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Common steps/errors

Make sure to git clone properly

The --recursive option automatically clones the required Git submodules too.

Common errors

If you get the error invalid linker name in argument '-fuse-ld=gold'

  • LLVM For Windows
  • Visual Stidio Build Tools (C++ Tools)
  • MinGW-W64 (Make sure to get the online installer and add the bin directiry of MinGW-W64 to your PATH variable)

If you get the error SPIR-V Tools not found'

  • Edit the cmakelists.txt file of glslang (located on the extenrnals folder)


Building for Windows

MSVC Build for Windows

Minimal Dependencies

On Windows, all library dependencies are automatically included within the "externals" folder or can be downloaded on-demand. To build Lemonade, you simply need to install:

  • Visual Studio 2022 - Make sure to select C++ support in the installer.
  • CMake GUI - Used to generate Visual Studio project files. 2
  • Git for Windows

(Make sure you select (Add Git to your system PATH) while installing it)


1 -Open the CMake GUI application and point it to the Lemonade folder you previosly cloned.

2 -For the build directory, use a build/ subdirectory inside the source directory or some other directory of your choice. (Tell CMake to create it.)

3 - Click the "Configure" button and choose Visual Studio 17 2022, with x64 for the optional platform.

NOTE: If you get errors like "XXX does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file" at this step, it means you didn't use the --recursive flag in the clone step, or you used tools other than the git CLI. Please run "git submodule update --init --recursive" to get remaining dependencies.

4 -Click "Generate" to create the project files.

5 - Open the solution file lemoande.sln in Visual Studio 2022, which is located in the build folder.

Depending on which frontend (SDL2 or Qt) you want to build or run, select "lemoande" or "lemoande-qt" in the Solution Explorer, right-click and "Set as Startup Project".

6 - Select the appropriate build type, Debug for debug purposes or Release for performance (in case of doubt choose the latter).

7 - Press F5 or select Build → Rebuild Solution in the menu.

**NOTE: Please refer to Common errors if any errors. If you did not find a solution feel free to ask us in the discord server.

Building for Linux

You'll need to download and install the following to build Lemoande on Linux:

    Deb: sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
    Arch: pacman -S sdl2
    Fedora: sudo dnf install SDL2-devel
    OpenSUSE: zypper in libSDL2-devel

OpenSSL (optional)
    Deb: sudo apt install libssl-dev
    Arch: pacman -S openssl-1.0
    Fedora: sudo dnf install openssl-devel
    OpenSUSE: zypper in openssl-devel

Qt 6.2+
    Only 6.2+ versions are tested. Lower version might or might not work. See the section Install new Qt version below if your distro does not provide a sufficient version of Qt
    Deb: sudo apt install qt6-base-dev qt6-base-private-dev qt6-multimedia-dev
        You may also need apt install qt6-l10n-tools qt6-tools-dev qt6-tools-dev-tools to build with translation support
        You may also need apt install libgl-dev if you run into WrapOpenGL issues while configuring with CMake.
    Arch: pacman -S qt6-base qt6-multimedia qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg
        You will also need to install a multimedia backend, either qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg or qt6-multimedia-gstreamer.
    Fedora: sudo dnf install qt6-qtbase-devel qt6-qtbase-private-devel qt6-qtmultimedia-devel
    OpenSUSE: zypper in qt6-base qt6-multimedia

    Deb: sudo apt install libasound-dev
    Fedora: sudo dnf install portaudio-devel
    OpenSUSE Leap 15: zypper in portaudio-devel
    OpenSUSE Tumbleweed: zypper in portaudio-devel

    Deb: sudo apt install xorg-dev libx11-dev libxext-dev
    Fedora: sudo dnf install xorg-x11-server-devel libX11-devel libXext-devel
    OpenSUSE Leap 15: zypper in xorg-x11-util-devel libX11-devel libXext-devel
    OpenSUSE Tumbleweed: zypper in xorg-x11-util-devel libX11-devel libXext-devel

