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Version: 1.8.8 Type: application AppVersion: v1.8.8

Chart for openshift-etcd-backup solution



This chart is maintained by Adfinis.

Source Code


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
annotations object {}
backup.dirname string "+etcd-backup-%FT%T%:z" Directory name of single backup
backup.expiretype string "days" expiretype could be days (keep backups newer than backup.keepdays, count (keep a number of backups with backup.keepcount), never (do not expire backups, keep all of them)
backup.keepcount string "10" Count retention if expiretype set to count
backup.keepdays string "30" Retention period
backup.schedule string "0 0 * * *" Backup schedule
backup.subdir string "/" Sub directory path
backup.umask string "0027" Set umask during the backup
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string "Always" Image pull policy configuration
image.repository string "" Repository image to use
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
monitoring.additionalRules string nil Provide custom recording or alerting rules to be deployed into the cluster.
monitoring.enabled bool false Deploy PrometheusRule to be alerted in case of backup fails as decribed here. Be sure to to have monitoring for user defined projects enabled as described in the upstream documentation.
monitoring.rules.cronjobMonitor bool true Deploy PrometheusRule to check for cronjob fails.
nameOverride string ""
nodeSelector."" string "" The backup job should run on masters as etcd runs on them
persistence.hostPath.enabled bool true Enable hostPath
persistence.hostPath.path string "/mnt/etcd-backups" hostPath existing path on host
persistence.nfs.enabled bool false Enable nfs backend storage
persistence.nfs.path string "/etcd-backups" NFS server path
persistence.nfs.server string "" NFS server name or IP
persistence.provisioning.capacity string "10Gi" Define the storage size
persistence.provisioning.enabled bool false Enable provisioned backend storage with default or configured storageClass
persistence.provisioning.storageClass string ""
persistence.s3.accessKey string "mysuperaccesskey" S3 access key
persistence.s3.bucket string "etcd-backup" S3 bucket name object {"enabled":false} Inject OpenShift CA
persistence.s3.enabled bool false Enable S3 backend storage
persistence.s3.existingSecret string "" S3 use an existing Secret instead of creating one string "https://minio.local:9000" S3 endpoint host string "etcd-backup" S3 endpoint name
persistence.s3.secretKey string "mysupersecretkey" S3 secret key
podSecurityContext object {} Configure SecurityContext of the pod started by the job
resources object {}
securityContext.privileged bool true Run pod as privileged
securityContext.runAsGroup int 0 Set group ID
securityContext.runAsUser int 0 Set user ID
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
tolerations[0] object {"effect":"NoSchedule","key":""} Allow jobs running on masters

About this chart

Adfinis fights for a software world that is more open, where the quality is better and where software must be accessible to everyone. This chart is part of the action behind this commitment. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


This Helm chart is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

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