This repository holds separate packages for Grafana LLM Plugin and the @grafana/llm
package for interfacing with it.
They are placed into a monorepo because they are tighlty coupled, and should be developed together with identical dependencies where possible.
Each package has its own package.json with its own npm commands, but the intention is that you should be able to run and test both of them from root.
If you're interested in adding support for new LLM providers or extending the functionality of the Grafana LLM App, please see the file for detailed implementation guidance.
Install node >= 22, go >= 1.21, and Mage.
Install docker
npm install
npm run dev
In a separate terminal from dev, run
npm run server
If you want to bring up the vector services, you can runCOMPOSE_PROFILES=vector npm run server
instead -
Go to (http://localhost:3000/plugins/grafana-llm-app) to see configuration page and the developer sandbox
This will watch the frontend dependencies and update live. If you are changing backend dependencies, you can run npm run backend:restart
to rebuild the backend dependencies and restart the plugin in the Grafana server.
It is recommended to develop functionality against the "developer sandbox", only available when the app is run in dev mode, that can be opened from the configuration page, because it gives you a clean end to end test of any changes. This can be used for modifications to the @grafana/llm library, the backend plugin, or functionality built on top of those packages.
It is recommended to run these using npm commands from root so that the entire project can be developed from the root directory. If you want to dig into the commands themselves, you can read the corresponding scripts in ./packages/grafana-llm-app/package.json
Update Grafana plugin SDK for Go dependency to the latest minor version:
npm run backend:update-sdk
Build backend plugin binaries for Linux, Windows and Darwin:
npm run backend:build
Test the backend
npm run backend:test
To see all available Mage targets for additional commands, run this from ./packages/grafana-llm-app/:
mage -l
Install dependencies
npm install
Build plugin in development mode and run in watch mode
npm run dev
Build plugin in production mode
npm run build
Run the tests (using Jest)
# Runs the tests and watches for changes, requires git init first npm run test # Exits after running all the tests npm run test:ci
Spin up a Grafana instance and run the plugin inside it (using Docker)
npm run server
Run the linter
npm run lint # or npm run lint:fix
- Bump version in
(e.g., 0.2.0 to 0.2.1) - Add notes to changelog describing changes since last release
- Merge PR for a branch containing those changes into main
- Trigger release from "actions" tab on Github.
- Push a new tag to the repo (e.g.,
git tag -a llmclient/v0.X.X -m "llmclient v0.X.X release"