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Lesson 1: Quick Introduction to ZKsync Development

Quick Introduction to ZKsync Development and Native AA


  1. 准备一个测试账号,并保证在 zksync-sepolia network 上有充足的 gas (参考此步骤获取).
  2. 掌握基本的 solidity 开发技能, 以及 hardhat, ethers.js 的基本使用方法 (参考我们的 Basic Tasks 学习).
  3. 熟悉下列开发工具 👇.


Deploy with hardhat

我们将使用 hardhat 开发 ERC20, ERC721 合约,并将他们部署到 zksync-sepolia testnet 网络上。


  • 安装 zksync-cli, 输入命令后会提示是否安装,输入 y 安装
npx zksync-cli
  • 使用 zksync-cli 创建项目
npx zksync-cli create
  • 根据命令行提示,依次 输入 或 选择

    • 项目名称 hardhat-zksync-project
    • 选择项目类型为 Contracts
    • 选择开发框架 Etheres v6
    • 初始化模板 Hardhat + Soidity
    • 输入钱包账户私钥
    • Package manager npm
  • 等待安装 node_modules 依赖

  • 安装完成,项目初始化完毕,我们会看到以下输出


  • 进入项目目录,此时能在 ./contracts 目录中看到 erc20nft 目录
cd hardhat-zksync-project

tree -I 'node_modules'
├── contracts
│   ├── Greeter.sol
│   ├── erc20
│   │   └── MyERC20Token.sol
│   ├── nft
│   │   └── MyNFT.sol
│   └── paymasters
│       ├── ApprovalPaymaster.sol
│       └── GeneralPaymaster.sol
├── deploy
│   ├── deploy.ts
│   ├── erc20
│   │   └── deploy.ts
│   ├── interact.ts
│   ├── nft
│   │   └── deploy.ts
│   └── utils.ts
├── hardhat.config.ts
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── test
    ├── erc20
    │   └── myerc20token.test.ts
    ├── greeter.test.ts
    └── nft
        └── mynft.test.ts

查看 hardhat.config.ts 的配置,主要有三个需要注意的地方:

  • 在刚才通过模板创建的项目中,已经预先配置了 zksync Era 主网,测试网,以及本地测试网

    • ZKsyncMainnet 主网
    • ZKsyncSepoliaTestnet zksync sepolia 测试网
    • ZKsyncGoerliTestnet zksync goerli 测试网 (zksync goerli 网络即将关闭,不建议使用)
    • dockerizedNode docker 本地 Node 网络
    • inMemoryNode 本地测试网络
    • hardhat hardhat zksync 本地测试网络
  • @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync 会将 zksync hardhat 相关插件打包安装,包括 @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-solc, @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy, @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-verify, @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-node 等,并且集成一些常用的 hardhat task 配置。

  • zksolc 配置,对应 hardhat-zksync-solc 的版本,可以直接写 latest

inMemoryNode 可以理解为 zksync Era 版本的 hardhat node, 是 zksync Era 用于本地测试的持久化节点;

// hardhat-zksync-project/hardhat.config.ts
import { HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config";

// 一定不要忘了引入 `@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync`
import "@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync";

const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  defaultNetwork: "zkSyncSepoliaTestnet",
  networks: {
    zkSyncMainnet: {
      url: "",
      ethNetwork: "mainnet",
      zksync: true,
    zkSyncSepoliaTestnet: {
      url: "",
      ethNetwork: "sepolia",
      zksync: true,
    zkSyncGoerliTestnet: {
      // deprecated network
      url: "",
      ethNetwork: "goerli",
      zksync: true,
    dockerizedNode: {
      url: "http://localhost:3050",
      ethNetwork: "http://localhost:8545",
      zksync: true,
    inMemoryNode: {
      url: "",
      ethNetwork: "localhost", // in-memory node doesn't support eth node; removing this line will cause an error
      zksync: true,
    hardhat: {
      zksync: true,
  zksolc: {
    version: "latest",
  solidity: {
    version: "0.8.17",


有三种启动本地持久化测试节点的方法,一种是使用 @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-node ,一种是直接运行 era_test_node ,一种是 zksync-cli + docker

  • @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-node

    • 在 hardhat 项目中,安装了 @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync 插件
    • 运行 npx hardhat node-zksync
    • 如果使用模板创建项目,注意替换 rich accounts,模板默认的 rich accounts 与 @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-node 不同
  • era_test_node

    • 需要安装Rust环境
    • 下载 era_test_node 执行文件
    • 运行本地测试node era_test_node run
  • zksync-cli + docker

    • 启动 docker, 新开一个命令行窗口,并输入
    • zksync-cli 会自动拉取 docker 镜像,创建 zksync 本地测试网 docker 容器, 并运行
    npx zksync-cli dev start


