This lib can be used to generate dashboards, rows, panels for SNMP devices.
The library supports multiple metrics sources that corresponds to different network vendors.
metricsSource | Description | MIBs | Known devices | Links | snmp_exporter modules |
generic | Generic SNMP device | IF-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB | default choice | system,if_mib,hrDevice,hrStorage | |
cisco | Cisco ASA, IOS, NX-OS, and IOS-XR devices | IF-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB, Cisco private mibs | Cisco C2900, Cisco C7600, Cisco Nexus 93180, Cisco MDS | | system,if_mib,cisco_device,cisco_fc_fe |
arista_sw | Arista devices | IF-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,HOST-RESOURCES-MIB | - | system,if_mib,hrDevice,hrStorage,arista_sw | |
brocade_fcs | Brocade | IF-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,SW-MIB | Brocade 6520 v7.4.1c, Brocade 300 v7.0.0c,Brocade BL 5480 v6.3.1c | | system,if_mib |
brocade_foundry | Brocade Foundry | FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB | Brocade MLXe (System Mode: MLX), IronWare Version V5.4.0eT163, Foundry FLS648 Foundry Networks, Inc. FLS648, IronWare Version 04.1.00bT7e1, Foundry FWSX424 Foundry Networks, Inc. FWSX424, IronWare Version 02.0.00aT1e0 | system,if_mib | |
dell_network | Dell Force S-Series, Dell Force10 MXL 10 | IF-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,DELL-NETWORKING-CHASSIS-MIB | Dell Force S-Series | | system,if_mib,dell_network |
dlink_des | D-Link DES series | IF-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,AGENT-GENERAL-MIB | DGS-3420-26SC Gigabit Ethernet | system,if_mib,dlink | |
eltex_mes | Eltex MES | IF-MIB, SNMPv2-MIB,ELTEX-MES-ISS-CPU-UTIL-MIB,ARICENT-ISS-MIB | MES 2448P | system,if_mib,eltex_mes | |
extreme | ExtremeXOS | IF-MIB, SNMPv2-MIB,EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB, EXTREME-SOFTWARE-MONITOR-MIB | - | system,if_mib | |
f5_bigip | F5 BigIP | IF-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB | - | | system,if_mib |
fortigate | Fortinet Fortigate | IF-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB,ENTITY-MIB | v7.2.5 | system,if_mib,hrDevice,hrStorage | |
hpe | HP Enterprise Switches | IF-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,STATISTICS-MIB,NETSWITCH-MIB | HP ProCurve J4900B, HP J9728A 2920-48G | | system,if_mib |
huawei | Huawei VRP | IF-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB | - | | system,if_mib |
juniper | Juniper MX, Juniper SRX | IF-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,JUNIPER-MIB,JUNIPER-ALARM-MIB | Juniper MX204 Edge Router, JUNOS 24.2R1-S1.10, Juniper SRX, Juniper EX4200-24 | | system,if_mib |
mikrotik | Mikrotik OS | HOST-RESOURCES-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,MIKROTIK-MIB,IF-MIB | Router OS 7.3 | 912UAG-5HPnD,941-2nD,1100ahx2,CCR1016-12G,CCR1036-12G-4S,rb2011ua,mikrotik450g,mikrotikrb1100ah | system,if_mib,mikrotik,hrStorage,hrDevice |
netgear | Netgear FastPath switches | SNMPv2-MIB,FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB,FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB,IF-MIB | Netgear M5300-28G | | system,if_mib,netgear |
qtech | QTech | QTECH-MIB,EtherLike-MIB,HOST-RESOURCES-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,ENTITY-MIB,IF-MIB | system,if_mib | ||
ubiquiti_airos | Ubiquiti AirOS | FROGFOOT-RESOURCES-MIB,HOST-RESOURCES-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,IEEE802dot11-MIB,IF-MIB | NanoStation M5, UAP-LR | system,if_mib,ubiquiti_airos |
For detailed usage examples see helloworld-observ-lib README.
