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0 how to create property binding in a visual webgui silverlight control
1 videoplayer silverlight controls videoplayer videoplayer silverlight controls version 1 0 0 0 culture neutral publickeytoken null
2 our continuing strategic priority is to provide a safe and efficient group of airports while pursuing development opportunities which improve the air transport network serving the region
3 our results for the year demonstrate that we have delivered against these targets and ensured that our airports have continued to play a central role in the economic and social life of the highlands and islands and tayside
4 every time i visit a fishing community in scotland i am asked to take steps to protect fishing rights for future generations
5 est o lan ados os dados para que possamos ser os actores principais do nosso futuro a viagem n o terminou
6 manter a rede energizada enquanto for a pessoa indicada para o fazer
7 foi uma promessa que fiz hoje quinta feira ao presidente da rep blica que esteve presente no encontro
8 independente para que n o haja confus o com interesses privados
9 a inclus o social de outros talentos de outras partes do mundo que portugal seja um local atraente para que todos os que est o l fora queiram vir para aqui
10 it is no longer feasible or affordable to purchase the most capable multi mission platform and then limit its use to execute tailored mission areas or focus on specific threats as asymmetric threats continue to evolve so will traditional threats the navy must find affordable and adaptable ways to fill current and future warfighting gaps
11 a capable ship which meets the requirements for which it was designed
12 the ddg 1000 cannot perform area air defense specifically it cannot successfully employ the standard missile sm 2 sm 3 or sm 6 and is incapable of conducting ballistic missile defense although superior in littoral asw the ddg 1000 lower power sonar design is less effective in the blue water than ddg 51 capability ddg 1000s advanced gun system ags design provides enhanced naval fires support capability in the littorals with increased survivability however with the accelerated advancement of precision munitions and targeting excess fires capacity already exists from tactical aviation and organic usmc fires unfortunately the ddg 1000 design sacrifices capacity for increased capability in an area where navy already has and is projected to have sufficient capacity and capability
13 for four weeks between may and june we had decc officers on 24 hour call in the field to respond to resident odour complaints and to monitor contributing factors such as location and wind
14 during the course of our investigations we located one industry where the odour controls were not working correctly and we are now making sure that the company rectifies this
15 both of these businesses are co operating with decc staff to help eliminate any potential contributions they may be making towards rutherfords odour issues and thats a very positive outcome
16 we were able to analyse four samples from our odour capturing canisters used during the survey however none of these came from residential areas and with the exception of the samples obtained from hunter water corporations sewer system were in fact typical of busy roads
17 based on the diversity of complaints both in odour types and location we knew that this would not be a simple matter of finding one single source instead it is most likely a combination of processes from a combination of industries
18 hopefully by working with the industries in rutherford to ensure that the correct odour controls are in place we can eliminate the offensive smells as much as possible
19 just notice your breath repeatedly constantly start with a few minutes do it regularly daily everyday no days off if you miss a day dont ruminate too much just pick it up and start again keeping it regular is very important it will bring order and a restfulness to your life off of the cushion as it were
20 i would like to speak a moment about this concept of community as a meditator you are not alone you are not selfish because you take the time to notice your thoughts in fact you will come to see if you sit with any real regularity and commitment that your time sitting will alter maybe even transform your life with others in very beneficial harmonious ways i do not want to give you the impression that everything will be perfect and pleasant henceforward no this is not any humans reality that i have met and i have met the lowest and the highest of the caste no i just wanted to make certain that you heard the report from the front lines as it were that you are not alone ever never no how
21 there is nothin like that crack of the bat at the park it is probably my favorite sound of the park its not the same on broadcast no matter what kind of system you put it through ambience echo cracker jacks i dont care if i ever get back
22 yah i picked this white one up last year i wear it when i think they are going to win i wear the grey when they are destined to lose i think ill have to wear the grey one more
23 so do you find you get more comments from people when you were either color
24 yah definetly the white one gets more guys staring at me those boys sneer occasionally at the grey one but the white one is more noticeable much more piratey looking if they ever drop the price on em or do another one hey maybe you and viv could do one with maybe less quality ah but youd probably go in the other direction and line em with sensors well maybe all i am saying is they could take off as a weird trend
25 exactly ok so what are your top ten fenway sounds today
26 in no particular order no wait i think i can order them
27 common ma can i get a coffee i am too old enough to drink
28 hey braid what can you tell me about the whereabouts of a guy named rockrock ring any bells
29 ya rockrock viv must have let on to you about the package i received the other day it was dropped in at her uncles place im not certain how anyone knew we were there but it was clearly for me for us and there was a picture the picture was of cocoa and me taken about a month ago
30 compro what no we were just having a snack down by the harbor
31 i mean anything technologically compromising like maybe how did that photo get taken without either of you knowing it was being taken that kind of compromising
32 oh yah well since you put it that way yes very compromising
33 oh in that instance yah i think i know who this rockrock person maybe
34 police are of the opinion that although the options of avos and the like are being pursued it will not deter those persons residing in willow drive from harassing the couple
35 police are fearful that the violence may get out of hand and the best way to avoid this is through relocation
36 vet tenants more thoroughly and not use our area as a dumping ground for troublemakers
37 but it wasnt like that for us last christmas when all my kids presents were broken or stolen and our house was damaged by fire
38 we had been out on christmas day returning to find our house had been trashed
39 we had been inside for only a few minutes before people began throwing bricks at the building
40 i ran out with my 18 month old baby in my arms my other children following
41 the taxi driver waiting for us was astonished at what was happening
42 our families are all safe now and i want nothing from anybody
43 but i feel i must speak up now or i will have it on my conscience forever if i keep quiet and someone is killed in willow drive
44 living there can be a nightmare and i feel so sorry for people who still live with all those troubles
45 i was targeted because i am against drugs so i became the worst person in the world to many people there
46 no one in the street will talk to police because they are so frightened
47 people are fighting all over the place and it is getting out of hand
48 the department of housing is putting bad people in here without checking on their past history
49 my idea of hell is being photographed so maybe we can consider this my therapy session but im really looking forward to seeing how the artists view me because hopefully theyll be kinder to me than i am on myself and thats part of the therapy
50 ive been listening to carol on the radio for years but ive never seen her so this has been a great experience
51 because when you listen to someone on the radio for quite some time you can get a preconceived idea of what the face on the end of that voice may look like
52 one of the things that makes it okay is that as opposed to being photographed youre being captured by someone else the only view of a photograph is the one you put on it yourself so this is my opportunity to see what other people see
53 also how often in life do you get to do something like this my reaction to the whole thing has been yes then no yes then no but its a great privilege i mean when was the last time someone rang up and said hey can i paint your head
54 and for people who have life long self esteem problems i think something like this helps even if they turn you inside out and flip you on your head
55 this is why i work in radio and not television
56 participants involved in this activity can look back proudly on their achievements knowing that their contribution created ongoing benefit to their community through assisting with the presentation and profile of a major tourist attraction of the hunter
57 get some training interact with other people and build their self esteem
58 the gaol is a state icon and the work for the dole project has not only been good for the participants in terms of giving them useful trade skills but its made an enormous contribution to the site
59 this course is slightly different its going to have a little more emphasis on problem solving and negotiation skills
60 it will give men better skills and strategies for resolving conflict so it doesnt escalate into something else
61 its for men in close domestic relationships through to men having problems in their workplace unemployed to professional people
62 younger men are more open to it i think its happening slowly
63 women are encouraged to talk about their feelings where men arent
64 this workshop will help men to identify and acknowledge what their feelings are
65 it was a bit of a surprise it just arrived
66 its a difficult thing for disability business services to market to the community because were so diverse and the community dont really have an understanding of what we do
67 the funding is a good recognition from the government that this is a worthwhile venture
68 disability services like mai wel need to market themselves and sometimes they have a limited capacity to do so
69 this is a one off grant to up their activity on the marketing side
70 this of course will hopefully grow their business and provide greater opportunities for them to expand
71 theres nothing more important in disability services than providing the challenge and opportunity to work in mainstream australia
72 the staff are very excited about going in as are the residents and the families
73 it brings us right up and into the 21st century
74 benhome provides a wonderful service to the local community and this further enhances what theyre able to do
75 all governments are appreciative of not for profit organisations like the one here helping to engage the local community in the financial support of these facilities
76 there shouldnt be any greater priority for government than to take care of elderly australians those who have contributed so much to the development of the nation
77 weve got a rapidly ageing population so governments generally are going to have to look in the future at investing more into aged care facilities
78 weve got an intergenerational challenge ahead of us to support older australians
79 it the care of elderly australians has to be a big focus theres no doubt that greater investments are required
80 when i started here 11 years ago we didnt have a call for it
81 about eight years ago it was identified and we put an eight bed unit in place
82 hey how about you repay me by buyin me one of these cards
83 yah yah he burst look see ive been payin down on this ted williams card for a couple years now all i need is another twenty two bucks and it mine sweet ted mister did you know he is last guy to hit over 400
84 well yah of course i do everyone knows that ya little squirt is that why you want the card
85 no i want the card cuz he is coming back and i want to get him to autograph it for me wouldnt that be something id be rich if i could get his autograph on his card
86 well yah of course hes all frozen proper like out there in the desert or dessert alcor is the place its only a few miles from my grandparents place googled it anyway ted and his head are just waiting and when he is ready he is coming back and ill be right there when he walks out of the facility flashes blazing like the fourth of july me calm like i will ill be there and ill get him to sign the card so mister can you help me get the card step up man i wont tell your wife about this vi dame
87 so do you know this rockrock person and what does the photo have to do with this
88 ya see back in the day i worked a few non commercial stations in new york boston and middle america this guy sounds pretty familiar but the degredation of the tape is muckin with my memory its throwing me off a bit it could have been a very good friend of mine using an alias and the tape warble is weird too ya know the whole alias alternate name thing that is the norm these days with so many folk in the online world was pretty much confined to terrestrial broadcast radio back then of course way back to the dawn of broadcast radio there were stage names and ghost writers but with radio the first mass electronic media fake names or alias were really something different the alive quality the live broadcast nature of the medium coupled with the intimacy of the audio in the ear of the listener really shifted persona frontin to a whole new realm
89 mr radio historia phila dr ya know could you just answer the question who is this guy
90 blaaaah ok so do you have any idea wait check that question how about will you be able to figure out who and what and why this recording was dropped here i mean it was literally airmailed and was that an eno track followed by firesign
91 well if that is me then why dont i remember
92 coop you had a pretty tough time out in california didnt you
93 well yah i suppose it was a tough year we flew and jumped a lot and i did hit the trees a few times more than i can ever remember doin in the past i think
94 well yah i would say that at least four or five times a season someone now not always someone sitting in my seats but someone within a few seats gets hit usually you dont see the blood but usually you dont have someone wearing a white silk top to the game silk really shows off blood
95 hey if you dont mind me asking braid how often do you sell your seats what you have had those season tickets for twenty or is it 30 years now
96 actually coop i only sit in my seats if it is the playoffs i sell or give away the seats to every regular season game i clear at least seventy six thousand a year selling the seats
97 yup it is a bit weahd but hey i actually prefer to stand and mill about during the game more action better people watching
98 well ya coop i been here a long time paid my dues sat through hundreds of games of sorrow with the sox have paid well maybe not hundreds but tens of thousands for tickets over the years keeping the season tickets in the fold and now well i deserve to make some of it back whilst the pink hats and silk patrons pay the gs for the seats
99 people watching indeed braid indeed get it while you can
100 hey can i have my antenna back im gettin a lot of echo
101 coop look i gotta go check on my patrons see if the silk splattered one is ok theyre calling me down hey let me just give ya a tip stay out of the tree climbing and try and dig up some of your old airchecks they will probably remind and jog a lot of memories for you and help explain the package delivery
102 you know where to find me and get rid of that wack snogue gear it cant be good for your rehab
103 hes been on the lam for four years and we were initially told he fled to mexico
104 from the information i got he was hiding keeping a very low profile
105 weve seen evidence for this water ice before in observations by the mars odyssey orbiter and in disappearing chunks observed by phoenix last month but this is the first time martian water has been touched and tasted
106 phoenix is healthy and the projections for solar power look good so we want to take full advantage of having this resource in one of the most interesting locations on mars
107 were excited because surprises are where discoveries come from one surprise is how the soil is behaving the ice rich layers stick to the scoop when poised in the sun above the deck different from what we expected from all the mars simulation testing weve done that has presented challenges for delivering samples but were finding ways to work with it and were gathering lots of information to help us understand this soil