JACK Audio Connection Kit
    Deb: sudo apt install jackd
    Fedora: sudo dnf install jack-audio-connection-kit-devel
    OpenSUSE Leap 15: zypper in libjack-devel
    OpenSUSE Tumbleweed: zypper in libjack-devel

    Deb: sudo apt install libpipewire-0.3-dev
    Fedora: sudo dnf install pipewire-devel
    OpenSUSE Leap 15: zypper in pipewire-devel
    OpenSUSE Tumbleweed: zypper in pipewire-devel

Optional dependencies

    Deb: sudo apt install libsndio-dev
    Fedora: sudo dnf -y copr enable andykimpe/shadow && sudo dnf -y install sndio
    OpenSUSE Leap 15: zypper in sndio-devel
    OpenSUSE Tumbleweed: zypper in sndio-devel

Optional dependencies

Gnome esound
    Deb: echo "esound require build use source code"
    Fedora: sudo dnf install esound-devel
    OpenSUSE Leap 15: zypper in libesd0-devel
    OpenSUSE Tumbleweed: zypper in libesd0-devel

Compiler: GCC or Clang. You only need one of these two:
    GCC 11.0+.
        Deb: apt install build-essential
        Arch: pacman -S base-devel
        Fedora: dnf install gcc-c++
        OpenSUSE: zypper in gcc-c++
    Clang 15.0+
        Deb: apt install clang clang-format libc++-dev
            Note for Ubuntu users: Clang 15 is available only from 22.10 onward. For earlier distro versions, see:
        Arch: pacman -S clang, libc++ is in the AUR. Use pacaur or yaourt to install it.
        Fedora: dnf install clang libcxx-devel
        OpenSUSE: zypper in clang

CMake 3.20+
    Deb: apt install cmake
    Arch: pacman -S cmake
    Fedora: dnf install cmake
    OpenSUSE: zypper in cmake extra-cmake-modules

Note on Boost library: you don't need to install Boost library on your system, because Lemonade provides a bundled trimmed Boost library. However, if you already have Boost library installed on your system, please make sure its version is at least 1.66 (which contains a bug fix for GCC 7), otherwise compilation would fail.

Building Lemoande in Debug Mode (Slow):

Using gcc:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
cmake --build . -- -j"$(nproc)"
sudo make install (optional)

Optionally, you can use "cmake -i .." to adjust various options (e.g. disable the Qt GUI).

Using clang:

Note: It is important you use libc++, otherwise your build will likely fail:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-5.0 \
	-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-5.0 \
	-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-O2 -g -stdlib=libc++"
cmake --build . -- -j"$(nproc)"
sudo make install (optional)

If you get a weird compile error related to std::span conversions, make sure you are using clang and libc++ 15 or up. This is an issue with libc++ 14.

Building Lemoande in Release Mode (Optimized):

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . -- -j"$(nproc)"
sudo make install (optional)```

Building with debug symbols:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
cmake --build . -- -j"$(nproc)"
sudo make install (optional)

Running without installing:

After building, the binaries lemonade, lemoande-qt and lemoande-room (depending on your build options) will end up in build/bin/.


cd build/bin/ ./lemoande


cd build/bin/ ./lemoande-qt

Dedicated room

cd build/bin/ ./lemoande-room


cd Lemonade
gdb ../build/bin/lemoande-qt
(gdb) run
(gdb) bt

Install new Qt version

If your distribution's version of Qt is too old, there are a few places you may be able to find newer versions.

This Ubuntu PPA contains backports of Qt 6 to various older versions:

This unofficial CLI installer allows downloading and installing the latest first-party builds of Qt to your system (whether it works against your distribution may vary):

Building for Android?

Dependencies (Windows)

  • Android Studio
  • NDK and CMake
  • Git


1 - Start Android Studio, on the startup dialog select Open

2 - Navigate to the lemonade/src/android directory and click on OK

3 - Build > Generate Signed Bundle/APK

4 - Select 'APK' and create a key

5 - Make sure to select CanaryRelease