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We maintain three kinds of tests: unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests.

Overall, you want to write the tests that maximize coverage while minimizing maintenance. In practice, this usually means investing heavily in unit tests, which tend to be the most robust to changes in the code base.

Test Pyramid

Test Pyramid

The pyramid above shows the relative number of unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests. Most of our tests are unit tests or integration tests.

  • Each test case should be concise: setup, execute, check, and teardown. If you find yourself writing tests with many steps, consider refactoring the unit under tests into smaller units, and then testing those individually.
  • As a rule of thumb, your unit tests should cover every code branch.
  • Mock or patch external dependencies. We use the voidspace Mock Library.
  • We unit test Python code (using unittest) and Javascript (using Jasmine)
  • Test several units at the same time. Note that you can still mock or patch dependencies that are not under test! For example, you might test that LoncapaProblem, NumericalResponse, and CorrectMap in the capa package work together, while still mocking out template rendering.
  • Use integration tests to ensure that units are hooked up correctly. You do not need to test every possible input--that's what unit tests are for. Instead, focus on testing the "happy path" to verify that the components work together correctly.
  • Many of our tests use the Django test client to simulate HTTP requests to the server.
  • There should be very few UI acceptance tests since they are generally slow and flaky. Use these to test only bare minimum happy paths for necessary features.
  • We use Bok Choy to write end-user acceptance tests directly in Python, using the framework to maximize reliability and maintainability.
  • Python unit and integration tests: Located in subpackages called tests. For example, the tests for the capa package are located in common/lib/capa/capa/tests.
  • Javascript unit tests: Located in spec folders. For example, common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/spec and {cms,lms}/static/js/spec For consistency, you should use the same directory structure for implementation and test. For example, the test for src/views/module.js should be written in spec/views/module_spec.js.
  • UI acceptance tests:
    • Set up and helper methods, and stubs for external services: common/djangoapps/terrain
    • Bok Choy Acceptance Tests: located under common/test/acceptance/tests
    • Bok Choy Accessibility Tests: located under common/test/acceptance/tests and tagged with @attr("a11y")
    • Bok Choy PageObjects: located under common/test/acceptance/pages

You can run all of the unit-level tests using this command:

paver test

This includes python, JavaScript, and documentation tests. It does not, however, run any acceptance tests.

Note - paver is a scripting tool. To get information about various options, you can run the this command:

paver -h

Note - Unless otherwise mentioned, all the following commands should be run from inside lms docker container.

We use pytest to run Python tests. Pytest is a testing framework for python and should be your goto for local Python unit testing.

Pytest (and all of the plugins we use with it) has a lot of options. Use pytest --help to see all your option and pytest has good docs around testing.

When developing tests, it is often helpful to be able to really just run one single test without the overhead of PIP installs, UX builds, etc.

Various ways to run tests using pytest:

pytest path/test_m­                          # Run all tests in a module.
pytest path/test_m­odule.p­y:­:te­st_func               # Run a specific test within a module.
pytest path/test_m­odule.p­y:­:Te­stC­las­s               # Run all tests in a class
pytest path/test_m­odule.p­y:­:Te­stC­las­s::­tes­t_m­ethod  # Run a specific method of a class.
pytest path/testing/                                # Run all tests in a directory.

For example, this command runs a single python unit test file:

pytest common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/tests/

Note - edx-platorm has multiple services (lms, cms) in it. The environment for each service is different enough that we run some tests in both environments in jenkins. To make sure tests will pass in each of these environments (especially for tests in "common" directory), you will need to test in each seperately. Add --rootdir flag at end of your pytest call and specify the env you are testing in:

pytest test --rootdir <lms or cms>

Various tools like ddt create tests with very complex names, rather than figuring out the name yourself, you can:

  1. Select tests to run based on their name, provide an expression to the pytest -k option which performs a substring match on test names:

    pytest common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/tests/ -k test_stringify
  1. Alternatively, you can the get the name of all test methods in a class, file, or project, including all variations, by running pytest with --collectonly:

    pytest common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/tests/ --collectonly
Testing with migrations

For the sake of speed, by default the python unit test database tables are created directly from apps' models. If you want to run the tests against a database created by applying the migrations instead, use the --create-db --migrations option:

pytest test --create-db --migrations

There are various ways to debug tests in Python and more specifically with pytest:

  • using the verbose -v or really verbose -vv flags can be helpful for displaying diffs on assertion failures

  • if you want to focus on one test failure at a time, the --exitfirst``or ``-x flags to have pytest stop after the first failure

  • by default, the plugin pytest-randomly will randomize test case sequence. This is to help reveal bugs in your test setup and teardown. If you do not want this randomness, use the --randomly-dont-reorganize flag

  • if you pass the --pdb flag to a pytest call, the test runner will drop you into pdb on error. This lets you go up and down the stack and see what the values of the variables are. Check out the pdb documentation. Note that this only works if you aren't collecting coverage statistics (pdb and use the same mechanism to trace code execution).

