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DeepVariant whole genome case study

In this case study we describe applying DeepVariant to a real WGS sample.

We provide some guidelines on the computational resources needed for each step. And finally we assess the quality of the DeepVariant variant calls with

NOTE: This case study demonstrates an example of how to run DeepVariant end-to-end on one machine. This might not be the fastest or cheapest configuration for your needs. For more scalable execution of DeepVariant see the cost- and speed-optimized, Docker-based pipelines created for Google Cloud Platform.

Consult this document for more information about using GPUs or reading BAM files from Google Cloud Storage (GCS) directly.

Request a machine

You can run this exercise on any sufficiently capable machine. As a concrete but simple example of how we performed this study, we used 64-core (vCPU) machine with 128GiB of memory and no GPU, on the Google Cloud Platform.

We used a command like this to allocate it:

gcloud beta compute instances create "${USER}-deepvariant-casestudy"  \
--scopes "compute-rw,storage-full,cloud-platform" \
--image-family "ubuntu-1604-lts" --image-project "ubuntu-os-cloud" \
--machine-type "custom-64-131072" \
--boot-disk-size "300" --boot-disk-type "pd-ssd" \
--zone "us-west1-b"


Set a number of shell variables, to make what follows easier to read.


# Note that we don't specify the CL number for the binary, only the bin version.




Create local directory structure

mkdir -p "${OUTPUT_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${BIN_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${DATA_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${MODELS_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${LOG_DIR}"

Download extra packages

There are some extra programs we will need.

We are going to use GNU Parallel to run make_examples. We are going to install samtools and to help do some analysis at the end.

sudo apt-get -y install parallel
sudo apt-get -y install samtools
sudo apt-get -y install

Download binaries, models, and test data


Copy our binaries from the cloud bucket.

time gsutil -m cp -r "${BIN_BUCKET}/*" "${BIN_DIR}"
chmod a+x "${BIN_DIR}"/*

This step should be very fast - it took us about 6 seconds when we tested.

Now, we need to install all prerequisites on the machine. Run this command:

cd "${BIN_DIR}"; time bash; cd -

In our test run it took about 1 min.


Copy the model files to your local disk.

time gsutil -m cp -r "${MODEL_BUCKET}/*" "${MODELS_DIR}"

This step should be really fast. It took us about 5 seconds.

Test data

Copy the input files you need to your local disk from our gs:// bucket.

The original source of these files are:

  1. BAM file: HG002_NIST_150bp_50x.bam

    The original FASTQ file comes from the PrecisionFDA Truth Challenge. I ran it through PrecisionFDA's BWA-MEM app with default setting, and then got the HG002_NIST_150bp_50x.bam file as output. The FASTQ files are originally from the Genome in a Bottle Consortium. For more information, see this Scientific Data paper.

  2. FASTA file: hs37d5.fa.gz

    The original file came from: Because DeepVariant requires bgzip files, we had to unzip and bgzip it, and create corresponding index files.

  3. Truth VCF and BED

    These come from NIST, as part of the Genomes in a Bottle project. They are downloaded from

You can simply run the command below to get all the data you need for this case study.

time gsutil -m cp -r "${DATA_BUCKET}/*" "${DATA_DIR}"

It took us about 15min to copy the files.

Run make_examples

Because the informational log messages (written to stderr) are voluminous, and because this takes a long time to finish, we will redirect all the output (stdout and stderr) to a file.

( time seq 0 $((N_SHARDS-1)) | \
  parallel --halt 2 --joblog "${LOG_DIR}/log" --res "${LOG_DIR}" \
    python "${BIN_DIR}"/ \
      --mode calling \
      --ref "${REF}" \
      --reads "${BAM}" \
      --examples "${EXAMPLES}" \
      --gvcf "${GVCF_TFRECORDS}" \
      --task {}
) >"${LOG_DIR}/make_examples.log" 2>&1

This will take several hours to run.

Run call_variants

There are different ways to run call_variants. In this case study, we ran just one call_variants job. Here's the command that we used:

( time python "${BIN_DIR}"/ \
    --outfile "${CALL_VARIANTS_OUTPUT}" \
    --examples "${EXAMPLES}" \
    --checkpoint "${MODEL}" \
    --batch_size 32
) >"${LOG_DIR}/call_variants.log" 2>&1

This will start one process of call_variants and read all 64 shards of HG002.examples.tfrecord@64.gz as input, but output to one single output file HG002.cvo.tfrecord.gz.

We add --batch_size 32 here because we noticed a significant slowdown after the Meltdown/Spectre CPU patch if we continue to use the default batch_size (512).

We noticed that running multiple call_variants on the same machine didn't seem to save the overall time, because each of the call_variants slowed down when multiple are running on the same machine.

So if you care about finishing the end-to-end run faster, you could request 64 machines (for example, n1-standard-8 machines) and run each shard as input separately, and output to corresponding output shards. For example, the first machine will run this command:

python "${BIN_DIR}"/ \
  --outfile=${OUTPUT_DIR}/HG002.cvo.tfrecord-00000-of-00064.gz \
  --examples=${OUTPUT_DIR}/HG002.examples.tfrecord-00000-of-00064.gz \
  --checkpoint="${MODEL}" \
  --batch_size 32

And the rest will process 00001 to 00063. You can also use tools like dsub. In this case study we only report the runtime on a 1-machine example.

Run postprocess_variants

( time python "${BIN_DIR}"/ \
    --ref "${REF}" \
    --infile "${CALL_VARIANTS_OUTPUT}" \
    --outfile "${OUTPUT_VCF}"
) >"${LOG_DIR}/postprocess_variants.log" 2>&1

Because this step is single-process, single-thread, if you're orchestrating a more complicated running pipeline, you might want to request a machine with fewer cores for this step.

If you want to create a gVCF output file, two additional flags must be passed to the postprocess_variants step, so the full call would look instead like:

( time python "${BIN_DIR}"/ \
    --ref "${REF}" \
    --infile "${CALL_VARIANTS_OUTPUT}" \
    --outfile "${OUTPUT_VCF}" \
    --nonvariant_site_tfrecord_path "${GVCF_TFRECORDS}" \
    --gvcf_outfile "${OUTPUT_GVCF}"
) >"${LOG_DIR}/postprocess_variants.withGVCF.log" 2>&1

Resources used by each step

Step wall time
make_examples 5h 27m 24s
call_variants 11h 11m 53s
postprocess_variants (no gVCF) 21m 5s
postprocess_variants (with gVCF) 58m 51s
total time (single machine) 17h - 17h 38m

Variant call quality

Here we use the ( program from Illumina to evaluate the resulting vcf file. This serves as a check to ensure the three DeepVariant commands ran correctly and produced high-quality results.


# cannot read the compressed fa, so uncompress
# into a writable directory and index it.
zcat <"${REF}" >"${UNCOMPRESSED_REF}"
samtools faidx "${UNCOMPRESSED_REF}"

sudo docker pull pkrusche/
sudo docker run -it \
-v "${DATA_DIR}:${DATA_DIR}" \
pkrusche/ /opt/ \
  "${TRUTH_VCF}" \
  "${OUTPUT_VCF}" \
  -f "${TRUTH_BED}" \
  -o "${OUTPUT_DIR}/happy.output" \
Type # FN # FP Recall Precision F1_Score
INDEL 1505 1133 0.996762 0.997660 0.997211
SNP 1526 933 0.999499 0.999694 0.999597