A curated list of Cinema for web and Cinema made with code.
We try to organize here links for websites that use code and video to tell stories. Cinema for web is about movies that use a website to create a interactive experience, like Rio: Beyond the Map. Cinema made with code is about movies created with code, like The Good Man (that use CSS and audio to tell a story).
- Commerce of Tomorrow - The Future of Food
- Das Cinco
- One in 8 Million - The New York Times
- Rio: Beyond the Map
- Arcade Fire - Just a Reflektor
- Arcade Fire - The Wilderness Downtown
- Preflight Nerves - A Twitter-powered film clip by Brightly
- Seriously?
- The Taylor Swift Experience
- Through The Dark
- Falter Inferno - Salon Alpin got asked to produce and illustrate the new cinema spot for the Austrian newspaper Falter.
- Mindblown - A game question about music videos.
- The Good Man - An animation created with CSS to illustrate a story.
To the extent possible under law, Gustavo Teodoro has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.