Create and modify client side label layers using existing dynamic and feature map layers. Features
automatic indexing of all dynamic map layers in layerInfos
and minor font
modification capabilities planned (currently supports color).
Useful in either any of the cmv types, and uses dojo.topic
to open or show itself
when the topic is published.
In addition, supports automatically added labels.
Configure predefined labels:
Allow users to build complex labels:
Map Options
This widget requires the map option showLabels: true
enabled in order for
labels to show up in your map.
Title Pane
labelLayer: {
title: 'Map Labels',
id: 'labelLayer',
include: true,
type: 'titlePane',
position: 15,
path: 'roemhildtg/LabelLayer',
options: {
// required!
map: true,
layerControlLayerInfos: true,
// label layer options to exclude layers and exclude fields
// similar to cmv identify config
labelInfos: {
<layerId>: { // a string like 'assets'
exclude: false, // exclude this entire layer
<subLayerId>: { // a number representign the map service layer id
exclude: false, // set the sublayer to be excluded from the label widget
fields: [{
alias: 'Field Label',
name: 'field_name'
// the available select dropdowns for each layer
selections: [{ // sublayer id
name: 'Diameter - Material', //displayed to user
value: '{diameter}" {material}' //label string
// automatically created labels
defaultLabels: [{
layer: 'layer_id',
sublayer: 13, // only for dynamic layers
visible: true,
name: 'Diameter - Material', //displayed to user
expression: '{diameter}" {material}' //label string
color: '#000',
fontSize: 8,
url: 'url to feature layer ' //if we want to create it,
title: 'layer title',
// // override the default colors
// colors: [{
// name: 'Black',
// id: '#000'
// }],
// // set the default color choice using the id
// color: '#000',
// //default font size
// fontSize: 8,
Floating Style
labelLayer: {
title: 'Map Labels',
id: 'labelLayer',
include: true,
type: 'floating',
position: 15,
path: 'roemhildtg/LabelLayer',
options: {
//options here (see above)
Use layer control to publish the topic when the layer a layer's menu is selected:
layerControl: {
include: true,
id: 'layerControl',
type: 'titlePane',
path: 'gis/dijit/LayerControl',
title: 'Layers',
open: true,
position: 0,
options: {
// add a menu option to feature layers
menu: {
feature: [{
label: 'Labels',
topic: 'showLabelPicker',
iconClass: 'fa fa-font fa-fw'
// add a sublayer menu for dynamic layers
subLayerMenu: {
dynamic: [{
label: 'Labels',
topic: 'showLabelPicker',
iconClass: 'fa fa-font fa-fw'
map: true,
layerControlLayerInfos: true,
separated: true,
vectorReorder: true,
overlayReorder: true
require(['roemhildtg/LabelLayer'], function(LabelLayer){
new LabelLayer({
layerInfos: [{
//cmv layer info
map: mapObject, //esri map object
}, 'domNode');
Change Notes:
- Added the ability to exclude layers by id and sublayer id
- Added the ability to exclude fields from a layer by overriding the field config
- Fixed an issue with the creation of default label layers
- Added a loading icon when fields are being retrieved from the server
New Config API: Changes to the config were made to simplify excluding layers and fields. As a result, existing configs will have to be migrated.
is the new primary config property. This is similar to the cmv identify config. Each label infos consts of a nested objectlabelSelections
has been changed to a property on thelabelInfos
- Note:
has not changed its position in the config
Old Config:
labelSelections: [{
name: 'My label name',
value: '{label_field} - {other_field}'
New Config:
layerId: {
0: {
selections: [{
name: 'My label name',
value: '{label_field} - {other_field}'