108 its a 30 watt light bulb giving us a laser show on mars
109 the details and patterns we see in the ground show an ice dominated terrain as far as the eye can see
110 they help us plan measurements were making within reach of the robotic arm and interpret those measurements on a wider scale
111 ahh you know how it goes just lookin but thanks doll
112 you know i hear that hundreds of times a day but
113 she has a yankees tattoo she has a yankees tattoo
114 ding ding you win that sure is funny way to tell a lady you like her new tattoo
115 well actually viv i dont like your tattoo nope not one bit well may nah i dont really care for tattoos especially ones located their girlfriend that is just too obvious
116 oh right i understand your one of them classy joes
117 what in the hell are you doing with the beyond yesterday primitivistic shite
118 well big boy gimme a chance and lets find out together
119 you aint seen but half of it and you clearly
120 wow i did not think you were going in that direction ever going to ever do that
121 yah im full of surprises and empty of inhibition hey i never thought youd get that freakish implant either coop so you goin to the game you meeting braid
122 hell be there he wouldnt miss it i mean hey is cocoa with you coop i been hearing some stuff about a package a blimp some stuff
123 great thatll be swell then i really need to talk with him
124 the japanese who show up here actually buy the regular stuff its the college kids that tend to buy the japanese language stuff
125 but i we will be there no earlier than midnight viv
126 swell coop your a genius in research well have a real nice or maybe not so nice
127 morning hopefully youll get to the bottom of this mystery
128 we are committed to ensuring that the products that come into america are safe for consumers and that the regulating agencies have what they need in order to do their job
129 we still have a few concerns but not enough that would keep us from signing the bill
130 so the president will sign that as soon as they can get it to us
131 i have a responsibility to ensure that our state has enough money to pay its bills this is not an action that i take lightly
132 i have nothing to eat son i have been sleeping without food for days
133 hope is the power that gives us the power to step out and try
134 do you think i ever woke up in the morning surveyed my apartment and said maybe ill crank the tunes and jump on my couch for a while i dont think so
135 amazing wonderful and in most cases untrue stories about myself
136 a prototypical child of the electronic age he knows how to use the sound bite he will give you a sentence that will be tailored for you to put into your news broadcast he is a child of the age in that sense
137 this path im on now is only something i arrived at after having fully explored my own dickiness
138 why certain undisclosed charities would give money to pay overhead for what is essentially a charitable conduit
139 williams insists that whenever a person gives money for a particular charity 100 per of that money gets to the named beneficiary that may be true but it does not mitigate the fact that the vast majority of the overall money collected during 2006 went to administration
140 we charge nothing for donations collected online and even cover the credit card costs associated with each donation we rely on the support of generous donors and advertisers to provide this service
141 we have a responsibility to scrutinize all charitable endeavours to ensure that we are getting decent value for our dollar
142 the point of this letter is to emphasize both the general and specific importance of all of us making the effort to sign up so that our organs may be used after our death by others for whom they can be the gift of life and for the extra courageous and hearty there are organ and bodily donations that can happen while we are alive many people wait on lists desperately hoping for this miracle and any of us may find ourselves or a close loved one in need at some point in ourlives the sad fact is that a small fraction of the population has signed up to make such donations possible at least by the laws in bc without that few moments of paperwork our body parts will simply go to the grave or crematorium that follows and sign up asap if you live in another jurisdiction take a few minutes and find out how you can do the same consider forwarding this email to your friends your facebook site your network post on your blog or however you prefer lets create a wave of donors
143 hey it looks like this package is somehow attached to the dog
144 this package that you dragged me out to see it has this weird filament attached to it and it is attached to the dog
145 hey this stringy stuff is really weird its like really super strong and almost feels like silk hey did spiderman drop this package off or something
146 censorship is anathema to the very spirit of the olympic games which celebrates diversity emphasizes mutual respect and demands dispassionate unadulterated representation of each competition
147 china had promised to provide media covering the games with the same access and freedoms enjoyed at all other olympic games
148 the ioc cannot sacrifice the olympic ideals in the name of harmony with its host city
149 a lot of the money raised by givemeaning ends in my pocket
150 i have stumbled from one business and personal failure to another
151 the problem with the bible is that its had too many wikipedia edits
152 indeed i did young man wow it was a classic really still to this day one of the best comebacks ever
153 you know i remember watchin the game back in the early summer of 08 and it was just devastating couldnt believe it i was there sittin behind and beside jack and he was just so damn quiet damn quiet and arms folded steaming i mean he was having his usual crackin time at the game but he was beside himself by the time the laker had lost their 24 point lead in the forth quarter lost the lead in their own house their own court jacks own hardwood drinkin bottled water i thought hed pull his barker out and start shootin up the joint
154 hey uncle ank would you like any coffee or juice this morning
155 aaah ok doll ill have some of that pomegran night and cranberry
156 ya pomegran night and cranberry man that ray allen he played the entire game that game and and he had one of the most beautiful smooth as pond ice isolation driving layups at the end of the game to totally empty la just gorgeous the iso started above the three point line so it really looked like hollywood movie type play unfortunately for la they cast the wrong guy to play one on one with in that game ray allen smooth
157 ok here is your juice ank so coop do you remember the game anks talkin about
158 well i remember the story celtics come back from a 20 something deficit in la in game four ray allen plays all 48 posey and house have huge contributions pierce and garnet their usual great and strong selves another amazing celtics lakers playoff game
159 oh come on coop it was not just another amazing playoff game
160 did you just say you were a competitive yoga fan cocoa
161 har har you were listening to me hey ank one of coops associated parachuted this package in this mornin and we are just dying to listen to this weird tape that came along with it do you mind
162 oh right right sorry to have interrupted kids ill take my juice and zilla and go see how the espalier are coming in
163 i asked as i adjusted the cart in the slot
164 said cocoa as she opened the silken wrap around her hips and let the sun shine in as we prepared to finally listen
165 yah i just found it looks kinda interesting and familiar
166 hey is that marblehead maybe around singing beach or is that
167 hey i know who and where that picture was taken
168 that photo you are cradling in your skimpily laced lap is
169 so coop which associate of yours would parachute a package to you on a sunday
170 well i know of a lot of people who would fancy the idea but those folks would be more interested in dropping bombs or incendiary devices which i guess could still be inside the package but there is only one person who would fashion a parachute from old radio station banners and drop it a total radio monkey but that person is dead or so i thought
171 yah lets open that after we get the food on the table i could kill for a plate of our eggs bacon and the asparagus what we have been waiting for for over what has it been two years three to eat from our own patch the package can wait a bit cant it
172 oh sure coop im not hungry anyway but you do look a bit pale you sure you ok that was quite a fall how is the new leg and ankle holding up
173 ok so can we now open that package that has been staring at me this whole dang breakfast
174 so coop is that it just a strange mix of shredded stuff
175 well that my lovely is a honest to goodness radio cart machine
176 a cart machine is a specialized auto cue quarter inch tape playing machine commonly used in radio broadcasting through the dawn of computer digital playing mechanisms
177 woe spock that is quite enough fine i get it so who and why would someone send you this thing
178 well i was known by some folk to have an uncommon love for the things
179 ok so coop honey why would someone send you one
180 just look at this thing it weighs about ten pounds it has real plastic buttons and it smells like a cybernetic dinosaur nice oil i bet this is pure marvelous oil in some ways these machines remind me of my 3g iphone
181 coop look my power points are getting burnt out here with all the uv today i just need to know if you need any help with anything else im about done hearing about the cart machine as it will be a while until you clue me into what led caused or who did this parachute drop thing you can unravel your package yourself unravel your package hey actually i think your own package may be getting burned out here too your kimono is a bit loose hon
182 would you look at the heads on this deck they are in good shape i wonder
183 umm ok why i didnt fall that hard really hey this cart machine is actually attached to a battery powered supply already and here is a cartridge
184 i do believe this is important that we dont make what is already a crowded and difficult environment for the traveling public and flight attendants
185 you are trying to legislate courtesy folks and that just doesnt work
186 it s easy to use and it offers a lot of applications
187 i can t wait to actually see it in use in the field
188 the real beauty of it is that the technology has been designed so that anyone who hasn t had any training on it can use it
189 the government of japan believes that stringent measures taken to relieve the two officers showed a serious stance from the u s side in regards to the fire
190 the government of japan understands that the navys investigation was conducted professionally and objectively
191 we are stunned and cant help feeling shivers going down our spines
192 for local stuff i dont drive as much ill get on a train
193 ill take the free garrison bus from panzer casern to patch barracks to do grocery shopping
194 my kids take the bus whenever they need to go to the hub a teen hangout at patch barracks or to a movie
195 you do quite a bit of driving when you live out here
196 i havent noticed us cutting down we have a hybrid for our other car and that helps
197 well never see 2 a gallon again id be happy to see 3
198 by pricing gas using a market based system were able to be more consistent with gas prices
199 taking into consideration the spiking price of oil and the weak value of the dollar to the euro this surcharge is being reviewed
200 we will make every effort to ensure the surcharge is the amount required to cover overhead costs nothing more nothing less
201 and if they thought there was any profit theyd be on us like a ton of bricks
202 we are purchasing the fuel in euros and the overhead costs often are paid in euros
203 please take into consideration whilst the price of oil increases the purchasing value of the dollar has decreased 37 percent in five years on our side had the dollar remained as it were five years ago we would be paying 37 percent less
204 we kept the patient comfortable with high doses of antibiotics and painkillers but medevac was the only option we had for definitive treatment
205 network comprised of machines under the control of a single user
206 criminal activity such as spam e mail identity theft denial of service attacks and spreading malware to other machines on the internet
207 i havent seen any reservations canceled yet that we have made
208 it is quite a busy time but most of the carriers we use are american carriers anyway
209 for the temporary duty or transferring travelers hopefully they will be ok when going to the states
210 maybe later if the strike keeps going it could be worse
211 years of inaction at the dod continue to speak volumes about senior leaderships commitment to our servicemembers and civil servants
212 when it comes to sexual assault in the military the dod has absolutely no credibility
213 even one sexual assault violates the very essence of what it means to be a soldier
214 i can assure you the army treats this very very seriously
215 civilians are not afforded the same protections as active duty military personnel after suffering an assault
216 if i knew then what i know now i cant say for sure i would have reported it
217 we keep thinking that the dod would get it by now but they dont
218 were looking at about a 2 billion price tag for relocation and building an entirely new line
219 if you add more train miles to a route for the railroad youll make trucking more attractive than railroad service so if thats the case youll have more trucks on the roads and people dont want to see that
220 this was a pretty serious safety issue that we are going to correct
221 loss of confidence in his ability to command and his failure to meet mission requirements and readiness standards
222 we found cigarette butts where we shouldnt have found them
223 the fire and the subsequent magnitude of the fire were the result of a series of human acts that could have been prevented
224 so nobody really thinks that bush or mccain have a real answer for the challenges we face so what theyre going to try to do is make you scared of me you know hes not patriotic enough hes got a funny name you know he doesnt look like all those other presidents on those dollar bills you know hes risky thats essentially the argument theyre making
225 americans want a respectful campaign people say negative ads move numbers they may but do we have to go to the lowest common denominator i dont think so
226 we need to provide ore to the construction side of the operation to then commission the plant
227 we shouldve by now already started that process but because of the delay in terms of relocating the power diversion around this property we now are out of kilter with what it is we should be doing in preparation for the mining
228 it is wonderful to see many grape varieties collecting medals indicating the region can produce wine that is as good as any in australia
229 i congratulate peter and anne jeffery of spring ridge on their trophy for the best chardonnay of the show which has consolidated cowras position as one of the top chardonnay regions in australia
230 the best local wine of the show went to a shiraz and silver medals were won by viognier and semillon among the bronze medals we had a merlot cabernet sauvignon chardonnay shiraz shiraz viognier verdelho and a chardonnay semillon blend
231 bathurst forming a menshed in bathurst is a good idea
232 we have seen our membership jump from 30 members to 80 and many have formed great friendships
233 we would like to see the youth come here and we could teach them how to build and create things we are looking to do an outreach course with tafe so people can learn how to use computers and we may have work for the dole people come here as well
234 you can really see the progression the involvement and desire by the members to help young people is just fantastic and almost seems like a natural thing for groups like menshed to do
235 we have received several grants and some of that money will be used to purchase new computers
236 while its hot and dry the water supply level is very solid
237 most people dont realize the impact cattle has on the state economy
238 its the largest agricultural industry in the state and right now theres a rise in ranchers who feel they need to cut their losses
239 he told me he hadnt played offensive line since middle school i tell you what junior guard nick charles and a couple of those older kids have done a good job just kind of crash coursing him
240 he can move and he can bend and hes aggressive
241 it gives him a little bit better chance to play
242 i just dont think you can have a bunch of quarterbacks i think youve got to pick who your top two or three are and those are the guys you need
243 weve got a lot of young guys so theres going to be a lot of anticipation a lot of guys ready to step up and play
244 so theres definitely a lot of emotion going around so thats good
245 this group will have a great work ethic and this group will have a great spirit about it
246 now what weve got to do is get to the point where we play well
247 this time last year we had a lot of them that were absolutely clueless because everything was new
248 just the difference a year makes in the system were light years from where we were terminology wise and mentally
249 youre able to get into a lot more detail sooner
250 last year you were just trying to teach them the big picture where at least now theyve got a little bit of a grasp of it and you can be a little more thorough
251 i want to make sure that were getting guys that you feel like really have a strong chance to be good players here
252 and i think each guy gets more repetitions each guy gets more teaching each guy gets more coaching
253 once we do put the bolts on the helmets if a guy hasnt earned them then hell be a bald falcon
254 the lighthouse and pier reflect and celebrate the long and storied history of lake champlain and the people who lived and worked on its waters and along its shores
255 we apologize for the inconvenience but are confident people will be very pleased when these facilities are restored to their previous grandeur and functionality
256 forget it lavanya she doesnt know he is leaving today
257 abhi i just cant imagine my life without her no dont roll eyes like that its not that simple as we used to think
258 no it cant be real i was in my flat last moment i remember no it cant be true how can i
259 ohh its just my mobile i threw on the niks bed
260 ohh i was about to tell you mom rohan just called me and asked to come to his room he has some new cds
261 i wonder if it hurts when i throw them at her
262 i will be there in few more minutes aadi please wait for me
263 how come you didnt notice me coming this time aadi
264 keeper ja da er du faktisk den andre keeperen vi har hatt her oppe p scenen som har triksa men det er kanskje ikke s trygt ha en keeper som trikser for da pluttselig s stor du der og trikser i m l og pluttselig s bare v
265 s gjorde han s nn greier med armer og bein og jeg fikk s j vlig latterkrampe oppe p scenen xd haha
266 i remember when bernard hopkins was challenging me and at that time i was a welterweight and he was fighting as a light heavyweight and he called me out
267 as a fighter i felt i had to challenge him so i did now manny pacquiao is challenging me and i am definitely considering it
268 we were watching an espn 2 show a few weeks ago and they mentioned that brian minto amp kevin johnson were two of the top five american heavyweights but eddies name wasnt on the list come on now minto couldnt hit eddie with a handful of rice
269 i started bernard hopkins and i managed former super middleweight champion steve little and eddie has more natural talent than anyone i have managed
270 i see guys like ruiz valuev toney amp barrett getting opportunity after opportunity and that shuts out guys like me who lost one fight that i know i could have and should have won
271 james is a very fan friendly fighter whose body attack alone makes him entertaining every time out his vast wealth of amateur experience provides a solid foundation for him hes the type of fighter who adds value to every card he appears on
272 i love his body punching when you combine that with his tenacity in the ring it is hard to imagine him ever being in a bad fight
273 that shows me that james is a real fighter i hope to do lots more fights with him in the future he was willing to get right back on the horse against a guy who is not a pitty pat opponent
274 james is a very rugged and crowd pleasing fighter he sells a lot of tickets and has a lot of enthusiastic fans he generates excitement
275 theres no doubt that james can come back and be a world champion someday hes very strong willed and has a ton of guts and determination ill be rooting for him hes a dynamite fighter and a great guy
276 this time last year i was supposed to be fighting a legitimate ex champ in kassim ouma on a pay per view undercard
277 that fight got cancelled but this time im in against a more respected ex champ in vernon forrest a future hall of famer and our fight is the co feature so its an even bigger fight
278 this time around were fighting on my side of the tracks which means ill come with more aggression and more machismo i know vernon will come with more hunger but im a young hungry undefeated champion now and im going to stay that way
279 he fought a great fight but he fought a vernon forrest who was at 45
280 i had a bad night that night i had a terrible night the worst of my career it was like i was fighting in quicksand but on sept 13th mora will fight the vernon forrest he expected in june ill be at 100
281 everyone who faces me says that the truth is that i have a difficult style and they find that out first hand when they fight me
282 all his style did was make for an ugly stinky fight to watch and it was even more ugly to participate in it takes two to make a good fight and i couldnt give anything to make it a good fight i felt like i stunk out the joint that night
283 its a misconception that i got old or that i took him lightly
284 this time ill limit how much ill train for the fight
285 i could have done more in the first fight because i knew what he was going to do its just that physically i couldnt adapt to what he did after four rounds i had nothing
286 hes a master at holding without the referee seeing he holds and he tries to headbutt and elbow on his way in he even kneed me in the chest during one clinch thats why i hit him behind the head so i could draw attention from the ref vernon knows every trick in the book
287 i think its going to be a more exciting fight this time
288 i see in his eyes that i hurt his pride by beating him
289 im going to be more aggressive im going to throw more right hands and go to the body im not going to hold back like i did the first time its mexican independence day weekend so i dont mind being a little macho or spilling a little blood
290 i knew it was going to happen the eventual stoppage of cotto ive sparred with margarito for years sometimes he has good days sometimes i have good days but its always a war with him
291 i remember the first time i sparred with him was in 1999 in oscar de la hoyas camp for ike quartey
292 its been our goal to continue to bring exciting las vegas style boxing to this area since the beginning five years ago we have worked tirelessly to entertain the great boxing fans of this area by putting together some of the most exciting fights out there this saturday will be a culmination of all the hard work we have put forth these past five years we are going to pay our respects to the past of one in a million and look towards the future
293 she knows about it people have told her but she hasnt seen it and she doesnt plan to
294 shes on tour with benji madden and isnt watching television and has not been on the internet
295 but shes already said shes not too happy about it
296 i have fought some rough and tough fighters but hes the dirtiest fighter there is
297 there was no way he was gonna beat me anyway
298 i was too smart too fast too experienced if i kept on hitting him i would have killed him
299 if perry thinks that hector did something illegal then it should be taken to appeal
300 he does absolutely anything to get you off your game
301 he head butted me so much i have a crack in the front of my skull
302 the video and my medical records will vindicate me 100 percent
303 and there you see him hit cotto when hes on the ground
304 you know that tito wouldnt have went out like that
305 workers at maxi made racial insults about the colour of my skin and remarked about working in the dark
306 after i made an official complaint to the management i found my lorry blocked in i dont know who did it but i believe it was done on purpose because i had complained i was victimised and harassed
307 det ska r da pressfrihet och full tillg ng till internet under os
308 alla godtyckliga regler st ller till problem f r befolkningen regeringen har g tt f r l ngt
309 perhaps the most flagrant violation of an individuals personal privacy rights
310 agree to videotape their most intimate moments with the sole and exclusive intent to sell him out by leaking a portion of the videotape to a tabloid internet website as a trailer and then to attempt to sell the full videotape to the highest bidder
311 come into his bedroom uninvited to harass and start arguments
312 forcefully by the arm held him against his will and did not let him get away from her
313 i saw her when i left today and she was calling me names and stuff so i cant get away from it
314 vytorin may not be safe its potential for cancer and cancer deaths may be a significant cause for concern among physicians and patients
315 believe that the finding in seas regarding cancer is likely to be an anomaly
316 we dont believe that changes in the clinical use of vytorin are warranted
317 gt el dramaturgo tom s urtus stegui asume la titularidad interina de la sogem
318 gt revoca el tepjf negativa del ife a crear un nuevo partido
319 or would mccain just be picking himself as his running mate
320 you got a nun between the two of you proves god has a sense of humor
321 last year the rough here was almost out of control this year the rough is very average and its part of an experiment theyre doing theyre trying to see if the rough height has any effect on scoring
322 im not saying its playing easy but the rough is not nearly as thick as it was last year
323 you fall in love with a golf course when you have a setup thats as wonderful as this
324 the greens are fast the pin placements are great the rough is challenging but fair and it lets you hit some recovery shots this year firestone is one of my favorite golf courses that we have on tour
325 family finances i do it the old fashioned way and leave it to my husband
326 ok lets start testing this water where the hell is it
327 the first bprd ad hoc field team hand picked by professor broom
328 i might as well be telling a science fiction story
329 writing supernatural stories there always has to be that level of things that happen that are beyond human comprehension
330 we met at the first wizard world texas quite some time ago
331 mike had moved to los angeles and was looking for a collaborator on 46 and i was already working with scott allie
332 we can sit down together and bat stuff together in person
333 i find ninety percent of what you do no one will ever see
334 hellboy is a character who is going someplace and i can hint about where hes going but i cant let you see it yet
335 he is not a filmmaker who is going to be slavish to the source material
336 my idea is that hellboy has been all over the world
337 i try not to write myself into a corner and allow things to expand even now every book i do im throwing certain pieces out there
338 we hit the level of shakespearean melodrama that i was really pleased with
339 theres a bit in christmas underground where an old ladys dying theres this one panel where hellboy puts his hand on top of her hand because he knows shes going to die and he knows theres nothing he can do about it and the best he can do is hold her hand
340 once you show how heaven works you really de mystify this stuff
341 to me heaven is always going to be over the horizon
342 its not like she was bit by a radioactive fire
343 para pengusaha menyadari ekonomi tidak boleh dipisahkan dari politik kepentingan bersama kami bangun di sini
344 pan itu dananya normal dibilang berlimpah nggak seret juga nggak
345 kelas konglomerat belum ada kalau ada yang mau gabung silakan
346 kebetulan ketua umum pan juga pengusaha jadi adalah sumbangan dari dia
347 sulit dihitung habis berapa karena kebutuhan tiap daerah pemilihan sudah ditutup caleg di semua tingkatan secara gotong royong
348 fund raising yang kami lakukan halal secara hukum agama dan politik
349 misalnya caleg kami di jawa barat punya teman direktur utama sebuah bank ya dibawa
350 saya sekarang produser film di astro jadi punya artis muda yang banyak nanti pada waktunya saya bilang eh saudara kan sudah saya bantu kerja sekarang bantu saya kampanye
351 para pengusaha menyadari ekonomi tidak boleh dipisahkan dari politik kepentingan bersama kami bangun di sini
352 pan itu dananya normal dibilang berlimpah nggak seret juga nggak
353 kelas konglomerat belum ada kalau ada yang mau gabung silakan
354 kebetulan ketua umum pan juga pengusaha jadi adalah sumbangan dari dia
355 sulit dihitung habis berapa karena kebutuhan tiap daerah pemilihan sudah ditutup caleg di semua tingkatan secara gotong royong
356 fund raising yang kami lakukan halal secara hukum agama dan politik
357 misalnya caleg kami di jawa barat punya teman direktur utama sebuah bank ya dibawa
358 saya sekarang produser film di astro jadi punya artis muda yang banyak nanti pada waktunya saya bilang eh saudara kan sudah saya bantu kerja sekarang bantu saya kampanye
359 there was no rage or anything he was like a robot stabbing the guy
360 we do have some what we can edit money economic development money incentive money as a possibility of using
361 the employees are involved in a huge way almost everyone at lilly is a part of the united way campaign there so there is the financial contribution but we have people who are participating in the campaign
362 police in winnipeg said thursday they do not know what triggered a vicious attack on a greyhound bus the night before that led to the beheading of a passenger witnesses say a man was stabbed to death and then decapitated in what appears to be a random act of violence on board the bus that was en route to winnipeg late wednesday
363 inovasi riset untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah produk perikanan dan kelautan
364 but it is an important piece and one that can make a difference in energy prices immediately
365 there is going to be a relaxing of the dress protocols and people are being encouraged to wear lighter clothing
366 i dont want to get involved in the fashion police of determining exactly what people can wear but the encouragement of business casual is where we are going
367 we have not accepted any of the proposals the government is now getting organised this is a normal process
368 this is not a question for me but for the prime minister it is the prime minister who is shaping the government
369 it is not my place to say how long this will take
370 this is not expected to have a negative impact on kyoto implementation
371 the focal point for kyoto questions remains the economy ministry as far as i know that hasnt changed
372 everybody sees china as this monster polluter but it is doing so much more than that
373 china is already leading in certain types of technologies in the power sector it is in clean coal solar wind in transport it is developing more efficient compact cars and electric cars
374 developed countries really need to demonstrate their sincerity demonstrate the feasibility of the solutions really demonstrate that they are serious about this
375 telling developing countries that they must do it when they themselves are not is just not acceptable
376 in china the top leadership are all of the same mindset china opened up 30 years ago but our economic miracle was driven by intense resource use that produced great pollution and recently unrest
377 that is fully understood the leadership has been thinking about a new pathway they know they cant repeat the path of the past they know it has to be clean it has to be more efficient low carbon has now been integrated into this new pathway
378 china has got the green message companies are making profits in pushing forward the low carbon economy
379 the thinking in china is that there is no doubt that in 20 or 30 years time china will be a world leader
380 if you can only have energy when the sun is shining youre in deep trouble and thats why in my opinion photovoltaics havent penetrated the market
381 if i could provide a storage mechanism then i make energy 24 7 and then we can start talking about solar
382 i can turn sunlight into a chemical fuel now i can use photovoltaics at night
383 opens up the door for developing new technologies for energy production thus reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and addressing the global climate change problem
384 on the oxygen side it doesnt work well and you have to put way more energy in than needed to get the oxygen out
385 its cheap its efficient its highly manufacturable its incredibly tolerant of impurity and its from earth abundant stuff
386 we could save all the oil that theyre talking about getting off drilling if everybody was just inflating their tires
387 obamas solution to americas energy crisis is inflating tires maybe hes been out of the country too long
