GPT-2 for NLP pre-training and text generation, using the huggingface transformers library, optimised for Graphcore's IPU.
Framework | Domain | Model | Datasets | Tasks | Training | Inference | Reference |
PyTorch | NLP | GPT-2 | Wikipedia | Next sentence prediction, Masked language modelling, Question/Answering | ✅ |
✅ |
Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners |
Install and enable the Poplar SDK (see Poplar SDK setup)
Install the system and Python requirements (see Environment setup)
Download the WIKI-103 dataset (See Dataset setup)
To check if your Poplar SDK has already been enabled, run:
If no path is provided, then follow these steps:
Navigate to your Poplar SDK root directory
Enable the Poplar SDK with:
cd poplar-<OS version>-<SDK version>-<hash>
- Additionally, enable PopART with:
cd popart-<OS version>-<SDK version>-<hash>
More detailed instructions on setting up your Poplar environment are available in the Poplar quick start guide.
To prepare your environment, follow these steps:
- Create and activate a Python3 virtual environment:
python3 -m venv <venv name>
source <venv path>/bin/activate
Navigate to the Poplar SDK root directory
Install the PopTorch (PyTorch) wheel:
cd <poplar sdk root dir>
pip3 install poptorch...x86_64.whl
Navigate to this example's root directory
Install the Python requirements:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
More detailed instructions on setting up your PyTorch environment are available in the PyTorch quick start guide.
Download the latest raw wikipedia dump from: You can also download a sample here
Once you have downloaded the raw file, extract it using WikiExtractor.
pip3 install wikiextractor==3.0.6
python3 -m wikiextractor.WikiExtractor --json --no-templates -o wikipedia_extracted enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
Then merge all extracted file into a single json file.
find ./wikipedia_extracted/ -depth -name wiki_* -exec cat {} + > wikipedia_data.json
We recommend to follow Nvidia's Megatron for data preprocessing and generated the training data, see
git clone
pip3 install nltk
python3 Megatron-LM/tools/ \
--input wikipedia_data.json \
--output-prefix wikipedia-gpt2 \
--vocab $APP_DIR/tokenizer/gpt2-vocab-50256.json \
--dataset-impl mmap \
--tokenizer-type GPT2BPETokenizer \
--merge-file $APP_DIR/tokenizer/gpt2-merges-50256.txt \
Where $APP_DIR
is the directory of this README.
The output files are named wikipedia-gpt2_text_document.bin
and wikipedia-gpt2_text_document.idx
, set --dataset mmap
and --input-files <path>/wikipedia-gpt2_text_document
in the training scripts to start gpt2 pretraining.
Download the open webtext dataset from:
tar -xvf openwebtext.tar.xz
python data/ ./openwebtext ./openwebtext_extracted
The output file is openwebtext_raw.json
Before generate the binary file for training, we are going to filter, clean, and deduplicate the raw json file. See
git clone
python3 Megatron-LM/tools/openwebtext/ openwebtext_raw.json openwebtext_clean.json
python3 Megatron-LM/tools/openwebtext/ \
--inputs openwebtext_clean.json url
--output openwebtext_duplicate_url.json
python3 Megatron-LM/tools/openwebtext/ openwebtext_duplicate_url.json openwebtext_duplicate.json
python3 Megatron-LM/tools/openwebtext/ openwebtext_duplicate.json openwebtext_clean.json openwebtext_deduplicate.json
shuf openwebtext_deduplicate.json -o openwebtext_deduplicate_shuf.json
python3 Megatron-LM/tools/openwebtext/ \
--tasks lambada \
--dedup-dataset openwebtext_deduplicate_shuf.json text \
--output openwebtext.json
python3 Megatron-LM/tools/ \
--input openwebtext.json \
--output-prefix openwebtext-gpt2 \
--vocab tokenizer/gpt2-vocab-50256.json \
--dataset-impl mmap \
--workers 8 \
--chunk-size 200000 \
--tokenizer-type GPT2BPETokenizer \
--merge-file tokenizer/gpt2-merges-50256.txt \
The output files are named openwebtext-gpt2_text_document.bin
and openwebtext-gpt2_text_document.idx
, set --dataset mmap
and --input-files <path>/openwebtext-gpt2_text_document
in the training scripts to start gpt2 pretraining.
