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Version: 0.211.0 Type: application

Argo CD app-of-apps config for infrastructure components



This chart is maintained by Adfinis.

Source Code


Repository Name Version argoconfig 0.9.1


Key Type Default Description
argocd object example Argo CD
argocd.annotations object {} Annotations for Argo CD app
argocd.chart string "argo-cd" Chart
argocd.destination.namespace string "infra-argocd" Namespace
argocd.enabled bool false Enable Argo CD
argocd.repoURL string repo Repo URL
argocd.targetRevision string "7.1.1" argo-cd Helm chart version
argocd.values object upstream values Helm values
argoconfig.application.annotations object {} Optional annotations to add to all Applications metadata.
certManager object example cert-manager
certManager.annotations object {} Annotations for cert-manager app
certManager.chart string "cert-manager" Chart
certManager.destination.namespace string "infra-certmanager" Namespace
certManager.enabled bool false Enable cert-manager
certManager.repoURL string repo Repo URL
certManager.targetRevision string "1.15.0" cert-manager Helm chart version
certManager.values object upstream values Helm values
certManagerIssuers object example cert-manager-issuers
certManagerIssuers.annotations object {} Annotations for cert-manager-issuers app
certManagerIssuers.chart string "cert-manager-issuers" Chart
certManagerIssuers.destination.namespace string "infra-certmanager" Namespace
certManagerIssuers.enabled bool false Enable cert-manager-issuers app
certManagerIssuers.repoURL string repo Repo URL
certManagerIssuers.targetRevision string "0.2.*" cert-manager-issuers Helm chart version
certManagerIssuers.values object upstream values Helm values
certManagerMonitoring object example cert-manager-monitoring
certManagerMonitoring.annotations object {} Annotations for cert-manager-monitoring app
certManagerMonitoring.chart string "cert-manager-monitoring" Chart
certManagerMonitoring.destination.namespace string "infra-certmanager" Namespace
certManagerMonitoring.enabled bool false Enable cert-manager-monitoring
certManagerMonitoring.repoURL string repo Repo URL
certManagerMonitoring.targetRevision string "0.1.*" cert-manager-monitoring Helm chart version
certManagerMonitoring.values object upstream values Helm values
ingressNginx object example NGINX Ingress Controller
ingressNginx.annotations object {} Annotations for nginx-ingress app
ingressNginx.chart string "ingress-nginx" Chart
ingressNginx.destination.namespace string "infra-ingress" Namespace
ingressNginx.enabled bool false Configure nginx-ingress
ingressNginx.repoURL string repo Repo URL
ingressNginx.targetRevision string "4.10.1" ingress-nginx Helm chart version
ingressNginx.values object upstream values Helm values
kubeEventExporter object DEPRECATED kubernetes-event-exporter is DEPRECATED, use "otel-collector" instead
kubePrometheusStack object example prometheus-operator
kubePrometheusStack.annotations object {} Annotations for prometheus-operator app
kubePrometheusStack.chart string "kube-prometheus-stack" Chart
kubePrometheusStack.destination.namespace string "infra-monitoring" Namespace
kubePrometheusStack.enabled bool false Enable prometheus-operator
kubePrometheusStack.repoURL string repo Repo URL
kubePrometheusStack.syncPolicy.syncOptions[0] string "ServerSideApply=true" enable server-side-apply for KPS since it get's rid of having to manually sync/replace resources
kubePrometheusStack.targetRevision string "60.0.2" kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart version
kubePrometheusStack.values object upstream values Helm values
kured object example kured
kured.annotations object {} Annotations for Kured app
kured.chart string "kured" Chart
kured.destination.namespace string "infra-kured" Namespace
kured.enabled bool false Enable Kured
kured.repoURL string repo Repo URL
kured.targetRevision string "5.2.0" Kured Helm chart
kured.values object upstream values Helm values
mimir object example mimir
mimir.annotations object {} Annotations for mimir app
mimir.chart string "mimir-distributed" Chart
mimir.destination.namespace string "infra-mimir" Namespace
mimir.enabled bool false Enable mimir
mimir.repoURL string repo Repo URL
mimir.targetRevision string "5.3.0" mimir Helm chart
mimir.values object upstream values Helm values
rbacManager object example rbac-manager
rbacManager.annotations object {} Annotations for rbac-manager app
rbacManager.chart string "rbac-manager" Chart
rbacManager.destination.namespace string "infra-rbac" Namespace
rbacManager.enabled bool false Enable rbac-manager operator
rbacManager.repoURL string repo Repo URL
rbacManager.targetRevision string "1.19.0" rbac-manager operator Helm chart version
rbacManager.values object upstream values Helm values
thanos object DEPRECATED Thanos is DEPRECATED, use mimir instead
thanos.annotations object {} Annotations for Thanos app
thanos.chart string "thanos" Chart
thanos.destination.namespace string "infra-monitoring" Namespace
thanos.enabled bool false Enable Thanos
thanos.repoURL string repo Repo URL
thanos.targetRevision string "11.5.*" Thanos Helm chart
thanos.values object upstream values Helm values
velero object example Velero
velero.annotations object {} Annotations for Velero app
velero.chart string "velero" Chart
velero.destination.namespace string "infra-velero" Namespace
velero.enabled bool false Enable Velero
velero.repoURL string repo Repo URL
velero.targetRevision string "6.4.0" Velero Helm chart
velero.values object upstream values Helm values

About this chart

Adfinis fights for a software world that is more open, where the quality is better and where software must be accessible to everyone. This chart is part of the action behind this commitment. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


This Helm chart is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs