menu | metaTitle |
2. Start customizing |
Customize a storefront |
Previously, you created a new GraphCommerce app on your local machine. In this tutorial, you'll complete a series of tasks to add some specific functionality to your GraphCommerce storefront. Your final modification will be simple, but you’ll learn where to find resources to build more complex features on your own.
- Make sure your development environment is running at http://localhost:3000
- In /pages/page/[url].tsx, add:
<Typography variant='h1' gutterBottom sx={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
- Add
import { Typography } from '@mui/material'
to the list of imports at the top of the file - Save the file to see your changes updated in real-time
- After you've finished step 1, in /pages/page/[url].tsx find the following code:
<Typography variant='h1' gutterBottom sx={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
- Make the background color red for the Hello text:
sx={{ textAlign: 'center', backgroundColor: 'red' }}
You might want to make changes to a GraphQL query to fetch data from Magento for a specific need. For example, if you want to display a certain category property, you need to modify a query.
- In /graphql/CategoryPage.graphql,
is included as a fragment - Open the fragment's file /node_modules/@graphcommerce/magento-category/queries/CategoryQueryFragment.graphql, and copy it's contents
- In /graphql/CategoryPage.graphql, paste the contents of
, remove the existing fragments and addchildren_count
query CategoryPage($url: String!) {
categories(filters: { url_path: { eq: $url } }) {
items {
- Save the file. /graphql/CategoryPage.gql.ts should be regenerated, and contain the following addition.
- GraphCommerce's GraphQL Codegen will automatically merge the added query with the query in the fragment (only if the query and arguments match exactly).
{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "children_count" } }
- In /pages/[...url].tsx, show the children_count next to category title (3 occurrences):
{category?.name} - ({category?.children_count})
You can explore the Storefront API and run test queries in your GraphCommerce app. When you're running the GraphCommerce local development environment, you can visit the following URL to load the GraphQL Explorer:
- Learn how to build a custom header in GraphCommerce