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Syntax of LLGuidance Grammars

LLGuidance supports a variant of syntax used by Python Lark parsing toolkit. We also provide a script to convert from GBNF format used in llama.cpp. These makes it easier to get started with a new grammar, and provide a familiar syntax, however neither is a drop-in replacement for Lark or GBNF.

For a general intro to Lark syntax, see:

Extensions to Lark syntax

Following are the extensions to Lark syntax.

Minor syntax changes

  • expr{M,N} can be used instead of expr~M..N (with either M or N being optional; expr{N} is also supported)
  • both // and # can be used for comments
  • - is valid in identifiers

Inline JSON Schemas

You can also inline JSON schema in the lark grammar, using %json { ... } syntax (it behaves like a non-terminal).

For example, this defines a JSON function calling schema for Meta Llama 3.1, according to their website:

start: TEXT | fun_call
TEXT: /[^{](.|\n)*/
fun_call: %json {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": { "const": "get_weather" },
    "parameters": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "city": { "type": "string" }
      "required": ["city"]
  "required": ["name", "parameters"]

This will accepting strings like There is no function I can call and {"name":"get_weather", "parameters": {"city":"Seattle"}}. If the string starts with {, it will be forced to follow the given JSON schema.

If you have more functions, you should use %json { "anyOf": [ ... ] }. Do not use fun_call1 | fun_call2, as it currently doesn't work.

Special tokens

Special tokens can referenced via <token_name> syntax (i.e., any string between < and >), for example <|ENDOFTEXT|>. They cannot be used inside of terminals, but can be used in regular rules. The exact set of available tokens depends on the tokenizer used.

You can also use numeric token ids, as in <[128010]> (this is <|python_tag|> in Meta Llama tokenizer). Tou can also use ranges like <[128000-128255]> for all Llama special tokens, or even lists of ranges like <[128000-128100,128130-128170]>; ranges are inclusive.

For example, this is how to constrain JSON function calling for Meta Llama 3.1, according to their source repo (and yes, it's different than the website).

start: TEXT | fun_call
TEXT: /[^{](.|\n)*/
fun_call: <|python_tag|> json_body <|eom_id|>
json_body: %json {
  # ... same as above ...

Here, we also insist on regular text responses not starting with { to avoid confusing the model, but normally the JSON response should start with the special <|python_tag|> token.

Another example is function calling in Llama for Brave search or Wolfram Alpha:

start: normal_text | brave | wolfram
normal_text: /(.|\n)*/
brave: <|python_tag|> "" JSON_STRING ")" <|eom_id|>
wolfram: <|python_tag|> "" JSON_STRING ")" <|eom_id|>
JSON_CHAR: /(\\([\"\\\/bfnrt]|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4})|[^\"\\\x00-\x1F\x7F])/

Note that is is critical for performance for the JSON_STRING to be uppercase, so that it is treated as a terminal (single lexeme, or regex and not a context-free grammar production).

BTW, in this case you may want to replace the JSON string definition with a definition of a Python string, depending on how the model was trained.

Yet another example is "thinking" or reasoning models distilled from DeepSeek-R1. A grammar for forcing JSON may look like this:

start: <think> "\n" /(.|\n)*/ </think> json
json: %json { ... }

Often, the chat format already includes initial <think>\n - in these cases you can use start: /(.|\n)*/ </think> json as the grammar. You can also use /(.|\n){1000,3000}/ to place lower and upper bounds on the thinking amount.

This assumes <think> is a special token. If it was just a string, you would need to use suffix="</think>".

Lexeme options

Some of these features (especially stop) are primarily for compatibility with Guidance.

For all rules, foo[capture]: ... will generate a capture group named foo in the output, while foo[capture="bar"]: ... will generate a capture group named bar.

For rules bodies of which are terminals (regexes or uppercase names), you can specify additional options: lazy, max_tokens, temperature, suffix, and stop. Example: mygen[stop="\n", max_tokens=10, temperature=0.7]: /.*/

The temperature alters temperature while sampling tokens inside of the terminal, while max_tokens limits the number of tokens generated for the terminal.

Lazy lexemes

Specifying stop="" will make the EOS token of the model act as the stop condition. This is only useful if there is some other rule following this rule (otherwise the model will stop on EOS anyways), in which case llguidance will try to "backtrack" the EOS token (hide it from the LLM; but see notes about backtracking below).

