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File metadata and controls

24 lines (18 loc) · 980 Bytes


The yamlfmt library supports recognizing a limited amount of metadata from a yaml file.

How to specify

Metadata is specified with a special token, followed by a colon, and then a type. For example, to add ignore metadata to a file:

# !yamlfmt!:ignore

If this string !yamlfmt!:ignore is anywhere in the file, the file will be dropped from the paths to format.

The format of !yamlfmt!:type is strict; there must be a colon separating the metadata identifier and the type, and there must be no whitespace separating anything within the metadata identifier block. For example either of these will cause an error:

# !yamlfmt!: ignore
# !yamlfmt!ignore

Metadata errors are considered non-fatal, and yamlfmt will attempt to continue despite them.


Type Example Description
ignore !yamlfmt!:ignore If found, yamlfmt will exclude the file from formatting.