In this step we deploy the AZ3 subset of the design example.
AZ3 has a single compute (edpm-compute-9) which only runs ephemeral workloads so it does not need a local Ceph cluster.
oc apply -f dataplane-az3.yaml
Wait for data plane deployment to finish
oc wait osdpd edpm-deployment-az3 --for condition=Ready --timeout=1200s
Ask Nova to discover all compute hosts in AZ1.
oc rsh nova-cell0-conductor-0 nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts --verbose
export AZ=az3
export OS="oc rsh openstackclient openstack"
$OS aggregate create $AZ
$OS aggregate set --zone $AZ $AZ
$OS aggregate add host $AZ
$OS compute service list -c Host -c Zone
You should now be able to schedule ephemeral workloads in AZ3.