If stop or suffix are specified and non-empty, or if lazy is specified, the regex will be treated as lazy, meaning it will match as few bytes as possible. Consider the following rules:

with_stop[capture, stop="<end>"]: /.*/        // capture: "foo"
outer_stop[capture]: with_stop "<end>"        // capture: "foo<end>"
outer_stop_problem[capture]: with_stop "b"    // capture: "foob"

with_suffix[capture, suffix="<end>"]: /.*/    // capture: "foo"
outer_suffix[capture]: with_suffix            // capture: "foo<end>"

with_lazy[capture, lazy]: /.*<end>/           // capture: "foo<end>"
outer_lazy[capture]: with_lazy                // capture: "foo<end>"

They are all lazy, so given a string "foo<end>bar<end>", they will all match just the prefix "foo<end>" (except for outer_stop_problem which will match "foo<end>b"). The captures are listed in the comments.

All the with_* rules use the same regex, but with_stop will attempt to "hide" the final "<end>" from the model, by "backtracking" the tokens corresponding to it. This is often not supported by server-side LLM infrastructure, and may confuse the model. To avoid backtracking, a typical pattern (outer_stop) is to have another rule that appends "<end>" again after with_stop that ate it. The capture for outer_stop has "<end>" while the capture with_stop does not. This requires certain gymnastics in llguidance implementation and may sometimes not work as expected. Additionally, if you attempt to add something that is not "<end>" after with_stop, as in outer_stop_problem, the backtracking will be necessary.

The suffix offers a simpler alternative: the capture for the rule with suffix does not include the suffix, but the captures for upper-level rules do, and there is never any backtracking.

For both stop and suffix, the value can be any terminal (string literal, regex, or uppercase name). In either case you can also specify stop_capture="my_name" which will cause the string matching stop or suffix to be captured as my_name.

If you don't care about captures, you can just put lazy on the rule. It is most useful when the regular expression ends with some delimiter. If it doesn't, the results may be surprising: for example, foo[lazy]: /.*/ will match only the empty string, while foo[lazy]: /[0-9]+/ will only match a single digit.

Typical use of suffix or lazy is for models that were finetuned for reasoning or tool calling without special tokens, but with special strings. For example:

start: "<tool_name>" name "<tool_data>" data "</tool_data>"
name[capture, suffix="</tool_name>"]: /.*/
data[capture]: %json {
    "properties": {
        "foo": { "type": "string" }
    "required": ["foo"]

Structured %regex

LLGuidance supports extended regex syntax in /.../. This includes character classes (/[a-zA-Z]/), repetition (/a+/, /a*/, /a{10,100}/, /a{10,}/, /a?/), alternation (/a|b/), and grouping (/(ab)+/).

Additionally, regexes can be defined with the standard Lark syntax, using uppercase names:

// INT is equivalent to /(-)?[0-9]+/
INT: "-"? UINT
DIGIT: /[0-9]/

Additionally, "structured" regex nodes can be defined using %regex { ... } syntax.


The syntax is not stable yet!

%regex { "substring_chunks": lst } will match lst[n:m].join("") for some n <= m <= len(lst). Additionally substring_words or substring_chars can be specified. For example:

  • %regex { "substring_chunks": ["abc", "de", "fg"] } matches "", "abc", "de", "abcde", "defg", "abcdefg", etc.; it doesn't match "ab" not "cde"
  • %regex { "substring_words": "foo bar. baz" } is equivalent to %regex { "substring_chunks": ["foo", " ", "bar", ".", " ", "baz"] }
  • %regex { "substring_chars": "ab c" } is equivalent to %regex { "substring_chunks": ["a", "b", " ", "c"] }

We may want to switch to more JSON-schema like syntax:

ABC: %regex {
  "type": "substring",
  "chunks": ["a", "b", "c"]

Future extensions

Following %regex syntax is planned (compatible with JSON schema):

BOUNDED_NUM: %regex {
  "type": "number",
  "minimum": -17.3,
  "maximum": 33.721

MULT_NUM: %regex {
  "type": "integer",
  "exclusiveMinimum": 0,
  "multipleOf": 10

We also plan to add & and ~ operators:

ASCII_LINES: /[a-zA-Z \n]*/ & ~/.*\n\n.*/

Grammar options

Certain grammar options can be set by using %llguidnace { ... }, by passing it a JSON object with the options; see LLGuidanceOptions in Example: %llguidance { "no_forcing": true }. It can be specified multiple times, with the options being merged.

You can also start the grammar file with %llguidance {} to indicate that llguidance should be used to process the grammar.

Multiple grammars

The input to LLGuidance consists of a list of grammars. This can be accessed via LLGuidance API. Each of these can be a Lark grammar, a JSON schema, or a grammar in the API format. With the introduction of %json in Lark syntax there is less need now for using multiple grammars, but it is still supported.

