- add column to match table "processed_at"
- normal match pulling/updated at is unaffected, new matches have processed_at=null
- match pulling is distributed across many machines
- single "cruncher" machine periodically checks for new matches, updates players/global, then sets matches as processed
- no conditions on processing matches, do away with old system of latest_match_id
- to save space, old processed matches can have their response column set to null
- explore idea of pulling most users on-demand (when their page is loaded)
- make error logger a "with" wrapper?
- sends email on close if exiting block abnormally or state altered
- find long term solution for match table
- when pulling matches and saving to db, only save if time > player ticks
- migrate to archive based on match ticks
- add new column to match, backfill gradually
- improve player lookup page/dropdown
- explicit setup-everything script (python, uses envar)
- cron to simulate status page, email me if anything down
- integration tests against temp db
- remove all un-subscribed players, remove subscribed field?
- meh, non-urgent
- ween/combine player.updated_at and player.match_updated_at
- dynamically disable adding players if cookie gooes down? store status in db?
- async the cfn requests