This topic will help you create a workload with a specified configuration.
Workload configuration options include:
- Source code to build
- Runtime resource limits
- Environment variables
- Services to bind
tanzu apps workload create [name] [flags]
tanzu apps workload create my-workload --git-repo
tanzu apps workload create my-workload --local-path . --source-image registry.example/respository:tag
tanzu apps workload create --file workload.yaml
--app name application name the workload is a part of
--debug put the workload in debug mode, --debug=false to disable
--dry-run print kubernetes resources to stdout rather than apply them to the cluster, messages normally on stdout will be sent to stderr
--env "key=value" pair environment variables represented as a "key=value" pair, or "key-" to remove. This flag may be specified multiple times
-f, --file file path file path containing the description of a single workload, other flags are layered on top of this resource
--git-branch branch branch within the git repo to checkout
--git-commit SHA commit SHA within the git repo to checkout
--git-repo url git url to remote source code
--git-tag tag tag within the git repo to checkout
-h, --help help for create
--image image pre-built image, skips the source resolution and build phases of the supply chain
--label "key=value" pair label is represented as a "key=value" pair, or "key-" to remove. This flag may be specified multiple times
--limit-cpu cores the maximum amount of cpu allowed, in CPU cores (500m = .5 cores)
--limit-memory bytes the maximum amount of memory allowed, in bytes (500Mi = 500MiB = 500 * 1024 * 1024)
--live-update put the workload in live update mode, --live-update=false to disable
--local-path path path on the local file system to a directory of source code to build for the workload
-n, --namespace name kubernetes namespace (defaulted from kube config)
--param "key=value" pair additional parameters represented as a "key=value" pair, or "key-" to remove. This flag may be specified multiple times
--service-ref object reference object reference for a service to bind to the workload "", or "database-" to delete. This flag may be specified multiple times.
--source-image image image containing source code to build
--tail show logs while waiting for workload to become ready
--tail-timestamp show logs and add timestamp to each log line while waiting for workload to become ready
--type type distinguish workload type
--wait waits for workload to become ready
--wait-timeout duration timeout for workload to become ready when waiting (default 10m0s)
-y, --yes accept all prompts
--context name name of the kubeconfig context to use (default is current-context defined by kubeconfig)
--kubeconfig file kubeconfig file (default is $HOME/.kube/config)
--no-color disable color output in terminals
-v, --verbose int32 number for the log level verbosity (default 1)
- Tanzu Apps Workload - Workload lifecycle management