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How to implement Type Interface(/Union) ? #1210
I've try this const { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql } = require('graphile-utils');
const addTaskInterface = makeExtendSchemaPlugin(
({ pgSql: sql, graphql: { getNamedType, ...a } }) => {
return {
typeDefs: gql`
type TaskOne {
id: ID!
item: Item
createdAt: Datetime
updatedAt: Datetime
step: TaskStep!
type TaskTwo {
id: ID!
option Option
createdAt: Datetime
updatedAt: Datetime
step: TaskStep!
union Task = TaskOne | TaskTwo
extend type Query {
getCurrentTask: Task
resolvers: {
Task: {
resolveType(task) {
return {
task_one: getNamedType('TaskOne'),
task_two: getNamedType('TaskTwo'),
Query: {
getCurrentTask: async (_query, args, { pgClient }, resolveInfo) => {
const {
rows: [task],
} = await pgClient.query(`select * from public.current_task()`);
if (!task.id) {
return null;
// task = { id: 11c1caeb-d333-486c-b443-94d9d4daf87d, step: task_one, ...etc }
const [
] = await resolveInfo.graphile.selectGraphQLResultFromTable(
console.log({ row }); => { row: {}} // there is a result but no value
To be sure, I tried with
const result = await resolveInfo.graphile.selectGraphQLResultFromTable(sql.fragment`public.task`);
console.log({ result });
{ result: [ {}, {}, {}, {}, {} ] } // there is results but values are not populated
return row;
module.exports = addTaskInterface; As you can see in the comments, results are there but field aren't populate with the values 😥 |
We don't currently support PostgreSQL interfaces/unions because it doesn't currently work with our query planning infrastructure. You can track progress on this feature via: If you're interested in funding development of this feature please reach out. |
ok, finaly did it this way const addTaskInterface = makeExtendSchemaPlugin(
return {
resolvers: {
Task: {
resolveType(task) {
return {
task_one: getNamedType('TaskOne'),
task_two: getNamedType('TaskTwo'),
Query: {
getCurrentTask: async (_query, args, { pgClient }) => {
const {
rows: [task],
} = await pgClient.query(`select * from public.current_task()`);
if (!task.id) {
return null;
return task;
TaskOne: {
item: {
resolve: async (todo, args, context, resolveInfo) => {
const [
] = await resolveInfo.graphile.selectGraphQLResultFromTable(
(tableAlias, queryBuilder) => {
sql.fragment`${tableAlias}.id = ${sql.value(todo.item_id)}`
return row;
}, little bit verbose, but it work. |
That’s going to give you N+1 performance issues, but I’m glad you have a solution you’re happy with. |
Hi @flo-pereira, thanks for the elaborate example! However I don't completely understand what the difference between the two task types is, they both seem to have exactly the same fields? Distinguishing the different kinds of tasks by the |
Hi @ab-pm, you said
Ok, but I dont think I have a way doing so without knowing which step I want. currentTask {
... on TaskOne {
... on TaskTwo {
} |
@flo-pereira But you're using the same currentTask {
... on TaskOne {
... on TaskTwo {
} Otherwise I would suggest to simply query all fields on both kinds of tasks currentTask {
} and then distinguish them by their |
that's a mistake, I'm looking for different fields currentTask {
... on TaskOne {
... on TaskTwo {
} That's is just a simple code to illustrate what I'm looking for. Each Fragment have differents fields which need different joins in the database, so I dont want to query fields that are not needed. |
Wow, yesterday I've written a custom plugin that does build a (specific) union type with complete lookahead support! It does require some ugly hacks, but also shows off how flexible Postgraphile is. We've got a table that represents the CREATE TABLE public.assignee
user_id integer UNIQUE,
usergroup_id integer UNIQUE,
CONSTRAINT assignee_fk_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public."user" (id),
CONSTRAINT assignee_fk_usergroup_id FOREIGN KEY (usergroup_id) REFERENCES public.usergroup (id),
CONSTRAINT assignee_chck CHECK (num_nonnulls(user_id, usergroup_id) = 1)
COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT assignee_pkey ON public.assignee IS '@omit';
COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT assignee_user_id_key ON public.assignee IS '@omit';
COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT assignee_usergroup_id_key ON public.assignee IS '@omit';
COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT assignee_fk_user_id ON public.assignee IS '@omit';
COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT assignee_fk_usergroup_id ON public.assignee IS '@omit'; The import debugFactory from 'debug';
import { GraphileResolverContext, SchemaBuilder } from 'postgraphile';
import { GraphileUnionTypeConfig } from 'graphile-build';
import { SQL } from 'pg-sql2';
import { ResolveTree } from 'graphql-parse-resolve-info';
const debug = debugFactory('graphile-build-pg');
export default function(builder: SchemaBuilder): void {
// Register a GraphQLUnionType for the public.assignee table instead of the usual GraphQLObjectType
// that would normally be generated by the PgTables plugin
builder.hook('init', (initObject, build) => {
const {
} = build;
const assigneeTable = build.pgIntrospectionResultsByKind.class.find(table => table.name == 'assignee' && table.namespaceName == 'public');
if (!assigneeTable)
throw new Error('Could not find public.assignee');
build.pgRegisterGqlTypeByTypeId(assigneeTable.type.id, () => {
const scope = {
__origin: 'Adding table type for public.assignee',
pgIntrospection: assigneeTable,
isPgRowType: assigneeTable.isSelectable,
isPgCompositeType: !assigneeTable.isSelectable,
const tableSpec: GraphileUnionTypeConfig<any, GraphileResolverContext> = {
name: 'Assignee',
description: assigneeTable.description || null,
types(_ctx) {
return [
].map(type => {
if (!type || !graphql.isObjectType(type)) throw new Error("could not find member type for union 'Assignee'");
return type;
return newWithHooks(
}, false);
return initObject;
}, ['PgAssigneesUnion'], ['PgTables']); // PgTables must run after this
// tweak fields that refer to the Assignee union type
builder.hook('GraphQLObjectType:fields:field', (fieldConfig, build, context) => {
const {
pgQueryFromResolveData: queryFromResolveData,
pgSql: sql,
} = build;
const {
scope: {
} = context;
const unionType = graphql.getNamedType(fieldConfig.type);
if (!(isPgFieldConnection || isPgFieldSimpleCollection || isPgForwardRelationField) || unionType.name != 'Assignee' || !graphql.isUnionType(unionType)) return fieldConfig;
const memberTypes = unionType.getTypes(); // User and Usergroup, from the `tablespec` above
const tablenameByType: { [typename: string]: SQL} = {User: sql.identifier('public', 'user'), Usergroup: sql.identifier('public', 'usergroup')};
const foreignColumnsByType: { [typename: string]: [string, string]} = {User: ['user_id', 'id'], Usergroup: ['usergroup_id', 'id']};
debug('Tweaking %s.%s to fetch concrete values for %s union', Self, fieldName, unionType);
// We add an ArgDataGenerator because those are *always* called when the field is used, regardless of the subfields to be selected
// usually they just add WHERE clauses to the query
// The generator is called from the `getDataFromParsedResolveInfoFragment()` call inside the PgForwardRelationPlugin and similar ones that refer to the public.assignee table
// To access the simplified query fragment (from which to lookahead into fields of concrete types), we need to make it part of the `args` object (see below)
addArgDataGenerator(function evaluateHackyConcretionArgument(args, ReturnType) {
// check whether we are called on the field that returns the union,
// because this generator is also evaluated on the concrete type in the getDataFromParsedResolveInfoFragment call below
if (ReturnType != unionType)
return {}; // #fixme should return null once ts declaration of ArgDataGeneratorFunction allows it
const concreteFragment = args.__concrete as ResolveTree;
return {
pgQuery(queryBuilder) {
const unionTable = queryBuilder.getTableAlias();
const subselects = memberTypes.map(concreteType => {
// the `query` is constructed very similar to that in PgForwardRelationPlugin
const [column, foreignColumn] = foreignColumnsByType[concreteType.name].map(x => sql.identifier(x));
