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Colin Decker edited this page Jun 8, 2015
5 revisions
void *addAll*(Collection, Enumeration)
- Iterators.addAll(collection, Iterators.forEnumeration(enumeration))
void *addAll*(Collection, Iterator)
- Iterators.addAll(collection, iterator)
void *addAll*(Collection, Object[])
- Collections.addAll(collection, array) (JDK)
boolean *addIgnoreNull*(Collection, Object)
- if (o != null) { collection.add(o); }
int *cardinality*(Object, Collection)
- Iterables.frequency(collection, object)
Collection *collect*(Collection, Transformer)
- newArrayList(Collections2.transform(input, function))
Collection *collect*(Collection, Transformer, Collection)
- output.addAll(Collections2.transform(input, function))
Collection *collect*(Iterator, Transformer)
- newArrayList(Iterators.transform(input, function))
Collection *collect*(Iterator, Transformer, Collection)
- Iterators.addAll(output, Iterators.transform(input, function))
boolean *containsAny*(Collection coll1, Collection coll2)
!Collections.disjoint(coll1, coll2)
(JDK) int *countMatches*(Collection, Predicate)
- Iterables.size(Iterables.filter(collection, predicate))
Collection *disjunction*(Collection, Collection)
- Sets.symmetricDifference(set1, set2)
boolean *exists*(Collection, Predicate)
- Iterables.any(collection, predicate)
void *filter*(Collection, Predicate)
- Iterables.removeIf(collection, not(predicate)) (see also Iterables.transform, which creates a view instead of mutating the input)
Object *find*(Collection, Predicate)
- Iterables.find(collection, predicate)
void *forAllDo*(Collection, Closure)
- for (Object o : collection) { closure.execute(o); }
Object *get*(Object, int)
- Iterables.get(o, index), supplemented with calls to entrySet(), forEnumeration(), etc.
Map *getCardinalityMap*(Collection)
- ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(collection)
Object *index*(Object, int)
- Iterables.get(o, index), supplemented with calls to keySet(), forEnumeration(), etc.
Object *index*(Object, Object)
- Iterables.get(o, index), supplemented with calls to entrySet(), forEnumeration(), etc.
Collection *intersection*(Collection, Collection)
- Sets/Multisets.intersection(a, b)
boolean *isEmpty*(Collection)
- collection == null || collection.isEmpty()
boolean *isEqualCollection*(Collection, Collection)
- If both are Sets or Multisets, use equals(); otherwise ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(a).equals(ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(b)
boolean *isFull*(Collection)
- No equivalent--no BoundedCollection type.
boolean *isNotEmpty*(Collection)
- collection != null && !collection.isEmpty()
boolean *isProperSubCollection*(Collection, Collection)
- No equivalent--check that a.size() < b.size() and then use the check described below.
boolean *isSubCollection*(Collection, Collection)
Multisets.containsOccurrences(ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(coll1), ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(coll2))
int *maxSize*(Collection)
- No equivalent--no BoundedCollection type.
Collection *predicatedCollection*(Collection, Predicate)
- Constraints.constrainedCollection/List/Set/etc.
Collection *removeAll*(Collection, Collection)
- newArrayList(Iterables.filter(collection, Predicates.not(Predicates.in(remove))))
Collection *retainAll*(Collection, Collection)
- newArrayList(Iterables.filter(collection, Predicates.in(retain)))
void *reverseArray*(Object[])
- Lists.reverse(Arrays.asList(array)) (returns an inverse List view without modifying array)
Collection *select*(Collection, Predicate)
- newArrayList(Iterables.filter(collection, predicate))
void *select*(Collection, Predicate, Collection)
- Iterables.addAll(output, Iterables.filter(input, predicate))
Collection *selectRejected*(Collection, Predicate)
- newArrayList(Iterables.filter(collection, Predicates.not(predicate)))
void *selectRejected*(Collection, Predicate, Collection)
- Iterables.addAll(output, Iterables.filter(input, Predicates.not(predicate)))
int *size*(Object)
- Collection/Map.size(), array.length, Iterables/Iterators.size (with forEnumeration() if necessary)
boolean *sizeIsEmpty*(Object)
- Collection/Map.isEmpty(), array.length == 0, Iterables/Iterators.isEmpty (with forEnumeration() if necessary)
Collection *subtract*(Collection, Collection)
- No equivalent--create an ArrayList containing a and then call remove on it for each element in b.
Collection *synchronizedCollection*(Collection)
- Collections.synchronizedCollection(collection) (JDK)
void *transform*(Collection, Transformer)
- No equivalent for transforming a Collection in place... not very useful. Prefer transformed views (Lists/Collections2.transform) or copies of them.
Collection *transformedCollection*(Collection, Transformer)
- No equivalent for transforming Objects that are added to a Collection... a ForwardingCollection could easily handle this, though.
Collection *typedCollection*(Collection, Class)
- Collections.checkedCollection/Set/List/etc. (JDK)
Collection *union*(Collection, Collection)
- Sets.union(a, b)
Collection *unmodifiableCollection*(Collection)
- Collections.unmodifiableCollection/Set/List/etc. (JDK) Consider ImmutableCollection types if you want immutability.
I can't find a way to make the Wiki world-writable, so post any additions as comments. I'll check for new ones every so often and approve their authors as Wiki editors.
- Introduction
- Basic Utilities
- Collections
- Graphs
- Caches
- Functional Idioms
- Concurrency
- Strings
- Networking
- Primitives
- Ranges
- I/O
- Hashing
- EventBus
- Math
- Reflection
- Releases
- Tips
- Glossary
- Mailing List
- Stack Overflow
- Android Overview
- Footprint of JDK/Guava data structures