Built my config on kickstart.nvim
, added new plugins, keymaps and options to better fit my workflow and usecase
Barbecue [ VSCode like winbar of neovim ]
CodeSnap [ To snap highlighted code ]
Dashboard [ For dashboard when opening neovim ]
Flash [ To jump to a word in open buffer ]
Harpoon [ To jump between files in open workspaces ]
Lualine [ For pretty lualine (Depends on Lualine so Fancy) ]
Noice [ For floating commandline ]
NvTerm [ For terminals ]
Oil [ To edit file tree like buffer ]
Bufferline [ To view open buffers ]
Tabscope [ For per tab buffer system ]
More plugins are added but not mentioned in README
Please take this only as reference, I always suggest building your own config for more control over it