This space script will use pandoc
to convert markdown pages to PDFs.
- Pandoc is installed and in your path
- PDF engine required by Pandoc is installed (pdflatex)
- Exported PDF will only contain things that are directly hardcoded in your markdown. Queries or anything added dynamically by Silverbullet will not be included.
- This limitation will be lifted as soon as silverbulletmd/silverbullet#708 was implemented.
silverbullet.registerCommand({name: "Export: As PDF"}, async () => {
const pageName=await syscall("editor.getCurrentPage")
const mdFileName=`${pageName}.md`
const pdfFileName=`${pageName}.pdf`
await syscall("","pandoc",
//"mainfont='WenQuanYi Micro Hei'",
await syscall("editor.downloadFile",pdfFileName,pdfFileName)
await syscall("editor.flashNotification", "PDF Created!");