// getting lookahead data for concreteType
const resolveData = getDataFromParsedResolveInfoFragment(
const foreignTableAlias = sql.identifier(Symbol());
const query = queryFromResolveData(
useAsterisk: false,
asJson: true,
innerQueryBuilder => {
innerQueryBuilder.parentQueryBuilder = queryBuilder;
// FIXME subscriptions are ignored here, might need selectIdentifiers etc :-/
// select the typename
innerQueryBuilder.select(sql.literal(concreteType.name), '__typename');
// add the join condition (just like in ForwardRelationPlugin)
innerQueryBuilder.where(sql.fragment`${unionTable}.${column} = ${foreignTableAlias}.${foreignColumn}`);
return sql.fragment` WHEN ${unionTable}.${column} IS NOT NULL THEN (${query})`;
queryBuilder.select(sql.fragment`CASE${sql.join(subselects)} END`, '__concrete');
// unfortunately queryBuilder.selectIdentifiers() has already been called so we cannot just replace the entire selection clause
// queryBuilder.fixedSelectExpression(sql.fragment`CASE${sql.join(subselects)} END`);
// access the `__concrete` field after resolving the field as usual (by alias etc), potentially nested in a list
// FIXME lists nested in lists are not supported
const getConcrete = graphql.isListType(graphql.getNullableType(fieldConfig.type))
? (vals: any[]) => (console.log(vals), vals?.map(val => val?.__concrete))
: (val: any) => val?.__concrete;
return {
resolve(...args) {
return getConcrete(fieldConfig.resolve!(...args));
// hack into `simplifyParsedResolveInfoFragmentWithType` to make the original parsed fragment
// available on the `args` object for all union types
builder.hook('build', build => {
const {
simplifyParsedResolveInfoFragmentWithType: simplifyResolveInfo,
} = build;
return Object.assign(build, {
simplifyParsedResolveInfoFragmentWithType(fragment: ResolveTree, type: import('graphql').GraphQLType) {
const res = simplifyResolveInfo(fragment, type);
if (graphql.isUnionType(type))
res.args = {
__concrete: fragment
return res;
} |
Thanks for this example, but when I try it, I get the following error (with or without other plugins or configuration settings). I'm troubleshooting this now, but if you have insight, I would appreciate it, thanks
I got this error too |
In case someone stumbles across this question, something like this worked for me: import { Plugin } from 'postgraphile'
export const UnionPlugin: Plugin = (builder, options) => {
(input, build, context) => {
const original = input.newWithHooks
build.addType(new build.graphql.GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'SomeTypeA',
fields: {
url: {
type: build.graphql.GraphQLString,
async resolve(parent){
// parent has all direct fields from the database result
return 'https://postgraphile.org/'
// override the newWithHooks method (hacky)
build.newWithHooks = function (...args: any[]) {
const [type, config, scope] = args
if (config?.name === 'YourTypeThatShouldBeAUnion') {
// Our original base type
original.apply(this, [type, { ...config, name: 'YourTypeThatShouldBeAUnionBase' }, scope])
// And the union we want to create
return original.apply(this, [
name: 'YourTypeThatShouldBeAUnion',
types: [build.getTypeByName('YourTypeThatShouldBeAUnionBase'), build.getTypeByName('SomeTypeA')],
resolveType(args: any) {
// decide based on args what type to return (contains all fields of the row result)
return 'SomeTypeA'
return original.apply(this, args)
return build
} |
What an interesting approach! |
Polymorphism is fully supported in PostGraphile V5, including a number of approaches (and support in the underlying engine to let you do it other ways too); read more: https://dev.to/graphile/intro-to-postgraphile-v5-part-5-polymorphism-40b4 |
Hi, I'm submitting a
PostGraphile version: 4.5.0
Hi have a table like this :
I can make query like
And it work like it's supposed to be.
But I need another behaviour and I dont know how to do it.
I need the same currentTask function to return a kind of TaskInterface depending on
which I could query like below:What is the best way to do this ?
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