To run a tested and optimised configuration and to reproduce the performance shown on our performance results page, use the examples_utils
module (installed automatically as part of the environment setup) to run one or more benchmarks. The benchmarks are provided in the benchmarks.yml
file in this example's root directory.
For example:
python3 -m examples_utils benchmark --spec <path to benchmarks.yml file>
Or to run a specific benchmark in the benchmarks.yml
file provided:
python3 -m examples_utils benchmark --spec <path to benchmarks.yml file> --benchmark <name of benchmark>
For more information on using the examples-utils benchmarking module, please refer to the README.
Notice: The default scripts are used to get benchmarks for throughput only. You must passing path to processed data files to --input-files
to start the actual pretraining, you may also need to specify the --checkpoint-output-dir
to save checkpoints. It is recommended to use --gradient-accumulation 512
when pretraining on the wikipedia dataset for better convergence. It takes 20 epochs(about 0.15 days per epoch) to reach a relative low LM loss together with the SOTA accuracy on evaluation tasks.
Further arguments are described in the source file
There are four GPT2 models:
- GPT2 Small - 12 layers (transformer blocks), 117 million parameters
- GPT2 Medium - 24 layers (transformer blocks), 345 million parameters
- GPT2 Large - 36 layers (transformer blocks), 762 million parameters
- GPT2 XLarge - 48 layers (transformer blocks), 1542 million parameters
The JSON configuration files provided in the configs directory config/
define detailed parameters for GPT2 models.
bash tasks/
python \
--model-name-or-path gpt2 \
--fp16 true \
--single-ipu true \
--poptorch-loop true \
--output-len 256
This task is interactive. You can enter one sentence such as "My name is " and it will generate the rest sentences.
Arguments | Meaning |
--model-name-or-path | Path to pre-trained model or shortcut names from The default is 'gpt2' |
--fp16 | Whether to use fp16 model for this task |
--single-ipu | Whether to use single IPU for this task |
--poptorch_loop | Whether to use poptorch_loop to optimize the latency, only supported on single ipu |
--batch-size | batch size for inference. The default is 1 |
--input-len | The maximum input length you want to set for this task |
--output-len | The maximum output length you want to set for this task |
Further arguments are described in the source file
we evaluate perplexity on the word-level WikiText-103 test dataset, and appropriately compute perplexity given the change in tokens when using our generated BPE tokenizer.
We use the following command to run WikiText-103 evaluation on pretrained model.
bash tasks/ wiki
To compute LAMBADA cloze accuracy (the accuracy of predicting the last token given the preceding tokens) we utilize a detokenized, processed version of the LAMBADA dataset.
We use the following command to run LAMBADA evaluation on a pretrained model.
bash tasks/ lmbd
This application is licensed under Apache License 2.0. Please see the LICENSE file in this directory for full details of the license conditions.
This directory contains derived work from:
- GPT2, (licensed under the MIT License)
- Hugging Face Transformers, (licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0)
- Megatron-LM, (license file see
- DeepLearningExamples, (licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0)
The following files include code derived from which uses Apache License, Version 2.0:
- config/config_large.json
- config/config_medium.json
- config/config_xl.json
- config/config.json
- model/
- tokenizer/gpt2-merges-50256.txt
- tokenizer/gpt2-vocab-50256.json
The following files include code derived from which uses MIT License.
- tasks/
- tokenizer/
The following files include code derived from with license
- data/
- tasks/
- tasks/
- tasks/
The following files include code derived from which uses Apache License, Version 2.0:
- data/
- data/