- nodejs, express, mongodb
- Views → HTML5, EJS, CSS
- TDD (test driven development) → MOCHA + CHAI
- Wallet integration → web3js
- Websockets → socket.io
- Hosting & deployment → heroku + mongodb atlas
- CI/CD → github actions
- Login → morgan
- STMP server → sending emails + auth(if decided passport.js) + notifications
- APIs → opensea-js
- Statistics → statistics.js
- Graphing and modeling → Echarts
- Understand purpose of the change
- Wrap your mind around the code
- Test the code (functionality)
- Inspect the code (code quality and error handling)
- Compile the review
- create a branch issue#num
- work on that branch to solve the issue
- commit with message "resolve issue#num"
- push the new branch in the repo (not main)
- create a pull request
- wait for somebody to validate your code
- merge fix with main and delete issue#num