Inside of Lark grammar, you can reference other grammars using syntax like @17 refering to grammar at index 17 in the grammars list, or @my_grammar, refering to grammar with "name": "my_grammar". The top-level grammar is at index 0.

You can specify temperature for subgrammar by referencing it via my_temp_json[temperature=0.7]: @json syntax.


  "grammars": [
      "lark_grammar": "start: /(.|\\n)*/ | fun\nfun: <|python_tag|> @fcall <|eom_id|>",
    {"name": "fcall", "json_schema": { ... }}

Unsupported Lark features

Following features of Lark syntax are currently not supported:

  • lookarounds in lexer regexes
  • lazy modifier (?) in lexer regexes; you can use [lazy] to make the entire terminal lazy
  • priorities of terminals
  • templates
  • imports (other than built-in %import common)
  • regexes use Rust regex crate syntax, not Python's re (though they are similar)
  • certain string syntax, see issue

Performance tips

Terminals vs rules

TL;DR: avoid regexes matching only single characters like /[a-z]/, use /[a-z]+/ or similar instead where appropriate.

A Lark file defines a context-free grammar (CFG). Another, more well-known, type of grammar is a regular grammar, which is used by regular expressions. Regular grammars are more limited than CFGs, but also faster to parse. Therefore, typically programming languages are parsed in two stages:

  • first, a lexer converts the input bytes into a stream of lexemes or terminals (aka tokens, but we avoid that term to avoid confusion with LLM tokens)
  • the parser then uses a CFG to parse the lexemes into higher-level structures

Thus, the lexer matches strings, while the parser matches the structure.

Most often, the programming languages allow some sort of white-space between lexemes, which is used to separate them, but otherwise ignored. For example, the strings foo+bar and foo + bar are typically equivalent (lexed as foo, +, bar), while fo o + bar is not. Similarly, x+=12 is equivalent to x += 12, but not to x + = 12 nor to x += 1 2. Lexemes in these cases are the fragments between which the white-space is allowed. Note that "xy" and "x y" are not equivalent - the whole string literal is a single lexeme.

You can use %ignore directive to specify which kind of white-space (or other strings, including comments) to allow between lexemes, and otherwise ignore. For example, for JSON it would be %ignore /[ \t\n\r]+/. By default nothing is ignored.

In Lark, string literals like "while" or "if" are lexemes, and so are regular expressions enclosed in /.../, like /[0-9]+/.

Lark also allows using grammar operators like | or * outside of regular expressions or strings, so you can say /[0-9]/+ or /[0-9]/{1,}. The meaning of this depends on whether you're defining a terminals (uppercase) or a rule (lowercase). Any uppercase symbol (like INT: /[0-9]/+ or NUMBER: INT | FLOAT) is treated as a terminal (lexeme), and in particular white-space is not allowed inside of it. Any lowercase symbol (like digits: /[0-9]/+) is treated as a rule, meaning digits will match 123 but also 1 2 3 or 1 23 (and treat them as the same). Putting a repeating operator like + or * on a single-character lexeme is typically not what you want and will slow down the parser, up to the point it will refuse to run.

All the terminals (uppersase identifiers) are compiled into regular expressions, meaning they can't be recursive (refer to themselves, directly or indirectly).

In practice, in the grammar you can use string literals like "while" to refer to keyword, but when defining a lexeme with a regular expression, it's best to name it in uppercase, like IDENTIFIER: /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, and then use IDENTIFIER. Sometimes it can be useful to name the character classes (again, making sure everything is uppercase), as in:

ID_START: /[a-zA-Z_]/
ID_CHAR: /[a-zA-Z0-9_]/

Recursive rules

TL;DR: prefer many: one+ (or one*) over many: many one | one. Do not use many: one many | one.

CFGs allow for recursive rules, for example they are very convenient for defining arithmetic expressions:

expr: expr "+" term | term
term: term "*" factor | factor
factor: "(" expr ")" | NUMBER
NUMBER: /[0-9]+/

However, often recursion is only used to express repetition:

one: ...
many: many one | one

The rule many: many one is called left-recursive, because it refers to itself on the left side. A rule like many: one many is right-recursive. In this case, they would both express the same language. Earley parser used by LLGuidance can handle both, but left-recursive rules are much more efficient (it's often the opposite for other parsing methods).

To avoid having to think about it, you can just use many: one+. This will be translated internally to the most efficient form, is easier to get right and arguably more readable.

With right-recursive rules you will hit parser item limits quite quickly (after 100-1000 repetitions) and before you do, the parser will be slower than necessary.

On related note, use one{N} and not one one ... one. The resulting rules will be O(log N) in size, while the unfolded version would be O(N). Same for one{M,N}.