  • If there is a specific point in code you would like to debug, you can add the build-in "breakpoint()" function there and it will automatically drop you at the point next time the code runs. If you check this in, your tests will hang on jenkins. Example of use:

    if True:
      # you will be dropped here in the pdb shell when running test or code
      random_variable = False

These are examples of how to run a single test and get coverage:

pytest cms/djangoapps/contentstore/tests/ --cov --cov-config=.coveragerc-local # cms example
pytest lms/djangoapps/courseware/tests/ --cov --cov-config=.coveragerc-local # lms example

That --cov-conifg=.coveragerc-local option is important - without it, the coverage tool will look for paths that exist on our jenkins test servers, but not on your local devstack.

How to spit out coverage for a single file with a list of each line that is missing coverage:

pytest lms/djangoapps/grades/tests/ \
    --cov=lms.djangoapps.grades.subsection_grade \
    --cov-config=.coveragerc-local \
---------- coverage: platform linux2, python 2.7.12-final-0 ----------

Name                                        Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
lms/djangoapps/grades/     125     38    70%   47-51, 57, 80-81, 85, 89, 99, 109, 113, [...]

Use this command to generate a coverage report (after previously running pytest):

coverage report

The above command looks for a test coverage data file in reports/.coverage - this file will contain coverage data from your last run of pytest. Coverage data is recorded for whichever paths you specified in your --cov option, e.g.:

--cov=.  # will track coverage for the entire project  # will track coverage only for "module"

Use this command to generate an HTML report:

coverage html

The report is then saved in reports/common/lib/xmodule/cover/index.html

To run tests for stub servers, for example for YouTube stub server, you can run one of these commands:

paver test_system -s cms -t common/djangoapps/terrain/stubs/tests/
pytest common/djangoapps/terrain/stubs/tests/

As we move over to running our unittests with Jenkins Pipelines and pytest-xdist, there are new ways for tests to flake, which can sometimes be difficult to debug. If you run into flakiness, check (and feel free to contribute to) this confluence document for help.

We use Jasmine to run JavaScript unit tests. To run all the JavaScript tests:

paver test_js

To run a specific set of JavaScript tests and print the results to the console, run these commands:

paver test_js_run -s lms
paver test_js_run -s cms
paver test_js_run -s cms-squire
paver test_js_run -s xmodule
paver test_js_run -s xmodule-webpack
paver test_js_run -s common
paver test_js_run -s common-requirejs

To run JavaScript tests in a browser, run these commands:

paver test_js_dev -s lms
paver test_js_dev -s cms
paver test_js_dev -s cms-squire
paver test_js_dev -s xmodule
paver test_js_dev -s xmodule-webpack
paver test_js_dev -s common
paver test_js_dev -s common-requirejs

The best way to debug individual tests is to run the test suite in the browser and use your browser's Javascript debugger. The debug page will allow you to select an individual test and only view the results of that test.

To debug these tests on devstack in a local browser:

  • first run the appropriate test_js_dev command from above
  • open http://localhost:19876/debug.html in your host system's browser of choice
  • this will run all the tests and show you the results including details of any failures
  • you can click on an individually failing test and/or suite to re-run it by itself
  • you can now use the browser's developer tools to debug as you would any other JavaScript code

Note: the port is also output to the console that you ran the tests from if you find that easier.

These paver commands call through to Karma. For more info, see

We use Bok Choy for acceptance testing. Bok Choy is a UI-level acceptance test framework for writing robust Selenium tests in Python. Bok Choy makes your acceptance tests reliable and maintainable by utilizing the Page Object and Promise design patterns.


These prerequisites are all automatically installed and available in Devstack, the supported development enviornment for the Open edX platform.