388 running a tire 20 percent underinflated only 5 to 7 pounds per square inch psi can increase fuel consumption by 10 percent that can easily cost motorists two or three miles per gallon not only that but running underinflated also reduces the tires tread life
389 why do they act that way a survival guide to the adolescent brain for you and your teen
390 i know our generation is going to make it through life with jobs and being financially stable val but i worry about the children
391 you and i have made it growing up through the depression as children ourselves and as young adults through a world war our own parents certainly had cause to worry about us too
392 our kids will survive adapt to their surroundings and thrive in love and life as much as fate permits
393 im so excited im so anxious this is what ive been waiting for for a year
394 out of the two years weve been married we spent 5 months together
395 go to the beach with him go to chuck e cheeses and busch gardens
396 because we are not used to this kind of event just the gruesomeness of it is a bit like experiencing an earthquake the ground beneath you psychologically never feels quite secure again
397 people get so caught up in the memories of it it just affects who they are on a day to day basis
398 my government blew through my doors and killed my dogs
399 they thought we were drug dealers and we were treated as such i dont think they really ever considered that we werent
400 only celebrities like barack obama demand bottles of an organic brew black forest berry honest tea
401 i do have to ask my opponent is that the best you can come up with is that what is worthy of the american people
402 you know hes not patriotic enough hes got a funny name you know he doesnt look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills
403 barack obama has played the race card and he played it from the bottom of the deck its divisive negative shameful and wrong
404 he can inspire the country to greatness this tomfoolery needs to stop
405 because we have research and development expertise and focus on 10 disease states
406 i dont think wed like to be exclusively biotech but were certainly moving more in that direction
407 there are an awful lot of biotechs with market capitalizations under 1 billion
408 we are reviewing it and once weve had a chance to do that well consider whether the decision should be appealed
409 ill vote for obama because we need a democrat in the white house
410 the best way that we can stand up for you is to make sure we have a democratic president taking the oath of office on jan 20 2009
411 seen his passion his determination his grace and his grit
412 there are a lot of folks still on the sidelines trying to make up their minds
413 if were going to have a president that respects unions
414 theres quite a few of us on the fence im not the only one a lot of her supporters are there
415 right now obama is saying shes low on the list well decide what to do if he doesnt choose her
416 i was thinking she would win and she slid back and i was really disappointed
417 i definitely want to see a democrat in the white house
418 he wasnt my first choice but thats the choice now
419 she stood strong and tall and im glad shes supporting barack obama
420 she has integrity and shes a lady of her word
421 they have to focus on electing a democrat mccain is not union friendly
422 if youre electing him youre putting bush back in the white house
423 weve now touched it and tasted it and id like to say that it tastes very fine
424 there were a lot of champagne corks popping in the downlink room last night
425 the extended mission will be time to explore other areas within reach of our robotic arm
426 were very pleased to see we landed right on top of water ice
427 this is good news for us the ice could have been around us but not near or right under us we hope to be able to answer the question is this a
428 although many things have changed you will always be reighs father and i will always be reighs mother
429 we both love her dearly and have only her best interests and well being in our hearts i ask you now please please bring snooks back
430 there has to be a better way for us to solve our differences than this way
431 we didnt have a lot of time to get it done so it tends to move a lot faster the last 24 hours i was surprised they obviously had a need for another bat in their lineup and a need for another outfielder i know white sox gm kenny williams had interest in junior in the past and looked at this as a good opportunity to add him to his club
432 he thought about it and said he wanted to talk to his family about it i think its a very good opportunity for him they obviously wanted him pursued him and came after him thats got to be a good feeling for him i guess
433 it was a lot more brief than i thought it was going to be
434 it was kind of shocking all of sudden bam it was done he is still going to be a friend of mine im upset that hes leaving but its a good situation for him he wants to win a ring the white sox are in first place and he has a chance
435 he wasnt having his best year but he was just getting hot
436 you wont be able to fill those shoes no one is ken griffey jr its the end of an era in cincinnati he got hurt a lot but was one of the top five best to ever step on the field
437 hes one of the best four or five hitters in baseball
438 i like him yet he marches to his own drummer i had him in the all star game it doesnt make sense to me that he would be available
439 we had some things that we were looking at that we were trying to improve mainly with the pen and we did that with rhodes
440 we were trying to add catching depth and we banged on i think every door if we didnt its our fault as far as any other opportunities yes there were other opportunities that we wanted to explore because we like to be active with the minutes ticking we wanted to take advantage of it why some of those things didnt come to fruition could be a number of factors it could be the money the players to somebody else had different goals than we did
441 we had conversations that went right down to the wire
442 and whenever you have that obviously you feel like theres a chance but it takes two teams and by definition trades are difficult to make and weve worked extremely hard the last couple of weeks to try and find a pick and improve the team but at the end of the day we didnt find something that lined up for us
443 i know there was a lot out there the way we view that is that the trade deadline is an opportunity for us to examine ways to improve our club we did that we had a lot of discussions a few of them led right up to the deadline but obviously nothing came to fruition
444 we exchanged proposals in a couple of instances but nothing to the point were i was calling owner tom hicks for the final signoff
445 the last four or five days obviously weve been in a lot of discussions and a lot of meetings and talked over a lot of different scenarios
446 but we were never real close to what i would call making a deal
447 tell you one thing and behind your back they do another thing
448 for the first time we may have a highly useful model of postpartum depression
449 the new research also points to a specific potential new target in the brain for medications to treat this disorder that affects 15 percent of women after they give birth
450 after giving birth female mice deficient in the suspect protein showed depression like behaviors and neglected their newborn pups
451 giving a drug that restored the proteins function improved maternal behavior and reduced pup mortality
452 improper functioning of the delta subunit could impair the gaba systems ability to adapt to hormone fluctuations during the highly vulnerable post partum period
453 targeting this subunit might be a promising strategy in developing new treatments for postpartum depression
454 were eating this same produce in mexico and we havent had any problems
455 reuters is carrying an article about a recent mit development which may pave the way for solar energy to be collected for use in low input periods
456 with our catalyst almost 100 percent of the current used for electrolysis goes into making oxygen and hydrogen
457 though until i hear a confirmation of mits findings from another university respected source i hold on to my severe doubts about this
458 with our catalyst almost 100 percent of the current used for electrolysis goes into making oxygen and hydrogen
459 noceras catalyst is made from cobalt phosphate and an electrode that produces oxygen from water by using 90 percent less electricity than current methods which use the costly metal platinum
460 its always a tough decision when you leave an organization like detroit
461 it was a wonderful ride for 15 years i spoke with all the people i worked with including the ownership and they understand the situation is an opportunity to come to chicago to be with stan
462 when i first started with the blackhawks it was in the back of my mind but i kind of set it aside and wanted to go about and get my career in motion
463 the free agent signings of the blackhawks caught my attention but you also have to develop your own players
464 i can be another set of eyes for dale and denny and the organization
465 with the outdoor game against detroit everything kind of goes together
466 im really looking forward to getting this thing to where it should be
467 look hes doing well and i have done well in the past
468 this year was hard i guess with the start of the year but nevertheless i still think its been a good year i just hope i can show it now at the olympics and the u s open
469 im looking forward for the next two tournaments those are really the ones that can make this season from a good one to a great one again
470 i already played against him six times and it was always close so i knew that im going to have a chance today
471 i dont think american tennis is troubled by any means but the way it is right now the best players in the world are from switzerland and spain
472 to be honest i didnt think that it would happen in this tournament because last week i played really bad
473 and i was injured before so i didnt do nothing basically for two weeks
474 its tough to beat a guy like that with a second serve
475 we believe the case will be solved if we can find this man
476 even if they arrest me what could they charge me with they have been on a month long fishing expedition and not caught any fish
477 i dont expect this case to be solved any time soon
478 with full support from azizah as well as the pas and dap leadership and our friends in permatang pauh i am offering myself as an mp for the constituency
479 actually selangor menteri besar tan sri khalid ibrahim had offered bandar tun razak so did azmin ali with his gombak seat they are all safe seats including the one in kulim
480 if it looks very safe please convey that to umno
481 where hydro power is concerned zambia has a lot of potential as for biofuels there are several types of crops that can be turned into fuel
482 we have found zambia to have potential it has political stability and leadership that is committed and farsighted it also has a wealth of resources
483 i believe there is a good opportunity for malaysia to be involved in zambias growth
484 there are several major projects to be implemented in zambia first of all the government wants to make lusaka a cargo hub it also wants to build an inland port and a transportation corridor linking the country with major ports in africa
485 there is also the plan for a multi functional trade zone this trade zone will not only have factories but also research and development facilities
486 the investigation papers have been submitted to the chambers for further action but i do not know the contents
487 no doubt i am the minister in charge but i am not in the habit of finding out the contents because that is not my job
488 let the due processes take place under the law anwar is innocent until proven guilty
489 there should be no talk about charges or him being arrested
490 the police have completed their investigations and the papers have been submitted
491 it is up to the chambers to decide whether to press charges against him or not
492 conducting a trial for the public to make a decision on the case
493 i think when you have a mob court it will be very difficult to uphold justice
494 islamic tourism is a niche market which is growing in volume and significance in challenging times we need to adjust accordingly and take into account the global economic environment
495 your initiative to push for islamic tourism is an idea whose time has come
496 it wasnt really fair for him ivan that he didnt play in the glass court before this i could see he was struggling in the glass court he was seeing the ball quite slow
497 furthermore permatang pauh is anwars home base which his wife pkr president datuk seri dr wan azizah wan ismail won even in 2004 at the height of bns popularity
498 she has failed the rakyat she has proven she is unfit to serve the people
499 the people can see for themselves our contributions pr has done nothing they have not helped the malays especially those in the rural areas
500 everyone has been talking about the discussions and their opinions are varied i fear we may go astray from the original objectives of the talks
501 that is why i think we should let the leaders of both parties hold formal meetings to discuss matters of importance to umno and pas
502 we could discuss fundamental issues such as religion and leave politics out
503 such moves would only lead us to lose focus and force us to talk on old issues that have been a hindrance to closer relations between umno and pas
504 if all is made known then it would become discussions via the media
505 there is no basis for the state assembly to demand such a thing
506 what right do they have to ask the federal government to pay them for the projects
507 this is all just a political ploy by pakatan rakyat
508 i am disgusted that tony blair has been invited to malaysia this man to me is a war criminal through instigating the war in iraq he has killed more than former bosnian serb leader radovan karadzic and saddam hussein
509 saddam has been hanged karadzic was recently arrested but this man goes around the world lecturing on the rule of law
510 it is great to be back here this is my favourite country the people are friendly and very giving with their smiles
511 it depends on how often we eat out usually its once or twice every weekend
512 its better to go to regular sellers they recognise you and will keep the prices reasonable
513 it further alleged that i had sold out and compromised gerakan the terms sold out and compromised the party essentially means that i have betrayed the party and cannot be trusted with the leadership of gerakan
514 i just dont know how a book that tells the gerakan story can be interpreted as an attempt to defame someone
515 we fully support anwar and the party will mobilise its machinery to ensure his victory
516 i was informed about this development much earlier we will support him all the way
517 i have lost twice i dont think the party will field me again
518 i am a fighter i will fight for whoever the party fields as a candidate
519 i have no problems with ezam former anwar ibrahim aide and pkr youth chief ezam mohd nor contesting the seat i think he will be a good candidate
520 even the performance of the penang government since the elections is an issue
521 we call it rezeki harimau we sometimes get a good catch or none at all i will spend more on groceries whenever i get siakap seabass or kerapu garoupa in big quantities
522 we will keep more of these items before the rainy season my wife knows very well when to stock up on groceries
523 i have to do it as i want my family to have good meals every day
524 we have gone through hard times when there was no food at home i dont want my children to beg for food from relatives again
525 theres nothing much to buy except fresh produce and items like milo and condensed milk
526 it may raise eyebrows but my husband and children sometimes want to try other types of fish particularly selayang and kembong
527 these types of fish are cheaper compared to stingray siakap and kerapu that my husband catches its better for him to sell the fish as we can get more money
528 pas rejects any form of cooperation with umno or bari san nasional at state or federal level we will not be forming any government with them this is no longer an issue
529 there is nothing secretive any more we can have meetings and the party would be notified of the meetings all this while the party had been informed of the meetings
530 we want uthayakumar to say that the medicine he had with him appeared in the police search list but it was missing in the detention centres list
531 he had the medicine when he was moved there we are dealing with a mans life
532 the court is ready to hear it and so is the senior federal counsel but you are giving all sorts of excuses
533 if you want this man to be either set free or admitted to a hospital you should proceed now if this was a civil court and you didnt follow the case management directions i would have thrown this case out it is a waste of time to file more affidavits
