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File metadata and controls

186 lines (149 loc) · 7.97 KB

Relationship Table Tabs

A tabbed widget for displaying and interacting with tables related to feature layers. Includes a child widget RelationshipTable/RelationshipTable to use in other situations, like the identify popup (see below).

Intended for use in CMV v1.3.3


  • Layer mode should be set to ON_DEMAND or SNAPSHOT. SELECTION will not work currently.
  • Ensure a proxy is configured and working


CMV pane and widget config

panes: {
    left: {
        splitter: true
    bottom: {
        id: 'sidebarBottom',
        placeAt: 'outer',
        splitter: true,
        collapsible: true,
        region: 'bottom',
        style: 'height:300px;display:none;',
        content: '<div id="relatedRecords" style="height:100%;"></div>'
widgets: {
relatedRecords: {
    include: true,
    id: 'relatedRecords',
    type: 'domNode',
    srcNodeRef: 'relatedRecords',
    path: 'gis/CMV_Widgets/widgets/RelationshipTableTabs',
    title: 'Related Records',
    options: {
        //required option
        layerControlLayerInfos: true,

        //optional relationships property
        relationships: {
            <layerID)>: { //layerID (string) key refers to featurelayer id in the operationalLayers array
                <relationshipID>: { //relationshipID (integer) key referrs to the relationship id on the rest services page
                    //relationship tab title
                    title: 'Inspections',

                    //set exclude to true to skip this relationship
                    exclude: false,

                    //other dgrid options like columns may be included

Widget Options:

Key Type Default Description
layerInfos boolean null set layerControlLayerInfos to true, a layerInfos object is required
relationships {object} {} An object describing each relationship. Details below
tabPosition string 'top' dijit tabContainer.tabPosition property: 'top', 'left-h', Not working due to layout issues: 'bottom', 'right-h'
tabContainerId string null An optional id of a widget that is a tabContainer or contains a tabContainer property. If specified, this widgets tables will be added to an existing tabContainer like the one developed by tmcgee here instead of creating a new one.

relationships property

Each relationship object may have the following properties as well as properties used by dgrid

Key Type Default Description
title string - the title for the relationship tab
exclude boolean null by default all relationships are included. set exclude: false to avoid this

You may also use this widget in a programatic matter:

new RelationshipTableTabs({
  layerInfos: [{
      id: 'demographics',
      layer: demographicsLayer
  //other options
}, 'domNodeId');

Relationship Table Widget

This class can be used standalone in situations where you don't want tabbed tables, like the identify widget.

new RelationshipTable({
  attributes: data.attributes,
  style: 'width:100%;',
  title: 'Bridge Links',
  objectIdField: 'OBJECTID',
  relationshipId: 0,
  url: '/arcgis/rest/services/Apps/RelatedRecords/MapServer/0',
  columns: [{
    label: 'Link',
    field: 'Link_URL',
    formatter: formatters.url
  }, {
    label: 'Category',
    field: 'Category'
 }, 'domNodeId');

Constructor Options

In addition to the options below, RelationshipTable inherits from _WidgetBase, OnDemandGrid, ColumnHider and DijitRegistry.

See dgrid docs for additional useful properties

Key Type Default Description
objectIdField String null The object id field for this feature layer. This is typically the layer.objectIdField property. If you have an alias on the object id field, use the alias.
attributes {object} null A map of attributes returned from an identify result. This is typically the feature.attributes property. It must have an property with the name of the objectIdField.
url String '' The url for the feature layer.
relationshipId Number 0 The id of the relationship to use. This is found on the rest services page for the feature layer, by adding ?f=json to the url.
defaultNoDataMessage String 'No results.' The default message to display when there is no data.
errorDataMessage String 'The query could not be executed. Is a proxy configured?' The default error message to display.
loadingMessage String 'Loading...' The default error message to display.

Include in identify popup:

Related Records comes with a simple content formatter for cmv. Add the required file to your identify.js and use it to include relationship queries in your popup.

The factory is a function where you pass an array of objects. Each object needs the properties defined in the constructor options above.

], function (factory) {

//.........other identify.js stuff
identifies: {
  layerId: { // operational layers layer `id`
    0: {
        title: 'Bridge Inventory',
        content: factory([{
            title: 'Bridge Links',
            objectIdField: 'OBJECTID',
            relationshipId: 0,
            url: '/arcgis/rest/services/Apps/RelatedRecords/MapServer/0',
            columns: [{
                    label: 'Link',
                    field: 'Link_URL'
                }, {
                    label: 'Category',
                    field: 'Category'
        }// , { ... more relationships } if your dynamic layer has more relationships, you can add more than one


3/6/2017: Add an identify content factory

5/30/2015: Major widget changes

  • moved majority of relationship querying and display code to a self-contained class RelationshipTable
  • renamed class to RelationshipTableTabs to better describe the widget
  • renamed widget folder to RelationshipTable
  • renamed columnInfos property to relationships

RelationshipTable Class

  • Can be used standalone (like in identify popup) or with the RelatedRecordTabs
  • Inherits all properties, methods and events from OnDemandGrid, ColumnHider, and DijitRegistry