layout | showTitle |
home |
false |
{% comment %} This is the generic landing page (home page) for all layouts. The home page content can be customized in the layout-specific files, found in "./templates".
To change to a different layout, edit the "_config.yml". Set "layouts_dir" to the
layout you'd like to use. For example:
layouts_dir: ./_layouts/blog
If you're using the "blog" layout, then you'd edit the home page by editing the
content within "./templates/".
{% endcomment %}
{% if site.jaytch.layout.homepage %} {% include_relative {{ site.jaytch.layout.homepage }} %} {% else %} {% assign layout_category = site.layouts_dir | split: '/' | last %} {% include_relative templates/{{ layout_category }}.md %} {% endif %}