534 the idea is to put it all into written submissions because there are too many affidavits
535 as it is the court has been pushed and pressured just to suit lawyers
536 i admit that i did it but i did not intend to threaten
537 this is a serious offence you have taken advantage of a familys grief your action has caused them a lot of worry
538 the court is not here just to give out punishments it is also to teach lessons
539 he earns an income of rm450 and supports his four school going siblings he is remorseful of his action and will not do it again
540 he could be thinking that as the former member of parliament there he would still enjoy good support from voters dr wan azizah took over the seat from anwar and she is now giving way to him
541 we expected him to contest in permatang pauh although previously anwar said he might stand in bandar tun razak or kulim bandar baharu this shows that he has been misleading the people
542 i do not think permatang pauh is really a safe seat for anwar taking into consideration all the controversies involving him at present
543 having a by election involves a lot of work at this time we should be focusing on solving the problems faced by the people and not on pursuing ones personal ambitions
544 they are treating permatang pauh as a family playground where they can simply pass the baton as and how they like
545 maybe we should identify a new candidate and not someone who had previously contested there and lost what is important is that he or she must be a party member
546 umno has gone through various challenges i believe that our machinery would be able to fight against anwar
547 in the march general election the voters did not reject umno totally what we have to do is to convince them as to why they must support umno and barisan nasional
548 the general election was just held five months ago barisan nasional would give a strong fight this time around as now the prime minister datuk seri abdullah ahmad badawis leadership is more stable
549 we in mic are also stronger with our continuous rebuilding and we will give our full support to ensure victory
550 even if anwar wins it will not make any difference as barisan nasional would still continue to rule the country
551 but when i read these right finger i always carefully consider the good price because i can always get the s ads and the retailers descriptions
552 ive lost 30 pounds i really like the new me
553 my weight loss started off modestly but once i invested in the leanology shakes and capsules the weight started to peel off over the next five months i lost 30 pounds and i have managed to keep it off ever since
554 i went down to 160 pounds i truly feel terrific
555 i once thought of myself as lean but now felt heavy
556 ive lost 27 pounds total im really sold on leanology
557 i began taking leanology in june 2007 and it only took me three months to achieve my desired weight of 145 pounds a loss of 27 pounds i couldnt believe it i had tried many different weight loss programs in the past but they just would stop working after a point and i couldnt lose any more weight with leanology however i could just keep losing weight im really sold on it
558 if i could describe the new national defense strategy in one word it would be balance
559 for the foreseeable future winning the long war against violent extremist movements will be the central objective of the u s
560 success in iraq and afghanistan is crucial to winning this conflict but it alone will not bring victory
561 we cannot lose sight of the implications of fighting a long term episodic multi front and multidimensional conflict more complex and diverse than the cold war
562 we must display a mastery of irregular warfare comparable to that which we possess in conventional combat
563 the use of force plays a role yet military efforts to capture or kill terrorists are likely to be subordinate to measures to promote local participation in government and economic programs to spur development as well as efforts to understand and address the grievances that often lie at the heart of insurgencies
564 we cant afford to make any mistakes because that would jeopardise the entire production
565 i cant imagine having to work on this project without them kar lai wong and chong
566 we are certainly looking to this match with great hope
567 i am very proud and honoured to have won this award which would not have been possible without the support of my parents azman hassan and rozita ibrahim and my coach lan wei of china
568 im surprised to have won this award as it is my first of this kind but i hope to use this to inspire to win my pet events the uneven bars and balance beam at the asean schools championships
569 my team and i have been working on super tight schedules since the show started there is hardly any room for us to breathe between each episode
570 honestly styling is one of the toughest jobs around but it doesnt discriminate they love you and your work because you make them beautiful inside and out its not all about hanging out with celebrities or anything like that
571 we are working under a lot of constraints and stress i constantly remind my team to keep within the dress code as it would determine the success of the show
572 the backstage normally transforms into a war zone every week we cut snip and even burn some of the costumes to achieve the perfect look for the contestants two weeks ago jimmy had to burn a corset to de stress the lace and mind you the garment looked good after that
573 oh my it was so funny as i had the half ready hat perpetually placed on my head while i continued altering it in front of the mirror at home the whole night
574 the participation of these team from the asia pacific region proves that the universitys aim to go global is producing positive results
575 the winds were medium to strong 12 18 knots and later in the afternoon the waters got rather rough
576 we sailed for about an hour and a half then decided to head in to avoid damaging the mast in a capsize but not before some radical downwind surfing
577 when we got onshore we were advised to lash down our boats as the winds were predicted to get stronger overnight
578 i have not had any problems with my boat but i may have to wait a couple of days since few people will sail with their racing spars in the strong winds predicted for the next two days
579 our plan tomorrow today will be dependent on what the weather looks like and i suspect the gym and pool are going to be popular for most of the day
580 no point trying to be a hero before the battle actually begins
581 we are not happy at all im not sure if muraleedharans job will still be secure after the council meeting as his position as coach will definitely be discussed
582 we have less than a year to prepare the players for the junior world cup
583 if new blood should be injected and coaches be replaced then we will go ahead
584 however we are disappointed with the 102 former internationals for not speaking to us first
585 we would have taken them seriously and considered their proposals
586 however we are not holding any grudges as whats done is done and we must now look ahead
587 we are aware that several parties have received copies of the petition but as for now we are prepared to work with these players regardless what comes next
588 i heard they are interested to contribute through the grassroots and we welcome their ideas
589 i cant comment on the players meeting with sultan azlan shah and mazlan we will just wait and see
590 all reports regarding the coaches and players performance and also documents on the countrys coaching system since 2006 have been given to jegathesan to review
591 what we are doing is collaborating with the mssm the idea is good as teachers will be more involved in coaching and umpiring
592 i would love to race against him but i dont think i would be drawn in the same heat as him
593 the top swimmers will all be grouped into the seeded championship heats and my times wont get me into those heats
594 i said that about the world championships in melbourne last year and i dont think it is going to be any different in beijing
595 it will also be the toughest to make the semis the toughest to make the finals and the toughest to win
596 whether that results in world records all the time or whether the world records will come in the finals i think were going to have to wait and see what happens
597 it wont be a two horse race between australia and the united states i mean you look at countries like britain japan the french the south africans they perform very solidly
598 theyve made changes from going to the semis to the finals to lower medals to gold medals theres a major shift in world swimming
599 i think it is disappointing that someone comes in there and literally steals one of the most exciting moments of the games
600 this is a great surprise and i have not heard of this happening before
601 we are disappointed and frustrated with the broadcast by sbs
602 its no secret that were not satisfied by how the last five races went
603 i was particularly disappointed after the series montreal magny cours silverstone in each one of these races i had the possibility to win but because of one thing or another things didnt go the right way and i lost
604 i never let myself be influenced by tension and i wont start now ive just to keep my focus and continue to give as much as possible race after race thats what ive done every time i was in trouble
605 its still much too early to make any forecasts for the championship considering that the first three drivers are only seven points apart the positions can change in a single race
606 and its useless to cry over spilled milk we are looking ahead with eight races to go and at the end well do the maths we just passed the halfway point of the season so its important to always gain points
607 excluding hockenheim i was always in a position to win and i hope success will come soon
608 the race at hockenheim was the most difficult moment of the season
609 i was really frustrated and disappointed that i couldnt find the right balance of the car but now were in a much better position
610 we had a productive test at jerez especially on the second day the team have done some great work in the development of the f2008 and im confident for hungary
611 i love the circuit and it is a great city budapest so i am looking forward to it very much and i just hope for another good result
612 i wasnt really quite sure i wanted to come and the reason i came is because my kids would kill me if i didnt
613 i was playing so bad that it wasnt even fun
614 i was looking forward to a wonderful day but ive never made as many bogeys as i have the last three months and its driving me crazy
615 what almost killed umno in the last elections is not the leaders but the supporters who leech on them to further their own personal interests
616 if the leadership does not listen to us now i can guarantee we will continue to lose seats in the 13th general election
617 you would be shocked at how many members and leaders did not go out to vote
618 during the general election a supreme council member will ask whether weve eaten whether we are tired whether we are okay now they tell us what resolutions we can and cannot adopt
619 there was this resolution by a branch that wanted all umno ministers wives to wear the tudung
620 that was not passed as the division felt it was not the partys place to force them to do it
621 but every resolution passed or adopted will be in the annual general meeting report
622 if your resolution is not accepted you can still request that it be debated at the division meeting and this request will be put to a vote if you get enough votes from all the divisions at the meeting it will be accepted and debated
623 these days branch members are professionals and they know the partys history and its constitution if i want to be a delegate to the division they will ask me what im about and whom i support for this or that post
624 if i do not answer correctly i will not be chosen and the person who best represents their aspirations will be and that delegate will go to the division and have a hand in forming the partys direction
625 the extremely high subsidies by the us have caused serious damage to cotton farmers in developing countries including those in africa and 150 million in china
626 we believe that the us is not in a position to discuss with developing countries members cotton tariffs until they eliminate their cotton subsidies
627 one of the most reactionary farm bills in the history of the us
628 i come from a country where 300 million people live on us 1 a day and 700 million people live on us 2 a day so it is natural for me and in fact incumbent upon me to see that our agricultural interests are not compromised you dont require rocket science to decide between livelihood security and commercial interests
629 its unfortunate that in a development round we couldnt agree to an issue of livelihood and security
630 looking for commercial interests and enhancing prosperity rather than looking for content which reduces poverty
631 i was living in akita at the time i fitted in almost immediately met numerous great jazz musicians and was blown away by their skills
632 over here the scene is totally different but it is full of promise
633 they come not just to be entertained but also to learn about the music
634 so youd have to know your audience or youd end up disappointing them
635 i wanted to connect with my listeners and before you knew it japan became home to me
636 i paint for a living and not as a hobby
637 i called him at the hotel when dylan answered the phone i was tongue tied i eventually composed myself and told him of my intention
638 he told me to drop it off at the reception and offered complimentary tickets for me and my husband it was awesome
639 im looking forward to this gig because i love performing in acoustic environments where people enjoy music in its purest form
640 unlike other jazz events this one is free plus they get to enjoy food and drink in a very relaxed atmosphere
641 there are 11 sunrise condos near the venue so its within walking distance for residents this explains the good response to the event and why it keeps getting better every year
642 it is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged
643 my kind of loyalty was loyalty to ones country not to its institutions or its officeholders
644 once abolish the god and the government becomes the god
645 a mans admiration for absolute government is proportionate to the contempt he feels for those around him
646 the difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength not a lack of knowledge but rather in a lack of will
647 liberals it has been said are generous with other peoples money except when it comes to questions of national survival when they prefer to be generous with other peoples freedom and security
648 cumplimentar los traslados requeridos mediante oficio de autoridad judicial competente
649 aquellos detenidos por causas en las que se investiga la comisi n de delitos de lesa humanidad que se encuentren alojados en dependencias
650 en un momento se levant para ir al ba o busc un cepillo de dientes y una toalla y se dirigi al ba o que estaba afuera en el patio a la ma ana se encontr la toalla y el dent frico as que se cree que se fug apenas minutos despu s de la medianoche
651 el pueblo que no recuerda su historia repite su historia como nos olvidamos de los hechos de 1955 repetimos la historia tumbando el gobierno del dr alfons n eh frondizi bueno ambos son radicales
652 trato de no mentirle a la gente trato de prometer lo que no se si voy a cumplir
653 estoy absolutamente tranquilo de haber incurrido en alg n delito
654 el presidente del bloque reconoci que se estaban distribuyendo sobres eh perdon cifras
655 nada de lo que deba ser estatal quedar en manos del estado
656 no tengo elementos para sospechar que haya habido irregularidades en el pago de la ley
657 lo que aconteci en la argentina es que el compa ero menem asumi la presidencia y est contribuyendo a cambiar la relaci n entre los estados de am rica latina
658 el lapsus lo tuvo ayer el nuevo jefe de gabinete sergio massa en la conferencia de prensa posterior al encuentro entre cristina kirchner y julio cobos
659 generalmente los lapsus se producen en los momentos en que la persona est en un estado de tensi n con cierta carga emocional
660 un acto fallido siempre es una producci n del inconsciente en la que se contraponen dos mensajes uno es el mensaje consciente que es el que se quiere dar y el otro es el mensaje inconsciente que se impone involuntariamente
661 while it is in some respects a sad day for me i do look forward to the next chapter in my life spending more time with wife wendy my daughters and grandchildren
662 it has been an absolute privilege and honour to serve the wonderful people of this electorate for the past 15 years a responsibility i have never taken for granted
