- Perform the release of any other dependent library and update the version in
- Ensure you have the latest changes locally
git pull
- Ensure all changes from previous branches are merged up
git merge ...
- Ensure there are no snapshot dependencies
- Ensure the latest build passed and the latest grails3-functional-tests build passed
- Set the version to a release version in
- Set the version in
- Commit the release
git commit -a -m "Release Grails XXX"
- Tag the release
git tag vXXX
(Don't forget thev
prefix!) - Push the tag
git push --tags
and waiting for Travis to complete the tagged release https://travis-ci.org/grails/grails-core - Verify the release worked
- Run
sdk install grails XXX
and perform smoke tests or creating an application etc. - Check the documentation published to docs.grails.org/XXX
- Run the maven central sync
./gradlew sWMC
. Requires BINTRAY_USER/BINTRAY_KEY env vars or bintrayUser/bintrayKey gradle properties - Ensure grails.org shows the new release version
- Ensure the documentation published correctly docs.grails.org
- Create a release in Github. Copy the previous release and change the relevant info
- Change the version in
back to a snapshot of next release - Push the code
git push
- Announce the Release