Latex Graph Diagram Collection Collection of Latex mathematics diagrams, tcolorbox, and so on. Graph/Diagram Description Thought bubble in latex Latex: How to write single cross arrow in a 2x2 matrix? How to write crossed-out math in LaTeX? Some TikZ Examples/Demos How can I obtain total number of points? Total number of points Showing points and total points using exercise or any other suitable package Finding Fonts that Look "Handwritten" LaTeX Pictures How could I draw the projection of a three-dimensional domain of integration onto the xy-plane by TikZ/PGF Complex plane & oscillator Drawing a triangle on a cartesian plane with latex Exam-How to create an optional argument like the 'correctchoice` command in exam document class? Tasks Package Framed Label Highlight correct answer in bold and red in task environment How to display the correct choice in red color in exam class? github/pelegs/maths_book写给理科生的数学书-排版用心 Boxes within a Dotted Box How to draw a tangent line to the following curve? 向老师的 tikz 绘图笔记一(LatexStudio) 向老师的GitHub How can I use [] in tabularray package? Define a style in tabularray Is there a way to make equations aligned in a table with 'tabularray' package? Open Source - Math Book in Latex by Peleg Bar Sapir \draw slope triangle with pgfplots using relative coordinates