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Gordon Stewart edited this page Jun 30, 2015 · 5 revisions


Snårkl is a high-level language and compiler for verifiable computing. For an introduction to verifiable computing (VC), see the fine ACM review article by Walfish and Blumberg. For details on libsnark, the C++ library targeted by the Snårkl compiler, see, e.g. SNARKs for C by Ben-Sasson et al.


git clone snarkl
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Development Environment

Snårkl programs are shallowly embedded in Haskell through the use of

  • Snårkl's Syntax and SyntaxMonad modules, which define the combinators of the Snårkl language, and
  • the Snårkl Toplevel, which exposes the API of the Snårkl compiler.

The easiest way to interact with these libraries is in Emacs, using Haskell's Interactive Mode. Assuming you have a modern cabal, set your REPL to cabal-repl by adding the following to your .emacs:

  '(haskell-process-type 'cabal-repl))

Navigate to the source directory of the repository and open one of the Snårkl examples:

emacs src/examples/Basic.hs

Type C-c C-l and follow the prompts. In the bottom-left status bar of your Emacs window, you should see a bunch of libraries compiling, followed by OK. If you don't see OK, something is probably misconfigured.


The Snårkl source language supports a number of expressive features, including: higher-order functions and parametric polymorphism (via the embedding in Haskell) as well as user-defined inductive datatypes. In this section, we'll step through src/examples/Basic.hs and src/examples/Tree.hs, which give examples of many of these features in action.


From the base of the Snårkl repository, start emacs and open src/examples/Basic.hs (C-x C-f src/examples/Basic.hs).

At the top of the file, you'll see a couple weird declarations:

{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

These turn on two GHC Haskell extensions required by Snårkl. They must appear in every Snårkl program.

  • RebindableSyntax gives us a clean slate to re-implement basic Haskell syntax (e.g., Haskell's monadic >>= bind). This way, we're able to overload Haskell's monadic do (examples below).
  • DataKinds facilitates the use of Snårkl's GADT-style typed expression language (src/TExpr.hs). The details here are unimportant.

Next comes the module declaration and imports:

module Basic where

import Prelude hiding
  ( (>>), (>>=), (+), (-), (*), (/), (&&)
  , return, fromRational, negate

import Syntax
import SyntaxMonad
import TExpr
import Toplevel                                                         

When importing the Haskell Prelude we hide the standard definitions of functions re-implemented by Snårkl (you'll find the definitions of these functions in Syntax and SyntaxMonad). TExpr gives the deeply embedded typed expression language manipulated by high-level Snårkl programs. Toplevel imports the Snårkl compiler and its API.

Builtin Types

Out of the box, Snårkl supports arithmetic over (bounded) rationals. The following program

mult_ex :: TExp 'TField Rational -> TExp 'TField Rational-> Comp 'TField
mult_ex x y = return (x * y)

takes two Snårkl expressions as arguments (TExp 'TField Rational is the type of Snårkl expressions of type 'TField ["field element"], specialized to underlying field Rational) and returns their product. The naked expression x * y, of type TExp 'TField Rational is wrapped inside a return, coercing it to a Snårkl computation (Comp 'TField ["Snårkl computation returning a field element"]).

Snårkl also supports array-structured computation:

arr_ex :: TExp 'TField Rational -> Comp 'TField
arr_ex x = do
  a <- arr 2
  forall [0..1] (\i -> set (a,i) x)
  y <- get (a,0)
  z <- get (a,1)
  return $ y + z

Here we sequence imperative computation steps using Haskell's do notation.

  • The first line a <- arr 2 allocates an array of size 2, bound in the rest of the computation to variable a.
  • forall [0..1] (\i -> set (a,i) x) assigns the expression x to every index of the array. In general, the forall combinator takes as arguments a list of integers l, which may or may not be contiguous, and a function from integers to Snårkl computations.
  • y <- get (a,0) dereferences the array at index 0.
  • And likewise for z <- ... at 1.
  • Finally, we return the sum of y and z.


The Toplevel provides support for "desugaring" high-level Snårkl computations.

p1 = arr_ex 1.0
λ> texp_of_comp p1
TExpPkg {comp_num_vars = 4, comp_input_vars = [], comp_texp = var 2 := 1 % 1; var 3 := 1 % 1; var 2+var 3}

Calling texp_of_comp on a Snårkl computation (e.g., of type Comp 'TField) produces a TExpPkg record that gives:

  • the number of variables generated during desugaring;
  • the number of "input" variables (these are variables that must be instantiated by the user when the expression is compiled to R1CS form);
  • the resulting expression.

In the case of p1 = arr_ex 1.0, the expression assigns var 2 := 1 % 1 (1 % 1 is Haskell syntax for the rational 1/1), var 3 := 1 % 1, and returns the result of var 2 + var 3.


Snårkl computations can also be interpreted.

λ> comp_interp p1 []
2 % 1

Under the hood, comp_interp desugars the computation (e.g., p1) and interprets the resulting TExp. The second (here the empty list []) is the sequence of input values to be assigned to the program's input variables (if any).

R1CS Inputs

Snårkl computations may require inputs (fresh_input), in addition to function arguments. At the R1CS-level, inputs correspond to constraint variables that are instantiated by the user.

p2 = do
  x <- fresh_input
  return $ x + x

When desugared, p2 generates the TExpPkg

TExpPkg {comp_num_vars = 1, comp_input_vars = [0], comp_texp = var 0+var 0}

in which variable 0 is marked as an explicit input. When interpreting an expression with inputs, it's necessary to supply values for each input variable.

λ> comp_interp p2 []
*** Exception: unbound var 0 in environment fromList []
λ> comp_interp p2 [256]
512 % 1

Compiling and Evaluating Rank-1 Constraints

The Snårkl toplevel makes it relatively easy to compile a Snårkl computation to R1CS-form (using r1cs_of_comp) and then "execute" the result (snarkify_comp).

For example,

λ> r1cs_of_comp p2
([fromList [(-1,1 % 1)]*fromList [(-1,0 % 1),(0,2 % 1),(1,(-1) % 1)]==fromList [(-1,0 % 1)]],2,[0],[1])

compiles p2 to the R1CS whose serialization reads: 1 * (0 + 2*x_0 - 1*x_1) = 0:

  • x_0 is the input variable;
  • x_1 is the result;
  • x_1 = x_0 + x_0 if and only if the equation (on polynomials) 1 * (0 + 2*x_0 - 1*x_1) = 0 is satisfiable. (For a detailed introduction to rank-1 constraints, see libsnark and associated papers.)

Running p2 through libsnark yields success!

λ> snarkify_comp "p2" p2 [1.0]
Verification Succeeded.

The effect of this command is to

  • compile p2 to Snårkl's internal R1CS abstract syntax;
  • serialize the resulting R1CS into a text file that libsnark understands;
  • use libsnark to generate, from the input R1CS configuration, a proving key and a verification key;
  • calculate a satisfying assignment for the R1CS;
  • use libsnark to generate a cryptographic proof for the R1CS, given the satisfying assignment;
  • finally, run the libsnark verifier on the resulting proof object and report the result.

Most of the libsnark-related steps above are carried out by a scripts/

Advanced Features

User-Defined Inductive Types


type TF a = 'TFSum ('TFConst 'TUnit) ('TFProd ('TFConst a) ('TFProd 'TFId 'TFId))

type TTree a = 'TMu (TF a)

type Rat    = TExp 'TField Rational
type Tree a = TExp (TTree a) Rational



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