663 there are some real challenges ahead and it will be important that the people of lyne elect someone who has absolute commitment to the job and the capacity to actually deliver the services and government funding this area needs
664 you need the backing of a strong team and i have been privileged to have had that from my federal and state colleagues
665 its also critical to have the absolute support of your family so you can put the people you represent first
666 parliamentary sittings committee work and other duties of a federal member take you away from home for a good six months of the year
667 fortunately i have had the full support of wendy and my daughters who have been prepared to sacrifice family time with me so i could do that job effectively
668 at a recent council meeting representatives from surf lifesaving services australia said 51 people were rescued at the beaches over the past few years
669 how can a council ignore the principles of competitive neutrality and use general revenue to prop up a poorly performing business unit at the expense of an essential service that saves lives
670 tourism in this area will be seriously affected by councils decision to not protect their beaches just so it can maintain market share in an area where there is a viable non council alternative
671 ratepayers should not be punished for councils mismanagement of funds and resources
672 how many more reports findings and data have to be released saying the same thing before governments sit up and listen
673 councils are at financial breaking point and are struggling to provide the services and facilities their ratepayers need and deserve
674 rate pegging is a big problem because it hampers councils ability to set rates according to local needs but a low share of federal taxation revenue skyrocketing election costs and population pressures are also contributing
675 cost shifting is a continuing issue and the state governments recent planning laws are a classic example they mean a bunch of new panels and systems which councils dont support but will have to fund
676 if the government supports iparts recommendation to remove councils exemption from payroll tax and increase our contribution to state run fire services ratepayers will again lose
677 while the infrastructure data used by fiscal star needs to be improved to make the findings for each council more reliable and less alarmist the general conclusions are the same as the independent report into the financial sustainability of local government released in 2006 and various other surveys and findings since
678 the removal of rate pegging and a greater share of federal taxation are part solutions but the state government also needs to stop cost shifting and start supporting local councils and their ratepayers
679 councils are committed to their communities and are good at providing for them but are fighting with one hand tied behind their backs
680 i just wasnt seeing the production and when you get in a situation where you dont see the production and youve got a young group of receivers that are emerging i just felt like it was in our best interests to let him go at this point
681 youve got to do whats right for the team i guess its the right move for the team hopefully it is
682 artifact s of target friend and foe and of foundation
683 now lets be absolutely clear about this bruce youre sure the charge will be armed
684 im so mad i dont even want to go back and get her belongings
685 it looked like a makeshift chair with a red belt and one of those clips that tie down vehicles
686 there is no statute that prohibits the restraint of a child
687 our concern is if a child was injured in the process of being restrained and in this case there was no reported or visible injuries
688 estamos partiendo nosotros del punto de partida valga la redundancia de lo que fue el presupuesto operativo con el que trabajamos en 2006 m s la inflaci n m s los ajustes que contempla la nueva legislaci n electoral
689 bikinis r inte uttryckligen f rbjudna men en bar verkropp och string bikini ogillas varje anst lld avg r sj lv vad som r l mpligt vi har m nga invandrare som skulle bli kr nkta av alltf r avsl jande kl dsel men regeln inf rdes inte p grund av dem
690 you may experience network related problems after you install windows server 2003 sp2 or the scalable networking pack on a windows server 2003 based computer
691 i learned the hard way that you should never cover your favorite tunes because they are good already cover bad tunes and make them good
692 companies make a mistake when they assume that people will come when its built but then you go to a property and find out that its empty
693 we cant hide the fact that we need new players at everton
694 everybody knows it i know it the players know it we have to get five or six players in before the season starts
695 not only did this case generate an extensive record showing that these fees are not really used to subsidize wireless phones but are instead simply used to lock consumers into contracts contract law says thats illegal lets hope the fcc doesnt turn around and give the wireless industry a get out of court free card
696 there was no weapon present and no danger to the public
697 it was preparing to turn and it appears the wheels got off the edge of the roadway
698 your children got no business going to the street for love theres no love out there
699 all thats out there is lost young men looking for love
700 we faced an alarming degree of secrecy and deliberate concealment of financial records that limited our ability to complete a comprehensive review
701 the safety of gerber and nestle nutrition products is our top priority
702 our main reason for doing this is were trying to cut down on the black population
703 last year the rough here was almost out of control this year the rough is very average and its part of an experiment theyre doing theyre trying to see if the rough height has any effect on scoring
704 im not saying its playing easy but the rough is not nearly as thick as it was last year
705 you fall in love with a golf course when you have a setup thats as wonderful as this
706 the greens are fast the pin placements are great the rough is challenging but fair and it lets you hit some recovery shots this year firestone is one of my favorite golf courses that we have on tour
707 the guy thats won here every year is not here and all the losers are still here
708 its got length its got rough its got tough greens so you need to be on your game
709 i was forced to defend myself against relentless attacks from self appointed fighters for justice who sought to depose me from my position when the ends sanctified all the means
710 he george w bush wishes him well and will continue to work closely with him olmert while he remains prime minister
711 its true that olmert was enthusiastic about the peace process and he spoke about this process with great attention but it has not achieved any progress or breakthrough
712 the palestinian authority deals with the prime minister of israel regardless if he is olmert or somebody else
713 i continue to believe wholeheartedly that reaching peace ending terrorism strengthening security and establishing a different relationship with our neighbors are the most vital goals for the future of the state of israel
714 proud to be a citizen of a country in which a prime minister can be investigated like any other citizen
715 was forced to defend himself from ceaseless attacks by the self appointed soldiers of justice who sought to oust him from his position
716 the personal decision was not simple but it was correct kadima must continue to act in a way that will preserve its unity and ability to lead
717 a proper and responsible decision made at the right time
718 islam teaches us to conserve and protect gods wonderful creation
719 this solar hot water system helps us do just that the prophet muhammad peace be upon him was quick to teach his companions never waste water even if you have river flowing to your door we will be mindful of his teaching as we wash for prayers with this water warmed by the sun
720 were helping people see that these symbols that they hold up in worship and use as religious expression are inherently environmental
721 all the worlds religions share a responsibility to care for gods creation and our muslim brothers and sisters at the mosque foundation have given us a shining example of how to do that
722 he must have stabbed him 50 times or 60 times
723 like just everywhere arms legs neck chest guts wherever he could swing it he got it
724 while we were watching the door he calmly walks up to the front with the head in his hand and the knife and just calmly stares at us and drops the head right in front of us
725 the guy came to the front of the door with buddys head in his hands decapitated he dropped the head and went back and started cutting the body back up
726 did obama ever use drugs in his days as a community organizer in chicago or when he was a state senator from illinois
727 how about in the u s senate if obama quit using drugs the public inquiry certain to occur in a general election campaign for the presidency will most certainly aim at the when how and why questions george w bush successfully avoided
728 weve been doing this for 20 years and have data that goes as far back as 1865 and its really abnormal
729 australia is headed for a once in 100 year real estate slump
730 i have never seen the convergence of so many negatives
731 by every metric i can think of australian houses are too expensive
732 new york state and the united states are experiencing a downturn in the economy that is worse than the energy crisis of 30 years ago that is greater than the economic recession of 40 years ago and may yet be as challenging to the american population as even the great depression this crisis is as undeniable as it is dangerous
733 we have to be smarter about money for too long governments have done less with more and paid more for less
734 we are going to have to cut spending the time has come for america to cut up its credit cards
735 there is no quick fix there is no silver bullet there is no painless way in which we can escape these consequences
736 the federal government is going to have to put more into the states that support it in the next few years before we have what will be a national crisis of bankruptcy and perhaps further fiscal insolvency
737 it reminded me a lot of former governor hugh carey a tough guy making tough decisions
738 the accused is undergoing treatment for depression in a south delhi hospital he has told us that he was disturbed after his brothers death in japan
739 the prevalence of hearing loss in the united states is predicted to rise significantly because of an aging population and the growing use of personal listening devices indeed there is concern that we may be facing an epidemic of hearing impairment
740 since the start of the year vendors have been wary of the potential decrease in demand for mobile phones
741 that has not stopped vendors from experimenting with and releasing a host of mid range and high end devices with gps touchscreen and multimedia this also goes for hotly contested emerging markets where vendors are introducing phones that offer features in addition to voice telephony reception towards these devices has been warm and as we head into the holiday quarter demand for these and other devices will no doubt increase
742 smartphones are still seeing growth rates hovering around 40 0 year over year while the rest of the industry is growing at roughly 10 0
743 however grouping the rest of the handsets into one category is doing the industry no justice the rise of the feature phone has created a battle at the high end of the market with the main difference between smartphone and feature phone being the high level operating system we expect the competition at the high end will help drive growth within the market and help move volume to higher end devices
744 both the vcfl and the lexton plains football league are delighted with the way the ararat eagles have treated this matter ward said
745 they have been very proactive and have worked hard recently on improving their image both within the league and within the ararat community
746 the stance of the league and the ararat eagles is that we wont tolerate inappropriate behaviour
747 i know what the people of ararat like and they know when im not cooking mrs hevey said
748 ive always wanted to have a go at running my own restaurant mrs hevey said
749 i cant wait its going to be a different sort of experience miss hevey said
750 everyone asked me to stay because they missed my cooking mrs hevey said
751 we are really excited its been a lot of hard work but now its all coming together she said
752 the afl was reluctant to give tom wills the recognition he deserves we started working towards this in november last year but now theyve afl come on board and its really good they have got kevin sheedy to come up here
753 sheedy is such a great ambassador for afl you couldnt get a better person
754 its a wonderful opportunity for all our under 16s reserves and seniors theyre not going to get an opportunity like this again mrs brain said
755 it will be really important for the moyston community there have been signs in the town referring to it being the birthplace of afl since the 1970s she said
756 this will really put a stamp on it that the signs do actually mean something afterall
757 we are going to play in the finals its the celebrations almost overshadowed by that alone mrs brain said
758 this is a great opportunity for moyston to show the rest of australia that little towns really do have a big heart ms kirkpatrick said
759 moyston has a proud footballing history and we really encourage the community to get down to the footy oval to show its support for the game and for the town
760 the accused is undergoing treatment for depression in a south delhi hospital he has told us that he was disturbed after his brothers death in japan
761 last year the rough here was almost out of control this year the rough is very average and its part of an experiment theyre doing theyre trying to see if the rough height has any effect on scoring
762 im not saying its playing easy but the rough is not nearly as thick as it was last year
763 you fall in love with a golf course when you have a setup thats as wonderful as this
764 the greens are fast the pin placements are great the rough is challenging but fair and it lets you hit some recovery shots this year firestone is one of my favorite golf courses that we have on tour
765 the guy thats won here every year is not here and all the losers are still here
766 its got length its got rough its got tough greens so you need to be on your game
767 see what youre dealing with now is karma ha you really are a greek tragedy
768 the comments on your site really made me feel hopeful and better about the whole situation since i have no experience with cardio stuff
769 oh because at st davids we dont do heart transplants
770 well we need to do a heart biopsy and the ones who do that are the doctors who handle transplants
771 but im also not just going in there until you know the risks so in a transplant patient to do a biopsy of the heart to see if theyre rejecting it isnt a big deal but with you phil the risk is five fold and its by no means a simple little procedure if you want i can go in there and biopsy but when i do that the heart can tear and make a hole which well isnt good see the heart is like steak you know how a flank steak can just tear well essentially im going in there and taking bites out of your heart im telling you all of this because you need to know the risks and some people would rather not have the biopsies theyd rather not know whats going on
772 because given all you have atrial fibrillation complete stage three heart block and most concerning in all of this a very low velocity and very erratic heart trace something is wrong and very abnormal something bigger is probably going on now usually you have symptoms you come in complaining about your gallbladder or something and we narrow it down to the heart but everything about this situation is well something weve never seen before
773 if we do the biopsy hopefully well be able to rule out certain heart diseases namely infiltrated cardiomyopothy amyloidosis myocarditis but other things as well the bad thing with doing a biopsy aside from the risks involved with tearing is that sometimes a biopsy yields nothing
774 is you might not like the results i might tell you that you have something that cannot be cured that even a transplant wont fix and some people dont want that kind of knowledge so they elect not to do the biopsy ill let you two talk it over
775 stephanie i just have to say it one thing im scared about is that im going to die tomorrow
776 detailed and transparent barometer of whos voices are most heard in the digital landscape as new channels twitter facebook flick youtube and the like transform how media is created and spread