  • Chromedriver and Chrome
  • Mongo
  • Memcache
  • mySQL

To run all the bok choy acceptance tests run this command:

paver test_bokchoy

Once the database has been set up and the static files collected, you can use the 'fast' option to skip those tasks. This option can also be used with any of the test specs below:

paver test_bokchoy --fasttest

For example to run a single test, specify the name of the test file:

paver test_bokchoy -t lms/

Notice the test file location is relative to common/test/acceptance/tests. This is another example:

paver test_bokchoy -t studio/

To run a single test faster by not repeating setup tasks use the --fasttest option:

paver test_bokchoy -t studio/ --fasttest

To test only a certain feature, specify the file and the testcase class:

paver test_bokchoy -t studio/

To execute only a certain test case, specify the file name, class, and test case method:

paver test_bokchoy -t lms/

During acceptance test execution, log files and also screenshots of failed tests are captured in test_root/log.

Use this command to put a temporary debugging breakpoint in a test. If you check this in, your tests will hang on jenkins:


By default, all bokchoy tests are run with the 'split' ModuleStore. To override the modulestore that is used, use the default_store option. The currently supported stores are: 'split' (xmodule.modulestore.split_mongo.split_draft.DraftVersioningModuleStore) and 'draft' (xmodule.modulestore.mongo.DraftMongoModuleStore). This is an example for the 'draft' store:

paver test_bokchoy --default_store='draft'

We use Bok Choy for automated accessibility testing. Bok Choy, a UI-level acceptance test framework for writing robust Selenium tests in Python, includes the ability to perform accessibility audits on web pages using Google Accessibility Developer Tools or Deque's aXe Core. For more details about how to write accessibility tests, please read the Bok Choy documentation and the Automated Accessibility Tests Open edX Confluence page.


These prerequisites are all automatically installed and available in Devstack (since the Cypress release), the supported development environment for the Open edX platform.

  • Mongo
  • Memcache
  • mySQL

To run all the bok choy accessibility tests use this command:

paver test_a11y

To run specific tests, use the -t flag to specify a pytest-style test spec relative to the common/test/acceptance/tests directory. This is an example for it:

paver test_a11y -t lms/


To generate the coverage report for the views run during accessibility tests:

paver a11y_coverage

Note that this coverage report is just a guideline to find areas that are missing tests. If the view isn't 'covered', there definitely isn't a test for it. If it is 'covered', we are loading that page during the tests but not necessarily calling page.a11y_audit.check_for_accessibility_errors on it.

The following are ways in which a developer could shorten the development cycle for faster feedback. The options below can often be used together.

Multiprocessing Mode

Bok-choy tests can be threaded using the -n switch. Using 2 threads generally reduces test cycles by 33%. The recommendation is to make sure the number of threads is no more than the number of processors available. For example, the Cypress release of devstack is provisioned by default with 2 processors. In that case, to run tests in multiprocess mode:

paver test_bokchoy -n 2

Caveat: Not all tests have been designed with multiprocessing in mind; some testcases (approx 10%) will fail in multiprocess mode for various reasons (e.g., shared fixtures, unexpected state, etc). If you have tests that fail in multiprocessing mode, it may be worthwhile to run them in single-stream mode to understand if you are encountering such a failure. With that noted, this can speed development for most test classes.

Leave Your Servers Running

There are two additional switches available in the paver test_bokchoy task. Used together, they can shorten the cycle between test runs. Similar to above, there are a handful of tests that won't work with this approach, due to insufficient teardown and other unmanaged state.

  1. Start your servers in one terminal/ssh session:

    paver test_bokchoy --serversonly

    Note if setup has already been done, you can run:

    paver test_bokchoy --serversonly --fasttest
  2. Run your tests only in another terminal/ssh session:

    paver test_bokchoy --testsonly --fasttest

You must run BOTH --testsonly and --fasttest.

3. When done, you can kill your servers in the first terminal/ssh session with Control-C. Warning: Only hit Control-C one time so the pytest framework can properly clean up.

  1. Element existence on the page: Do not use splinter's built-in browser methods directly for determining if elements exist. Use the world.is_css_present and world.is_css_not_present wrapper functions instead. Otherwise errors can arise if checks for the css are performed before the page finishes loading. Also these wrapper functions are optimized for the amount of wait time spent in both cases of positive and negative expectation.

  2. Dealing with alerts: Chrome can hang on javascripts alerts. If a javascript alert/prompt/confirmation is expected, use the step 'I will confirm all alerts', 'I will cancel all alerts' or 'I will anser all prompts with "(.*)"' before the step that causes the alert in order to properly deal with it.

