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143 lines (131 loc) · 3.11 KB

File metadata and controls

143 lines (131 loc) · 3.11 KB

Type Conversion

type conversion func
* robotgo.Bitmap -> robotgo.CBitmap robotgo.ToCBitmap()
robotgo.Bitmap -> *image.RGBA robotgo.ToRGBAGo()
* robotgo.CBitmap -> C.MMBitmapRef robotgo.ToMMBitmapRef()
robotgo.CBitmap -> robotgo.Bitmap robotgo.ToBitmap()
robotgo.CBitmap -> image.Image robotgo.ToImage()
robotgo.CBitmap -> *image.RGBA robotgo.ToRGBA()
* C.MMBitmapRef -> robotgo.CBitmap robotgo.CBitmap()
* image.Image -> robotgo.Bitmap robotgo.ImgToBitmap()
image.Image -> robotgo.CBitmap robotgo.ImgToCBitmap()
image.Image -> []byte robotgo.ToByteImg()
image.Image -> string robotgo.ToStringImg()
* *image.RGBA -> robotgo.Bitmap robotgo.RGBAToBitmap()
* []byte -> image.Image robotgo.ByteToImg()
[]byte-> robotgo.CBitmap robotgo.ByteToCBitmap()
[]byte -> string string()
* string -> image.Image robotgo.StrToImg()
string -> byte []byte()


	"A-Z a-z 0-9"

	"up"		Up arrow key
	"down"		Down arrow key
	"right"		Right arrow key
	"left"		Left arrow key


	"cmd"		is the "win" key for windows
	"lcmd"		left command
	"rcmd"		right command
	// "command"
	"lalt"		left alt
	"ralt"		right alt
	"lctrl"		left ctrl
	"rctrl"		right ctrl
	"lshift"	left shift
	"rshift"	right shift
	// "right_shift"
	"printscreen"      // No Mac support
	"menu"				Windows only

	"audio_mute"		Mute the volume
	"audio_vol_down"	Lower the volume
	"audio_vol_up"		Increase the volume
	"audio_prev"		Previous Track
	"audio_next"		Next Track
	"audio_rewind"      Linux only
	"audio_forward"     Linux only
	"audio_repeat"      Linux only
	"audio_random"      Linux only



	// // "numpad_0"		No Linux support
	// "numpad_0"
	// "numpad_1"
	// "numpad_2"
	// "numpad_3"
	// "numpad_4"
	// "numpad_5"
	// "numpad_6"
	// "numpad_7"
	// "numpad_8"
	// "numpad_9"
	// "numpad_lock"

	"lights_mon_up"		 Turn up monitor brightness					No Windows support
	"lights_mon_down"	 Turn down monitor brightness				No Windows support
	"lights_kbd_toggle"	 Toggle keyboard backlight on/off			No Windows support
	"lights_kbd_up"		 Turn up keyboard backlight brightness		No Windows support
	"lights_kbd_down"	 Turn down keyboard backlight brightness	No Windows support