777 we believe that new media tools redefine who the online newsmakers and reporters are this is part of the foundation upon which nowpublic is built traditional influence lists are increasingly irrelevant because theyre predicated on outdated factors and metrics did we steal a play from an old media pr conceit lists yes do we want more traffic of course but today there are almost innumerable ways for ones voice to be heard the goal of the mostpublic index is to measure on a completely transparent metric driven basis who is most effectively broadcasting their own personal brand online and who are the emerging players
778 the best way which will give you the earliest access to the beta will involve a pre order program that should be announced soon
779 weve tested this site and found it safe to use
780 final fantasy xiii on 360 announcement swung the ball towards microsoft at square enixs japan event in 2 weeks they will swing the ball back towards sony
781 sixty one things i learned during the sonics trial a sonics love story
782 carl stoffers wide ranging expertise has proven to be an invaluable asset
783 we have no doubt that his vast level of experience in national corporate security will only benefit our customers and employees and help our company continue to grow
784 ron has always played an integral role in sweetwaters success
785 with his nearly 30 years of experience in all phases of the construction business we are lucky to have such a strong mentor and leader
786 the armory the online resource for the competitive marketer is the exclusive host for the art of attack how to attack and dislodge the larger competitor
787 a story that everyone customers programmers and managers can tell about how the system works
788 what happens when the problem gets to the end of the line does it just fall off
789 this program works like a hive of bees going out for pollen and bringing it back to the hive
790 a vacuum cleaner sucking up all knowledge no theres lots of them and anyway the information is structured not just a big dustball well perhaps a library no that is big and static what we want is something that selectively collects information like a fleet of recycling trucks
791 the system interprets text as commands and executes them against builders that produce resultant objects and attach assorted decorators sorting them via pipes and filters to the correct bins the user can than browse and eat them as needed
792 in contrast to english the words for socialist anarchist politics and economics do not have negative connotations
793 in contrast to english the words for socialist anarchist politics and economics do not have negative connotations
794 hitler wanted to remove so called blemishes from society too
795 my jaw dropped when the doctors told me that 41 percent of the female veterans seen there say they were victims of sexual assault while serving in the military
796 twenty nine percent say they were raped during their military service they spoke of their continued terror feelings of helplessness and downward spirals many of their lives have taken since
797 women serving in the u s military today are more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire in iraq
798 i dont know what youre trying to cover up here but were not going to allow it
799 the defense department appears to be willfully and blatantly advising dr whitley not to comply with a duly authorized congressional subpoena
800 even one sexual assault violates the very essence of what it means to be a soldier and its a betrayal of the armys core values
801 i believe that maria would be alive today if the marines had provided a more effective system to protect the victims of sexual assault
802 the victim should not have the burden to generate evidence for the command
803 maria is dead but there will be many more victims in the future i promise you im here to ask you to do what you can to help change how the military treats victims of crime and to ensure the victims receive the support and protection they need and they deserve
804 occurrences of sexual assault may be exceeding the rates being reported
805 at the 14 installations where gao administered its survey 103 service members indicated that they had been sexually assaulted within the preceding 12 months of these 52 service members indicated that they did not report the sexual assault
806 left unchecked these challenges can discourage or prevent some service members from using the programs when needed
807 whats at stake here goes to the very core of the values of the military and the nation itself
808 when our sons and daughters put their lives on the line to defend the rest of us the last thing they should fear is being attacked by one of our own
809 people in this town are very racist toward hispanic people they think right away if youre mexican youre illegal and youre no good
810 of all the people in this interaction its the pedestrian hes blaming the who what now is it for walking away
811 we dont know who this guy is we know nothing about him
812 he asks for cigarettes every now and then when he walks by hes never ever come onto the porch
813 he walked over to the doorway and he looked at my tv and he said thats a nice tv
814 cook her to make her as burnt black as he was
815 why would you say youre going to cook somebodys kid
816 the united states and israel share deep concern about irans nuclear program and the two delegations discussed steps to strengthen diplomatic efforts and financial measures to prevent iran from developing a nuclear weapons capability
817 we also reaffirmed our strong mutual determination to counter irans support for
818 o tribunal constitucional pronunciou se pela inconstitucionalidade de v rias normas do decreto que aprovou a revis o do estatuto pol tico administrativo dos a ores nesse sentido irei devolver nos termos da lei o respectivo diploma assembleia da rep blica
819 devo no entanto comunicar aos portugueses que outras normas me suscitam s rias reservas de natureza pol tico institucional
820 trata se acima de tudo da norma relativa dissolu o da assembleia legislativa dos a ores que inovando em rela o ao estatuto em vigor e em rela o ao estatuto da madeira restringe o exerc cio das compet ncias pol ticas do presidente da rep blica pondo em causa o equil brio e a configura o de poderes do nosso sistema pol tico previsto na constitui o
821 em devido tempo alertei v rios dirigentes pol ticos para esta quest o
822 nos termos da constitui o a assembleia legislativa regional pode ser dissolvida pelo presidente da rep blica ouvidos o conselho de estado e os partidos nela representados
823 o diploma em causa pretende agora consagrar o dever adicional de o presidente da rep blica ouvir tamb m a assembleia legislativa os seus grupos e representa es parlamentares e o presidente do governo regional
824 quer isto dizer que o presidente da rep blica estaria sujeito a mais deveres de audi o e consulta no que toca dissolu o da assembleia regional dos a ores do que os previstos para a dissolu o da assembleia da rep blica
825 no caso da assembleia da rep blica o presidente da rep blica nos termos constitucionais n o precisa de ouvir a assembleia da rep blica nem o primeiro ministro mas no caso da assembleia legislativa dos a ores teria de ouvir a pr pria assembleia legislativa regional e o presidente do governo regional
826 a audi o aut noma do presidente do governo regional tanto mais incompreens vel quanto ele tem assento no conselho de estado e a ouvido pelo presidente da rep blica
827 o mesmo se pode dizer relativamente audi o aut noma da assembleia legislativa e dos seus grupos parlamentares porquanto nos termos constitucionais o presidente da rep blica j ouve os partidos nela representados
828 entendo que perigoso para o princ pio fundamental da separa o e interdepend ncia de poderes que alicer a o nosso sistema pol tico aceitar o precedente que poderia ser invocado no futuro de por lei ordin ria como o caso do estatuto pol tico administrativo dos a ores se vir a impor obriga es e limites s compet ncias dos rg os de soberania que n o sejam expressamente autorizados pela constitui o da rep blica
829 semelhante pr tica desfiguraria o equil brio de poderes tal como este tem existido e afectaria o normal funcionamento das institui es da rep blica por isso que considero ser meu dever alertar os portugueses
830 devo igualmente chamar a aten o para um outro ponto conexo com o anterior
831 no passado dia 10 deste m s foi publicada uma lei da assembleia da rep blica sobre o estatuto do representante da rep blica nas regi es aut nomas no qual se estipula tal como consta da constitui o que o representante nomeado e exonerado pelo presidente da rep blica ouvido o governo
832 sobre exactamente o mesmo assunto o decreto da assembleia da rep blica que aprova o novo estatuto dos a ores acrescenta a obriga o do presidente da rep blica ouvir tamb m a assembleia legislativa da regi o
833 n o se questiona a audi o da assembleia regional na pessoa do seu presidente foi isso que fiz no in cio do meu mandato quando nomeei os representantes da rep blica para os a ores e para a madeira pr tica que ali s segui quando desempenhei as fun es de primeiro ministro e que tenciono manter como presidente da rep blica
834 mas se aquela audi o tiver por objecto o pr prio rg o colegial podem emergir consequ ncias negativas no processo de designa o do representante
835 por um lado porque pode colocar o presidente da rep blica no centro de um debate parlamentar regional e por outro porque pode fragilizar politicamente o representante da rep blica e dificultar a escolha de uma personalidade com perfil adequado
836 considero ainda que merecem repondera o outras normas inovadoras constantes do estatuto
837 por um lado o procedimento de audi o qualificada que pelas vincula es que cria para os rg os de soberania envolvidos restringe os seus poderes de decis o ultrapassando em muito a regulamenta o do simples direito de audi o previsto na constitui o
838 por outro lado a limita o dos poderes de revis o do estatuto pela assembleia da rep blica s normas que tenham sido objecto da iniciativa da assembleia legislativa a oriana implica restri es excessivas ao poder de iniciativa legislativa superveniente dos deputados do parlamento nacional
839 face incerteza que caracteriza os tempos modernos a possibilidade de petrifica o de normas jur dicas constantes do estatuto ao ponto de eternizar a sua vig ncia deve ser examinada com todo o cuidado
840 a altera o do estatuto pol tico administrativo dos a ores visa concretizar o modelo avan ado de autonomia resultante da revis o constitucional de 2004 mas indispens vel que essa altera o se harmonize com a separa o de poderes e as compet ncias dos rg os de soberania consagrados na constitui o da rep blica portuguesa
841 temperatures by and large over the summer have been near normal with no real extremes
842 we had kind of a cool may and a warmer april but nothing unusual
843 this year the jet stream has been right over us which is why weve been so stormy
844 because weve been so stormy its kind of kept us out of the heat the forecast for the next two days takes us up into the lower 90s when we get into that warmer weather thats an indication that stream has moved to the north
845 first you can get dehydration which can turn into heat exhaustion and eventually can be heat stroke
846 its a spectrum you go from one to the other
847 you want to drink at a comfortable pace where you dont get sick from drinking and you stay hydrated
848 the mantra this year is celebrate remember and fight back
849 celebrating our survivors remembering those we lost and fighting back against cancer
850 it doesnt matter what race you are what sex you are we all come together to fight cancer we welcome anybody and everybody to come out its a cant miss opportunity
851 i heard i lost so much blood that there was hardly any blood left to bleed
852 it is one of australias iconic brands but the bottom line is that the rsl brand is slowly disappearing and sub branches are losing their homes as they either close or amalgamate
853 a club in bourke has just gone into administration and the areas veteran welfare activities come under threat as you start to lose those threads in those towns
854 in a country town if you lose an rsl club the anzac day activities that occur there disappear in a time where we have seen a resurgence in those activities
855 the way he killed her and chopped up the body shows a terrible cruelty he killed her chopped her up and threw part of her body into the river
856 he started to beat her and she went to live with a friend
857 he is unemployed but he lives well hes always going to parties in the city
858 we can confirm the death of a british national in goiania brazil the body was discovered early on july 29
859 next of kin have been informed and we are providing consular assistance to the family brazilian police are investigating
860 there are around 41 fewer first time buyers now than at the same time last year
861 the nationwide data indicate that there is ongoing major downward pressure on house prices from extremely weak market activity stretched buyer affordability and tight lending conditions it seems odds on that house prices will continue to head rapidly south given that the bank of england reported extremely low mortgage approvals for house purchases in june while latest survey evidence shows that house sales are depressed buyer interest is weak it is taking longer to sell a house and sellers are achieving a falling percentage of their asking price
862 its clear that gordon brown failed to prepare our economy during his 10 years at the treasury and now hard pressed families are paying the price
863 this correction in house prices is happening because the government allowed the market to get hopelessly out of control
864 interest rate cuts are clearly not on the agenda in the near term
865 which would clearly be very bad news for the housing market
866 affected by this regrettable situation in particular to those who had received an inaccurate diagnosis
867 i can confirm that 17 patients were initially informed incorrectly that they did not have a malignancy such as cancer however we must emphasise that a number of these patients would have undergone precautionary treatment anyway or been subject to ongoing clinical review
868 furthermore we can now give absolute assurance that all patients are now following the correct course of treatment
869 our highest priority throughout has been the care and wellbeing of our patients and we have acted as quickly as possible to make sure that the review was carried out thoroughly and effectively
870 the patients involved have generally appreciated the efforts we have made to investigate this situation and to recheck individually their samples diagnosis and treatment and i thank them all for their patience and understanding no patients that we have been able to identify have died as a result of a misdiagnosis
871 where necessary those patients have had their treatment amended we would like to reassure patients that individual details will not be made public
872 clearly everyone affected will be concerned that not having received the appropriate treatment at the appropriate time has adversely affected their chances of recovery or worsened their prognosis
873 this is not the first time that a large group of people have been harmed by what appears to have involved the poor judgment of a histopathologist which is why a careful multi disciplinary approach to diagnosis and assessment of treatment modality is so important
874 an episode such as this demands an independent inquiry into what went wrong so that lessons can be learned across the health service
875 the spiritual leadership of a global communion of independent and autonomous provinces should not be reduced to one man appointed by a secular government
876 unless we reach some kind of resolution in the next 48 hours this whole thing will have been an expensive waste of time
877 the devil may be in the detail of the implementation report to be published in the autumn
878 lack of commitment from nhs management at all levels has impeded progress in implementing informatics support for patient care
879 if we were to criticise it would be that there is little recognition or emphasis on building from experience as a profession we have extensive experience on the issues and problems of health informatics we hope this will be used too much emphasis on central development sometimes ignores this fund of knowledge
880 ticket sales have been brisk and our inventory is dwindling by the day
881 we are ahead of last years sales at this point and are on pace to rival our record for season ticket sales 24 300 in 2001 weve already sold our third most in a year
882 there are matters which have arisen which would have caused anybody very considerable concern
883 the evidence has demonstrated that the practice of beasting which clearly falls outside appropriate military discipline was going on in these barracks openly and must have been known to senior officers
884 many will have found it unpalatable that the order from captain davis to bring this man to them hot and sweaty was an order that the defendants found themselves having to comply with this sort of activity should not be condoned and mustnt be allowed to happen again and this lesson must be clearly relayed to those in charge
885 the conclusion of the trial allows the royal military police now to conduct a full investigation into his death
886 this will examine whether there were any breaches of military law a decision can then be made on further action i am unable to comment until this investigation concludes
887 left no stone unturned in their effort to establish the full circumstances
888 we are devastated with the outcome of the verdicts today we have come this far we owe it to gavin that nobody elses child goes through what happened to gavin
889 we have all been hung out to dry its been really stressful i feel great sympathy for gavin williams family beasting is happening all the time the army should address it
890 this government has reached an end national responsibility requires a return to the people and new elections
891 the most failed and corrupt leader in the history of israel
892 british gas customers still reeling from 35 price hikes might have expected centrica to be losing money
893 they will be staggered at the rude health of centricas half year profit
894 customers will be outraged to learn that while they ponder how to make ends meet centricas shareholders are enjoying an increase in their dividends
895 across the uk fuel poverty could affect 6 million households by the end of the year
896 ministers may well be on holiday now but they need to stop their sunbathing and plan ahead to protect vulnerable households from the cold this winter
897 this combination of massive profits and eye watering price rises proves that the privatised provision of basic utilities has failed the public
898 they should be taken back into some form of ownership by the community
899 these latest vast profits now put the case for a windfall tax on big oil companies beyond argument
900 the government should grasp the nettle and do what it did in 1997 by taxing grotesque profits and put the proceeds into helping the millions of people struggling with their fuel bills
901 i dont see why it will help consumers in the long term
902 after external investment in frostfrench in 2006 in which they had to relinquish their overall control and influence in the company a new management team was installed sadie and jemima have been unhappy with the strategic direction and many of the day to day decisions
903 has ensured the future of the brand and has preserved jobs
904 i dont want to go into too much detail but it will be a completely new approach
905 sadie and jemima relish the opportunity to be fully hands on again both designers are working on their next collection
906 the club has sought clarification from the fa as to why this decision has been reached now given the incident occurred nearly 15 months ago
907 as we said yesterday we agree with david that the whole party should pull together take the fight to the tories and focus on dealing with the real issues affecting peoples lives
908 what has mr miliband ever achieved apart from furthering his own career if david miliband was placed back on the backbenches then i think he would become the nonentity that he was before his accelerated promotion
909 duplicitous it says one thing but it means another which is pretty contemptible politics
910 i think the worst thing at the moment would be if we all went mute i think its right that we say that sure weve taken some hits but actually weve got ideas about the future of the country we do want to engage with people were not all standing at the side of the ring saying go on gordon you do it on your own were saying were there with you were going to get in there and make sure that this really is a team effort because we have to take collective responsibility for this
911 the analysis of the teeth suggests the men grew up in a warm climate probably somewhere in southern europe professor montgomery said
912 its also known that at this time henry viii was short of skilled soldiers and sailors and was trying to recruit mercenaries from the continent
913 a key driver of marketing budgets is corporate profitability and when corporate profits are hurting marketing gets hit
914 weve never subscribed to is it structural or is it cyclical
915 we believe obviously that media is fragmenting but if you can build your portfolio by launch and acquisition and the right combination of products to meet the needs of readers and advertisers theres no reason you cant grow very healthily in the future
916 we have to plan and manage our business on the assumption that this difficult environment will continue for some time to come advertising is inextricably linked to the economy and the economy is still deteriorating
917 i could buy market share tomorrow pick a number and i could buy it but it would mean cutting the price like our competitors to inflate sales volume and spending cash on dvds and cds just to make a headline sales increase from which shareholders will not get a return
918 we look back on the multiples we sold the businesses on and they look like damn good multiples now dont they
919 we have no plans to do that and no issues with our balance sheet
920 i want to continue to do this job as long as my board and my shareholders want me to
921 when he hit top gear at the two furlong marker he picked up the leader in a matter of strides he is better than any stayer ive ridden in that he just has that bit of class he equalled sagaros record of three gold cup wins at ascot and i know theres lots of people who come to the races just to see him
922 shes not the easiest filly in the world but shes run here three times and won twice and finished second in this last year so she obviously likes the place
923 i dont really know where shell go next id expect her to go to stud next year as shes done her stuff
924 she will go next to the park hill stakes at doncaster and i think she could be a 10lb better filly next year
925 what is quite clear is that lucas is determined to stop mr ainsworth by whatever legitimate legal means are open to it including the threat of a 10m judgment hanging over him
926 makes it clear that lucasfilm and george lucas are the rightful owners of the copyrights related to star wars we do not intend to use this ruling to discourage our fans from expressing their imagination creativity and passion for star wars through the costumes and props they make for their personal use rather we see the courts decision as reaffirming that those who seek to illegally profit from star wars will be brought to task
927 youve been out there all day running in and then the decision gets turned down you can chunter as much as you want at the umpire but youve got to get on with it it was an aimless rant i went in to see aleem afterwards and apologised i shook his hand and were friends again
928 we needed to get wickets to get into the game it was nice to take some ive worked hard to get to this point after everything ive done with my physio dave roberts over the past six months after my ankle operation im pleased
929 when youre coming up against some of the best players in the world and kallis is right up there it brings the best out of you
930 its nice to get 200 but id sooner have done it 15 or 20 tests ago
931 i would withdraw from public life and make certain gestures and in return the us would fulfil its commitments
932 my commitment was to withdraw and not to endanger in any way the implementation of the dayton agreement to withdraw even from literary life
933 i believe that its very important for my fate for my legal position
934 i have to show why im appearing before this court only now not in 1996 or 97 or 98 when i had the intention of appearing here my life was in danger of being liquidated because i had made a deal
935 if mr holbrooke still wants my death and regrets that there is no death sentence in this court i wonder if his arm is long enough to reach me here
936 i have an invisible adviser but i have decided to represent myself
937 self representation is indeed a right but if mr karadzic uses that to obstruct trial proceedings as mr milosevic did then the court should step in and take action
938 speed matters in a showdown between gunslingers but it has no place in court
939 scenes from hell written on the darkest pages of history
940 i have not found one bone of my children yet and there he is alive
941 today i feel there is a bit of justice in this otherwise really pitiful world
942 if the dating remains as inconclusive a homicide inquiry is unlikely
943 i believe that it is very likely that children died here what i cannot say is how they died
944 we are highly suspicious of the circumstances of how we found bones and the teeth burnt and buried
945 the abuse aspect was quite appalling enough without children dying
946 my estimate is that at least 500 million of those medicines are wasted
947 our pharmacists have reported many instances when patients have been confused by their medicines
948 we know that many patients choose not to complete their course of medication
949 but this study reveals a different type of problem patients who for whatever reason take their medicines incorrectly the biggest issues are among those who are taking more than one prescription medicine at a time the problem seems to be more acute among older patients
950 hes a dog he told me i was his girlfriend and then my friend went to the opening of surf lodge and was introduced to another woman he called his girlfriend there are girls all over with him
951 blogmeister would you have a few minutes to spend with me today
952 who are you and where and when would you like to meet
953 oh i will explain all of that to you shortly would now be convenient
954 welcome blogmeister may we get down to business now would you like a drink before we start it is a little bit too early for the hard stuff but would you like a coffee with cream and sugar and a strawberry peek freans fruit creme cookie
955 i am the commander in chief of the joint task force set up by windsor police opp rcmp and canadian forces that are surrounding the windsor star building in downtown windsor are you and gord henderson working together along with the posse of windsor star whining and naysaying reporters who have seized control of the windsor star editorial board
956 you have got to be kidding you know i cannot answer that question first of all i am a lawyer and would have to protect any information about whom i am acting for or even if i am acting for a particular person but more importantly i believe in freedom of the blog it is a variation of freedom of the press and i have no intention of revealing any sources or giving out any confidential information
957 thanks to you i have just won a big bottle of canadian club i bet with my colleagues that you would say that our bet was a bottle of rye whiskey as you know one is either a rye man or a scotch man as for me unless i put in some mix to kill the taste i would never drink scotch
958 please blogmeister we think you are the only one who can help us we have read your blogs you are the only one in windsor and essex county who seems to understands the windsor star and its main columnist gord henderson in particular
959 you did not need to go to all of this drama for that you could have just waited a few hours until my next blog came out
960 we know that you spent five years working on one of the worlds largest private white collar bankruptcies two years of it in london england we know that you managed a hundred or more professionals around the world working under you and that you helped coordinate a worldwide seizure by various police forces of documents on the same day and at the same time it was unprecedented hendersons fixation on scotch whiskey and malt whiskey specifically intrigued us because one of the claims to fame of the hotel that you stayed at in london was its world famous scotch malt bar we assumed that he was signalling you since he would have thought that only you two knew that
961 arthur a reader with a dry wit and a nice touch with words contacted me wednesday to express deep skepticism about the marina and canal being touted for the near west
962 in a subsequent conversation with mayor eddie francis i confessed to having rashly placed my wallet and a piece of my scottish heritage at risk
963 double the odds double down raise it to a case id take the bet because it will be done before i leave office
964 dave cooke as head of the feasibility task force is no idle dreamer hes a hard nosed pragmatist who wouldnt put his hard won reputation on the line if he didnt believe this was achievable and would bring real benefits to windsor
965 another is early evidence of solid council support i spoke with six of the seven councillors who participated in the rollout at the art gallery and heard enthusiastic support from all of them in other words if its technically and fiscally feasible a majority is on board
966 legally if i want to tear down 25 buildings downtown theres nothing you can do about it
967 fari sic is offering both enthusiasm and feasibility study funding
968 there are serious technical problems beginning with a major sanitary sewer running east west along riverside drive
969 washington grand rapids mayor george heartwell told the senate wednesday that
970 there are good reasons why the original native american tribes settled in this area why the explorers came why people settled here and built their cities and why the area continues to provide a very high quality of life and economic well being for millions of people
971 the thing thats a bit more challenging is the portion near caron and the old railway cut because that will require a lot of excavation to bring the river water in
972 also included in brooks concept is conversion of a three block stretch of either pitt street or chatham street into a new east west 20 foot deep canal filled with municipal not detroit river water that eventually travels north back toward the riverfront on property just west of the art gallery
973 calvin brook the award winning toronto urban designer who conceived this plan
974 i tend to assume he has his ducks already lined up
975 mpp sandra pupatello l windsor west who spoke to francis about the plan a few months ago
976 brook said he got involved at the urging of mayor eddie francis who asked him to look at other cities such as san antonio famous for its canal centred urban village area and develop a riverwalk area
977 you have thoroughly analyzed the situation blogmeister but we are no further ahead than we started we just cannot figure out what henderson is doing
978 he is not supposed to make life easy for the likes of people like you and me he is there to keep the stars circulation up at a time when people might not want to spend money on a star subscription he has to keep you guessing now doesnt he
979 hi im danielle and i write at heels you dont know me
980 well sorta he was but not in a bad way kinda
981 it was kinda just a misunderstanding hes one of the good guys sorta
982 you know im not going to be very convincing on the michael front so someone else can take over now
983 and michael helps us he was trying to help gen when you first saw him
984 there are some things you dont know about gen sage and me
985 i just went to a funny visual place involving motorcycles
986 you remember the night after your game when you followed me through the creek and i was attacked
987 it wasnt a coincidence that they came after me they were trying to kill me because of what i am
988 how about we dont make this anymore complicated than it is
989 well and an immortal but shes not around so were like the chosen one only there are four of us and no vampires at least i dont think
990 and were like a sign or something that the end of the world is nigh ive always wanted to use that word in a sentence
991 tre volte questanno scrive leditorialista nella rubrica sotto il titolo
992 come possiamo riconciliare litalia moderna fatta di consumismo televisione spazzatura smania per le firme e insensata adorazione delle celebrit con litalia di venezia da vinci verdi e medici
993 yea u have to make urself right before u can be with another
994 great another hollywood starlet with issues only this one i respect and whose material i enjoy
995 costarring for the first time in however many years the 2 coreys the feldog and the haimster but if you actually watch this garbage youll find out that they used the word
996 i have something that is going to make you very happy
997 creo que la gran bulla que se hizo con el recorte de 1 5 billones en el presupuesto de 2008 se volvi un alka seltzer que se diluy y no se ve esa misma t nica de austeridad reflejada en el presupuesto de 2009
998 ser a deseable que hubiera sido un presupuesto de crecimiento real cero
999 es muy optimista lograr el crecimiento sobre el cual se estructur el presupuesto nacional