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tavuntu edited this page Jan 10, 2017 · 16 revisions

Panels are special components which can hold other components. In GÖÖi, panels and layouts are pretty much the same because you need the first one to access the second one.

#Grid layout



  • It's a 4x4 grid layout
  • in 1,1 (row 1, column 1) there's a rowspan = 2
  • in 4,3 there's a colspan = 2

The actual code would be this:

require "gooi"
function love.load()
	panelGrid = gooi.newPanel(0, 0, 380, 150, "grid 4x4")
	panelGrid:setRowspan(1, 1, 2)
	panelGrid:setColspan(4, 3, 2)
		gooi.newButton("Fat Button"),
		gooi.newButton("Button 1"),
		gooi.newButton("Button 2"),
		gooi.newButton("Button 3"),
		gooi.newButton("Button X"),
		gooi.newButton("Button Y"),
		gooi.newButton("Button Z"),
		gooi.newButton("Button ."),
		gooi.newButton("Button .."),
		gooi.newButton("Button ..."),
		gooi.newButton("Button ...."),
		gooi.newButton("Last Button"),
		gooi.newCheck("Check 1"),
		gooi.newCheck("Large Check")
function love.draw()
function love.mousepressed(x, y, button)  gooi.pressed() end
function love.mousereleased(x, y, button) gooi.released() end

#Game layout

This layout was made for "in game" GUI's, so you can easily put components in "top-right", "bottom-left" and so on.



require "gooi"
function love.load()
	panelGrid = gooi.newPanel(0, 0, 380, 300, "game")
	panelGrid:add(gooi.newLabel("Score: 999999"), "t-l")
	panelGrid:add(gooi.newBar(),                  "t-r")
	panelGrid:add(gooi.newJoy({size = 70}),       "b-l")
	panelGrid:add(gooi.newButton("Action 1"),     "b-r")
	panelGrid:add(gooi.newButton("Action 2"),     "b-r")
function love.draw()
function love.mousepressed(x, y, button)  gooi.pressed() end
function love.mousereleased(x, y, button) gooi.released() end


  • add(component[,string]) ➤ it adds a new component to the panel (the string is for game layout and it can be "t-l", "t-r", "b-l" or "b-r")
  • setRowspan(number, number, number) ➤ It sets the rowspan on the given row and column, the order is row, column, span (grid only)
  • setColspan(number, number, number) ➤ Yeah, the same
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