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Releases: guydavis/machinaris

Version 2.0.0

24 Aug 22:01
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  • Request a new plot check, via 'Recheck' button added to Check results dialog on Farming page.
  • Optionally exclude certain plot directories from replotting check to free disk space. Useful for drives only partially dedicated to holding plots.


  • Deprecated stale blockchains, by hiding them from Worker wizards: BPX, N-Chain, Silicoin, Stor



  • Reading CNI release notes from their betas, it seems they recommend to generate a brand-new config.yaml to add all their new settings. So please perform a blockchain config reset, if you will be farming compressed plots.

Version 1.8.2

28 Jun 21:05
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Good day, Machinaris v1.8.2 is now available:


Version 1.8.1

17 May 21:23
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  • By default, exclude Gigahorse plots from automated plot check due to poor performance of the 'ProofOfSpace' binary.
  • Fix for plotting manager issues when plotting with multiple tmp drives.



  • Bladebit still broken on ability to ramplot and diskplot as they try to match Gigahorse's GPU plotting. Still awaiting a fix...
  • Support for new blockchains and tools DOES NOT imply my endorsement for them. Only run those you are comfortable with.

Version 1.8.0

04 May 16:35
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  • Concurrent plot transfers to both remote and local archive paths. Previously was one plot transferred at a time.
  • Checking for adequate free space on both tmp and dst paths before starting another plotting job.
  • Replotting selection (Farming page settings) can now target uncompressed plots for deletion.


  • Fix for Download button on Settings pages that were providing the wrong config file. Thanks @TuftyBruno.
  • Updated German and Portuguese translations. Thanks to @slowfinger and @antcasq. All contributions are appreciated.
  • Follow Chia version numbers (like 1.8.0) from now on, as Machinaris is on their release cadence.



  • Due to critical security patches in the bundled Chia v1.8.0 release, users are encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.
  • Yes, Bladebit 3 is still alpha and not reliable for plotting.

Version 0.8.8

23 Mar 14:58
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Good day, the next version of Machinaris is now available. Thanks to all those that contributed fixes, testing, and other feedback.


  • Support for running a blockchain timelord with environment variable mode set to fullnode,timelord.
  • Optional config setting to restart fork fullnodes if they consume too much memory. Looking at you Flora, HDDCoin, N-Chain, etc...


  • On fresh install, optionally download (via libtorrent) a recent Chia database checkpoint.
  • Fixes for Gigahorse GPU plotting including 64 GB RAM mode using the tmp3 SSD plotting path.
  • Fix for Gigahorse Alerts, please reset earlier broken settings file.
  • Fix for container stop signal to cleanly shutdown forks too, as was already happening for Chia.


  • Bladebit to 3.0.0-alpha3, so still unstable.
  • Chia to v1.7.1
  • Gigahorse to v1.6.2.giga7 with OpenCL support for AMD GPUs.
  • MMX to (v0.9.14) on testnet9. Supporting the latest AMD GPU driver.
  • One to v1.7.0


  • Bladebit has regressed on the ability to ramplot as they try to match Gigahorse's GPU plotting. Still awaiting a fix...
  • Support for new blockchains and tools DOES NOT imply my endorsement for them. Only run those you are comfortable with.

Version 0.8.7

17 Feb 01:22
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Hi all! The newest version of Machinaris is now available. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on version 0.8.7.


[0.8.7] - 2023-02-16


  • Schedule plotting on the "Settings | Plotting" page to take advantage of off-peak electricity, lower your fan noise, avoid backups, etc...
  • Bladebit - alpha GPU plotting support in main Machinaris image. Set mode: gpuplot under bladebit on Settings | Plotting page.
  • Gigahorse - beta GPU plotting and farming support in new Machinaris-Gigahorse image. Set mode: gpuplot under madmax on Settings | Plotting page.
  • Ballcoin blockchain at version 1.6.0, another slow Silicoin fork.
  • Pipscoin blockchain at version 1.7.0.
  • Chives-Foxy - support for the Foxy pool on Chives. Thanks @fufar!


  • Fix missing Connections listing for Flax and MMX blockchains. Thanks @ekersey!
  • Fix for Bladebit ramplot relaunching. Thanks @JoeZotacExperience!
  • Multiple functionality & performance cleanups from excellent code review by @qoole.
  • Display compression level for active plotting jobs on Gigahorse and MMX.



