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{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DataKinds, PolyKinds, GADTs, TypeOperators,
ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell, FlexibleInstances,
ConstraintKinds, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
module Sigma where
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Exts
data family Sing (a :: k)
data Dict c where
Dict :: c => Dict c
class SingKind k where
type FromSing (s :: Sing (x :: k)) :: k
type Singleton (a :: k) :: Sing a
fromSing :: Sing (x :: k) -> k
fromSingCorrect :: Sing x -> Sing s -> FromSing (s :: Sing (x :: k)) :~: x
class SingKind1 (t :: k -> *) where
singKind :: forall (x :: k). Proxy (t x) -> Dict (SingKind (t x))
data Sigma (s :: *) (t :: s -> *) where
(:&:) :: Sing (fst :: s) -> t fst -> Sigma s t
data instance Sing (x :: Sigma s t) where
(:%&:) :: forall (s :: *) (t :: s -> *) (fst :: s) (snd :: t fst)
(sfst :: Sing fst).
Sing fst -> Sing snd -> Sing (sfst ':&: snd)
data instance Sing (x :: Sing b) where
Sing :: Sing (Singleton x)
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
data instance Sing (n :: Nat) where
SZero :: Sing 'Zero
SSucc :: Sing n -> Sing ('Succ n)
data instance Sing (x :: Maybe k) where
SNothing :: Sing 'Nothing
SJust :: Sing a -> Sing ('Just a)
$(return [])
instance SingKind Nat where
type FromSing 'SZero = 'Zero
type FromSing ('SSucc x) = 'Succ (FromSing x)
type Singleton 'Zero = 'SZero
type Singleton ('Succ x) = 'SSucc (Singleton x)
fromSing SZero = Zero
fromSing (SSucc x) = Succ (fromSing x)
fromSingCorrect SZero Sing = Refl
fromSingCorrect (SSucc x) Sing
= case fromSingCorrect x Sing of Refl -> Refl
instance SingKind k => SingKind (Maybe k) where
type FromSing 'SNothing = 'Nothing
type FromSing ('SJust x) = 'Just (FromSing x)
type Singleton 'Nothing = 'SNothing
type Singleton ('Just x) = 'SJust (Singleton x)
fromSing SNothing = Nothing
fromSing (SJust x) = Just (fromSing x)
fromSingCorrect SNothing Sing = Refl
fromSingCorrect (SJust x) Sing = case fromSingCorrect x Sing of
Refl -> Refl
instance (SingKind s, SingKind1 t) => SingKind (Sigma s t) where
type FromSing (a ':%&: b) = a ':&: FromSing b
type Singleton (a ':&: b) = a ':%&: Singleton b
fromSing ((a :: Sing fst) :%&: b)
= case singKind (Proxy :: Proxy (t fst)) of
Dict -> a :&: fromSing b
fromSingCorrect (a :%&: b) Sing = Refl
proj1 :: Sigma s t -> s
proj1 (a :&: _) = fromSing a
type family Proj1 x where
Proj1 (a ':&: b) = FromSing a
proj2 :: forall (s :: *) (t :: s -> *) (sig :: Sigma s t).
Sing (sig :: Sigma s t) -> t (Proj1 sig)
proj2 (_ :%&: b) = fromSing b
*** Exception: expectJust tcMatchTysX types
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