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0. Getting Started

Jason-csc edited this page Apr 4, 2022 · 12 revisions

App Front End Third-Party Dependencies

App Deployment

  1. Open AndroidApp in Android Studio
  2. In build.gradle(app)/defaultConfig/python, set the following to python3 on your device.
		buildPython "D:/Python38_64/python.exe" // change to your path to python3
  1. In, set the license key for chaquopy in the following way. You may contact to obtain the license key.
chaquopy.license=SAMPLE_LICENSE_KEY // change to the valid license key
  1. Select AVD Manager on Android Studio's main menu bar and choose a Phone device according to this tutorial.

  2. Click the Run 'app' button to build and run the project on the device you selected.

Server Back End Third-Party Dependencies

  • SQLite: database that stores all backend persistent data.
  • Flask web framework: web framework for the back end application.
  • Gunicorn: serves as a WSGI application server that bridges the web server and the application.
  • Nginx: accepts requests, takes care of general domain logic, and takes care of handling HTTP connections.
  • hashlib: used for storing user passwords.
  • uuid: used for generating salt for password hashes and unique folders.

Server Deployment

  1. Install and configure Nginx according to this tutorial.
  2. Clone this GitHub repo to the machine that you wish to run the server on.
  3. Open up a new bash terminal with server as the current directory. (cd IMAGician/server)
  4. Run ./scripts/IMAGician_install to install all the dependencies and activate the environment.
  5. Run ./scripts/IMAGician_run to run the server.
  6. Update to HTTPS traffic according to this tutorial

Currently, the server is hosted at . The self-signed certificate can be found here

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