setStatus :: forall e. Int -> Handler e
Set status code.
getResponseHeader :: forall e a. Decode a => String -> HandlerM (express :: EXPRESS | e) (Maybe a)
Return response header value.
setResponseHeader :: forall e a. String -> a -> Handler e
Set response header value.
headersSent :: forall e. HandlerM (express :: EXPRESS | e) Boolean
Check if headers have been sent already
setContentType :: forall e. String -> Handler e
Set Content-Type header.
setCookie :: forall e. String -> String -> CookieOptions -> Handler e
Set cookie by its name using specified options (maxAge, path, etc).
clearCookie :: forall e. String -> String -> Handler e
Clear cookie.
send :: forall e a. a -> Handler e
Send a response. Could be object, string, buffer, etc.
sendJson :: forall e a. a -> Handler e
Send a JSON response. Necessary headers are set automatically.
sendJsonp :: forall e a. a -> Handler e
Send a JSON response with JSONP support.
redirect :: forall e. String -> Handler e
Redirect to the given URL setting status to 302.
redirectWithStatus :: forall e. Int -> String -> Handler e
Redirect to the given URL using custom status.
setLocation :: forall e. String -> Handler e
Set Location header.
sendFile :: forall e. String -> Handler e
Send file by its path.
sendFileExt :: forall e o. String -> { | o } -> (Error -> ExpressM e Unit) -> Handler e
Send file by its path using specified options and error handler. See
download :: forall e. String -> Handler e
Transfer file as an attachment (will prompt user to download).
downloadExt :: forall e. String -> String -> (Error -> ExpressM e Unit) -> Handler e
Transfer file as an attachment using specified filename and error handler.
render :: forall e a. String -> a -> Handler e
Render a view with a view model object. Could be object, string, buffer, etc.
end :: forall e. Handler e
Ends the response process.