Import into another library or mixin:
jb init
jb install
Add jsonnet file:
local snmplib = import 'snmp-observ-lib/main.libsonnet';
local snmp =
+ snmplib.withConfigMixin(
//override default configs:
filteringSelector: 'job!=""',
groupLabels: ['zone'],
instanceLabels: ['target'],
uid: 'snmp-sample',
dashboardNamePrefix: 'Network',
dashboardTags: ['networking'],
// pick vendors you have:
metricsSource: ['juniper','mikrotik'],
enableLokiLogs: false,
You can quickly generate dashboards and alerts by using monitoring-mixin mixin.libsonnet:
- Adjust config.libsonnet to your needs. For example, pick metricSources that correspond to network vendors you use on your network.
- Run
make dashboards_out
make prometheus_alerts.yaml
Note: Logs support is enabled by default. To opt-out, set enableLokiLogs: false
in the config before generating dashboards from this library.
This SNMP observability library can show syslog messages collected by alloy/rsyslog agents and stored in Grafana Loki.
In order to get syslog messages you need to do the following (example for cisco syslog):
- Setup rsyslog agent with the following rsyslog.conf:
# Pick your port to taste
input(type="imudp" port="30514" ruleset="withOrigin")
timezone(id="<yourtimezone>" offset="00:00")
# instead of -x
$template raw,"%msg:2:2048%\n"
ruleset(name="common") {
# Forward everything
if ($fromhost-ip != "" ) then action(type="omfwd"
protocol=tcp target=localhost port=30514
TCP_Framing="octet-counted" KeepAlive="on"
queue.type="linkedlist" queue.size="50000")
*.* /dev/stdout; raw
ruleset(name="withoutOrigin" parser="rsyslog.ciscoios") {
/* this ruleset uses the default parser which was
* created during module load
call common
parser(name="custom.ciscoios.withOrigin" type="pmciscoios"
ruleset(name="withOrigin" parser="custom.ciscoios.withOrigin") {
/* this ruleset uses the parser defined immediately above */
call common
- Setup alloy agent with the following snippet (adjust to your setup):
loki.write "default" {
endpoint {
url = "loki:3100"
loki.source.api "default" {
http {
listen_address = ""
listen_port = 3500
forward_to = [
loki.process "limit" {
stage.limit {
rate = 10000
burst = 20000
drop = drop
by_label_name = "hostname"
forward_to = [
// SYSLOG specific:
loki.source.syslog "default" {
listener {
address = ""
protocol = "tcp"
use_incoming_timestamp = true
labels = { job = "syslog" }
forward_to = [loki.process.syslog.receiver]
relabel_rules = loki.relabel.syslog.rules
loki.relabel "syslog" {
forward_to = []
rule {
source_labels = ["__syslog_message_hostname"]
target_label = "sysname"
rule {
source_labels = ["__syslog_message_hostname"]
target_label = "instance"
rule {
source_labels = ["__syslog_message_app_name"]
target_label = "syslog_app_name"
rule {
source_labels = ["__syslog_message_severity"]
target_label = "level"
rule {
source_labels = ["__syslog_message_facility"]
target_label = "facility"
rule {
source_labels = ["__syslog_message_msg_id"]
target_label = "syslog_msg_id"
loki.process "syslog" {
stage.match {
// match only cisco unparsed logs like
// from ASA or NX-OS
selector = `{instance!=""} |~ "<\\d+>.+%.+"`
stage.regex {
expression = `<\d+?>((?P<sysname>[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+):)?(?P<date_and_other>.+): (?P<appname>%.+?): (?P<msg>.+)`
stage.labels {
values = {
sysname = "",
syslog_app_name = "appname",
stage.output {
source = "msg"
forward_to = [loki.process.limit.receiver]
- Setup syslog at the device side according to vendor docs
For cisco devices, set origin option: logging origin-id hostname
- Get syslog messages on the separate dashboard and as dashboard annotations for critical events collected.