  • Support for new blockchains and tools DOES NOT imply my endorsement for them. Only run those you are comfortable with.

Version 0.8.6

04 Jan 16:37
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Hi all! The newest version of Machinaris is now available. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on version 0.8.6.


  • Re-plotting: Optional background deletion of a few old plots to free space for new plotting. See Farming page, Settings icon, top-right.
  • Table of recent plot archiving (local and remote) on new "Plotting | Transfers" page, including status and transfer speed.
  • "Settings | Alerts" page: new 'Send Test Alert' button to validate Chiadog configs and receive sample alert to mail/discord/etc.
  • Coffee blockchain at version 1.0.1, a slow Silicoin fork.
  • GreenBTC blockchain at version 1.6.3, another slow Silicoin fork.
  • Moon blockchain at version 1.6.0, a recent Chia fork.
  • One blockchain at version 1.6.2, a recent Chia fork.


  • Fixed broken 'Generate/Import Key' actions for Chia 1.6.1 on Setup page. Thanks @SilverFolfy
  • Missing plots on Farming page when a status.json file was corrupted. Thanks @yurly
  • Fix for duplicated Chiadog alerts of wallet additions. Thanks @GravitasProblem and @doma2345
  • Improved "Settings | Pools" page with fee amount and delete_unconfirmed_transactions action.



  • Support for new Chia forks DOES NOT imply my endorsement for them. Only run those you are comfortable with.
  • Incorrect reward recovery calculations for some blockchains. Please use AllTheBlocks site if this affects you.

Version 0.8.5

04 Nov 02:34
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Greetings! Machinaris v0.8.5 is now available. Changes include:


  • Wallets page - Claim Rewards button offers portable plot reward recovery after one week has elapsed. (EARLY BETA!)
  • Chart memory usage per container (GiB) as well as total host memory usage (%) for OS and all apps.
  • Enhanced Forktools to optionally decrease a blockchain's full_node process count, which greatly limits memory usage.
  • Improve Plotting page to display configured tmp, dst, and archiving directories before starting to plot. Support site_path_filter for archive folders under site_root.
  • Bladebit support for new ramplot mode (needs 416 GB RAM)


  • Enhance 'NFT Reward Recovery' tool to support v2 databases.
  • Fixes for invalid Chiadog harvester alerts.
  • Fixes for bladebit diskplot mode (less than 416 GB RAM, needs 400+GB of tmp disk)


Known Issues

  • Machinaris Setup screen - failure when choosing 'Generate Key' due to Chia 1.6.1 CLI changes. Workaround: try machinaris:test image which has the fix already.
  • Incorrect reward recovery calculations for some blockchains. Please use AllTheBlocks site if this affects you.

Version 0.8.4

21 Sep 19:37
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Greetings! Machinaris v0.8.4 is now available. Changes include:

  • Scaling-Down: Optional mode where wallets are synced daily, not run 24/7. Saves ~35% memory so smaller farmers can farm more blockchains concurrently on the same machine. See Wallets page, top-right Settings.
  • Scaling-Up: Improved plot tracking efficiency for multi-PB sized farms. Thanks @grobalt!
  • Warnings for duplicated, invalid, or key-less plots. See Farming page.
  • Update: Flax to v0.1.10, Cactus to v1.5.2, Chia to v1.6.0
  • Security: Disable Setup page's mnemonic import field autocomplete from caching value in your local browser. Thanks @Baatezu!
  • Fixes: Better handling of farmed block logging for certain blockchains like Apple & BPX, Alerts from Chia 1.5.1 for added coins missing due to blockchain logging changes. Improved Smartctl response processing. Thanks @Gnomuz!

Version 0.8.3

23 Aug 19:52
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Good day! Machinaris v0.8.3 is now available. Changes include:

  • Additional blockchain pricing from Vayamos and Posat exchanges on the Blockchains, Wallets, and Summary pages.
  • New blockchains: Apple, Chinilla, Gold, LittleLamboCoin, Mint, Tad, Wheat
  • Update: BPX to v2.0.0, BTCGreen to v1.5.0, Maize to v1.5.0, Petroleum to v1.0.16, Shibgreen to v1.5.0
  • Update: Chia to v1.5.1, Bladebit to v2.0.0 (beta-1) with diskplot mode (beta only in :develop and :test images)
  • Fixes: Avoid timeout/slowness encountered by those with many drives, also many cold wallet transactions