  3. Dealing with stale element reference exceptions: These exceptions happen if any part of the page is refreshed in between finding an element and accessing the element. When possible, use any of the css functions in common/djangoapps/terrain/ as they will retry the action in case of this exception. If the functionality is not there, wrap the function with world.retry_on_exception. This function takes in a function and will retry and return the result of the function if there was an exception.

  4. Scenario Level Constants: If you want an object to be available for the entire scenario, it can be stored in world.scenario_dict. This object is a dictionary that gets refreshed at the beginning on the scenario. Currently, the current logged in user and the current created course are stored under 'COURSE' and 'USER'. This will help prevent strings from being hard coded so the acceptance tests can become more flexible.

  5. Internal edX Jenkins considerations: Acceptance tests are run in Jenkins as part of the edX development workflow. They are broken into shards and split across workers. Therefore if you add a new .feature file, you need to define what shard they should be run in or else they will not get executed. See someone from TestEng to help you determine where they should go.

    Also, the test results are rolled up in Jenkins for ease of understanding, with the acceptance tests under the top level of "CMS" and "LMS" when they follow this convention: name your feature in the .feature file CMS or LMS with a single period and then no other periods in the name. The name can contain spaces. E.g. "CMS.Sign Up"

Any text you add to the platform should be internationalized. To generate translations for your new strings, run the following command:

paver i18n_dummy

This command generates dummy translations for each dummy language in the platform and puts the dummy strings in the appropriate language files. You can then preview the dummy languages on your local machine and also in your sandbox, if and when you create one.

The dummy language files that are generated during this process can be found in the following locations:


There are a few JavaScript files that are generated from this process. You can find those in the following locations:


Do not commit the .po, .mo, .js files that are generated in the above locations during the dummy translation process!

We currently collect test coverage information for Python unit/integration tests.

To view test coverage:

  1. Run the test suite with this command:

    paver test
  2. Generate reports with this command:

    paver coverage
  3. Reports are located in the reports folder. The command generates HTML and XML (Cobertura format) reports.

To view Python code style quality (including PEP 8 and pylint violations) run this command:

paver run_quality

More specific options are below.

  • These commands run a particular quality report:

    paver run_pep8
    paver run_pylint
  • This command runs a report, and sets it to fail if it exceeds a given number of violations:

    paver run_pep8 --limit=800
  • The run_quality uses the underlying diff-quality tool (which is packaged with diff-cover). With that, the command can be set to fail if a certain diff threshold is not met. For example, to cause the process to fail if quality expectations are less than 100% when compared to master (or in other words, if style quality is worse than what is already on master):

    paver run_quality --percentage=100
  • Note that 'fixme' violations are not counted with run_quality. To see all 'TODO' lines, use this command:

    paver find_fixme --system=lms

    system is an optional argument here. It defaults to cms,lms,common.

To view JavaScript code style quality run this command:

paver run_eslint
  • This command also comes with a --limit switch, this is an example of that switch:

    paver run_eslint --limit=50000

Tool(s) available for evaluating complexity of edx-platform code:

  • plato for JavaScript code complexity. Several options are available on the command line; see documentation. Below, the following command will produce an HTML report in a subdirectory called "jscomplexity":

    plato -q -x common/static/js/vendor/ -t common -e .eslintrc.json -r -d jscomplexity common/static/js/

If you want to see the browser being automated for JavaScript or bok-choy tests, you can connect to the container running it via VNC.

Browser VNC connection
Firefox (Default) vnc://
Chrome (via Selenium) vnc://

On macOS, enter the VNC connection string in Safari to connect via VNC. The VNC passwords for both browsers are randomly generated and logged at container startup, and can be found by running make vnc-passwords.

Most tests are run in Firefox by default. To use Chrome for tests that normally use Firefox instead, prefix the test command with SELENIUM_BROWSER=chrome

Many tests delegate set-up to a "factory" class. For example, there are factories for creating courses, problems, and users. This encapsulates set-up logic from tests.

Factories are often implemented using FactoryBoy.

In general, factories should be located close to the code they use. For example, the factory for creating problem XML definitions is located in common/lib/capa/capa/tests/ because the capa package handles problem XML.

To run tests on the scripts that power the various Paver commands, use the following command:

pytest pavelib

When testing problems that use a queue server on AWS (e.g., you'll need to run your server on your public IP, like so:

./ lms runserver

When you connect to the LMS, you need to use the public ip. Use ifconfig to figure out the number, and connect e.g. to