=25(named) gid=25(named) groups=25(named)
$groups globodns named
globodns : globodns named
named : named
my bind server:
$id globodns
uid=12386(globodns) gid=12386(globodns) groups=12386(globodns),25(named)
$id named
uid=25(named) gid=25(named) groups=25(named)
$ groups globodns named
globodns : globodns named
named : named
2. Copy project
Clone the project into the desired path.
$ git clone globodns
3. Install all requirements gems
Install all dependencies with bundle, if you don't use rvm, please skip next 2 comands
# rvm install 1.9.3
$ rvm --create use 1.9.3@globodns
$ cd globodns
$ bundle install --deployment --without=test,development
4. Setup your bind configurations
In the "config/globodns.yml" file, you will find all configurations parameter to make GloboDNS work properly with your own Bind specifications.
development: &devconf
bind_master_user: 'named'
bind_master_host: 'my_bind_server'
bind_master_ipaddr: 'my_bind_ip_address'
... (cont.) ...
5. Database configuration
In config/database.yml you can set the database suitable for you.
adapter: mysql2
database: globodns
hostname: localhost
username: root
6. Sudoers file
GloboDNS uses 'named-checkconf' command to verify configuration file syntax, this command has to be called as 'root' user. For that reason, we need to allow user 'globodns' to run this command as root on sudoers file.
# visudo
And insert this line on that
globodns ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/named-checkconf
TIP:Not at the end of the file (just above root configuration)
7. Bind Server pre requisites
- ssh keys
Additionally you have to generate a public/private rsa key pair (ssh-keygen) for 'globodns' user in GloboDNS server. Copy this public key ($HOME/.ssh/ to 'globodns' user in BIND server ($HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys).
This step is necessary to transfer files from GloboDNS to Bind server without the need to enter a password.
TIP: To do this task easily use the command ssh-copy-id :)
bind confs
Logged in as 'root' user on bind server, run these following commands:
# mv /etc/named.conf /etc/named # ln -s /etc/named/named.conf /etc/named.conf # rndc-confgen -s <BIND_ADDRESS>
After run 'rndc-confgen' command, you have to follow the instructions from the 'rndc-confgen' command output.
The referred files from 'rndc-confgen' are:
- create '/etc/named/rndc.conf'
- edit '/etc/named/named.conf'
file permissions
# chown -R globodns.named /etc/named
Finally, you have to start your bind server:
# service named start
8. Prepare the database
Now, you have to create the database schema, migrate and populate it.
An admin user will be create: TIP: Check if the mysql server is UP before the rake command
$ rake db:setup
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake globodns:chroot:create
9. Import bind files to GloboDNS
Given your bind server is already up and running and your "config/globodns.yml" was setup correctly, let's import all bind configurations into GloboDNS:
$ ruby script/importer --remote
10. Generating rndc key on GloboDNS
You have to generate a keyfile on GloboDNS to run 'rndc reload'. As root, run the following command on GloboDNS server:
# rndc-confgen -a -u globodns
11. Setup the webserver
Then you can setup up your favourite webserver and your preferred plugin (i.e. apache + passenger).
Use the 'public' directory as your DocumentRoot path on httpd server.
for your test, you can run:
$ bundle exec unicorn_rails
TIP: Problems ? SELinux and/or iptables are running ?
12. Using OAuth login
First you have to enable the use of OmniAuth at file config/application.rb.
config.omniauth = true
Add the provider settings at file config/initializers/omniauth.rb.
At app/controllers/application_controller.rb
3.1) Set the logout path
def logout sign_out current_user path = new_user_session_url client_id = Rails.application.secrets.oauth_provider_client_id redirect_to ""+ "?client_id=#{client_id}&redirect_uri=#{path}" # set providers logout uri end
3.2) Also, change "YourProvider" to your provider
resource =[:site]) # set the OAut hProvider
Add the provider configured in step 2 at the User model.
... devise :omniauthable, :omniauth_providers => [:oauth_provider] # change ':oauth_provider' ... def self.from_api(auth) ... if user.nil? ... provider: :oauth_provider, # also change ... else ... provider: :oauth_provider, # also change ...
Change the routes settings. Uncomment the following line and change 'oauthprovider' to the name of the OAuth provider.
# get 'auth/sign_in' => redirect('users/auth/oauthprovider'), :as => :new_user_session
Finally, you need to change the OmniauthCallbacksController.
Uncomment the whole function and do the necessary changes, such ass:
Also change
set_flash_message(:notice, :success, :kind => "<YOUR PROVIDER HERE>") if is_navigational_format?
session["devise.<YOUR_PROVIDER>_data"] = request.env["omniauth.auth"]
NOTE: You probably will need to add the OAuth provider gem at Gemfile.
13. Enabling TTL actions
At GloboDNS tags 1.7.9 or higher, there will be the feature of increasing TTL. There are two actions made:
- Increase TTL if the record updated date is 7 days ago. The TTL value will be multiplied by 3. This will occurs until it reaches the zone's default TTL.
- After create or edit a record, its TTL is set to 60 seeking to help rollback cases. (Note: if you need your TTL short and do not wont it to be increased after one week, you should set the TTL to 59 or less).
Enabling/disabling TTL actions 1) To enable the actions, you should set the variable 'increase_ttl' to 'true', at file 'config/globodns.yml' .
increase_ttl: true
Note: increase_ttl variable value is 'false' by default.
2) To enable cron to run 'increase_ttl' task, at the file config/schedule.rb, you should add the following snippet:
every do
rake "record:increase_ttl"
14. Enabling/disabling Domain Ownership
Domain ownership consists in a validation that verify if the user can manage the domain/record. The domain is associate to a Componente/Subcomponente ID (projetcs) and GloboDNS will verify if the user is associate to those IDs.
1) The domain ownership info is validate at the 'lib/domain_ownership.rb' file. if you want to use this feature, you must fill the methods that exists in the lib file with the appropritate code.
2) To enable the verification, you should set the variable 'increase_ttl' to 'true', at file 'config/globodns.yml' .
increase_ttl: true
Note: increase_ttl variable value is 'false' by default.