  • 检查本地网络是否正常运行

    • 我们注意到命令行输出有 RPC URLRich accounts 的提示,前者是我们本地测试网络的 RPC 链接,后者是测试网中提前配置的测试账号
    In memory node started v0.1.0-alpha.19:
    - zkSync Node (L2):
      - Chain ID: 260
      - RPC URL:
      - Rich accounts:
    • 我们使用命令查看 rich account 的 ETH 余额,检查本地测试网络是否正确运行

      • wallet balance 是 zksync-cli 查询余额的命令,也可以用来查询 ERC20 的余额
      • --rpc 指定为我们的本地测试网络
      npx zksync-cli wallet balance --rpc
      ? Account address 0xBC989fDe9e54cAd2aB4392Af6dF60f04873A033A
      undefined Balance: 1000000000000 ETH (Ether)


  • 修改 ERC20 合约,给我们的 Token 设置一个喜欢的 namesymbol, 比如 DappLearningZksyncTutorial
// hardhat-zksync-project/contracts/erc20/MyERC20Token.sol
contract MyERC20Token is ERC20Burnable {

    constructor() ERC20("DappLearning ZKsync Tutorail", "DLZT") {
        // Default initial supply of 1 million tokens (with 18 decimals)
        uint256 initialSupply = 1_000_000 * (10 ** 18);

        // The initial supply is minted to the deployer's address
        _mint(msg.sender, initialSupply);

  • 使用 hardhat 编译合约
npx hardhat compile


  • 初始化项目中已包含预设的测试脚本,我们使用 hardhat test 命令运行他们

    • npx hardhat test --network hardhat
    • --network hardhat 将使用 hardhat 内置测试网络运行
    npx hardhat test --network hardhat
    Downloading era-test-node binary, release: 0.1.0-alpha.19
    era-test-node binary downloaded successfully
        ✔ Should have correct initial supply
        ✔ Should allow owner to burn tokens (154ms)
        ✔ Should allow user to transfer tokens (148ms)
        ✔ Should fail when user tries to burn more tokens than they have (54ms)
    • 当然,我们也可以切换到 inMemoryNode 本地测试网络
    npx hardhat test --network inMemoryNode
        ✔ Should have correct initial supply (42ms)
        ✔ Should allow owner to burn tokens (486ms)
        ✔ Should allow user to transfer tokens (458ms)
        ✔ Should fail when user tries to burn more tokens than they have (326ms)
    • 两个测试网络的区别在于 hardhat 测试网络不会保存状态,在测试完成后测试网络会停止运行,而 inMemoryNode 则会保存我们刚刚部署的测试合约,以及交互状态
    # 运行测试脚本之后,查询部署账户,可以看到已经消耗了一些gas
    npx zksync-cli wallet balance --rpc
    ? Account address 0x36615Cf349d7F6344891B1e7CA7C72883F5dc049
    undefined Balance: 999999999999.9611820277 ETH (Ether)

部署 ERC20 合约到 inMemoryNode 测试网络

在部署合约到链上之前,我们可以使用本地测试网络演练一遍部署流程,这一环节可以让我们提前发现一些问题,也能更好的 debug。

  • 首先为我们的部署账户转一些 ETH 作为 gas
    • 可以从 inMemoryNode 预设的 rich accountc 中挑选一个账户转账给我们用来部署合约的账户 (即初始化项目时,我们输入私钥所对应的账户)
    • 使用 zksync-cli wallet transfer 命令
    • 数量输入 1,注意不需要考虑 decimals
    • Private key of the sender 从 rich account 中复制一个私钥贴入
    • Recipient address on L2 贴入我们用来部署的账户地址
npx zksync-cli wallet transfer --rpc
? Amount to transfer 1
? Private key of the sender [hidden]
? Recipient address on L2 0xe45d43FEb3F65B4587510A68722450b629154e6f

Transfer sent:
 Transaction hash: 0x83e17110660c9af507906bbed28f390a595aac6c3d363e44ba536dadcd959d0f

Sender L2 balance after transaction: 999999999998.99988261205 ETH (Ether)

# 查询部署账户 ETH 余额
npx zksync-cli wallet balance --rpc
? Account address 0xe45d43FEb3F65B4587510A68722450b629154e6f

undefined Balance: 1 ETH (Ether)
  • 部署 ERC20 合约到 inMemoryNode 本地测试网络
npx hardhat deploy-zksync --script erc20/deploy.ts --network inMemoryNode

Starting deployment process of "MyERC20Token"...
Estimated deployment cost: 0.0007440487 ETH

"MyERC20Token" was successfully deployed:
 - Contract address: 0x1A595d5fa4bD27fDC1273341eB75eF44Cafb7C2e
 - Contract source: contracts/erc20/MyERC20Token.sol:MyERC20Token
 - Encoded constructor arguments: 0x


  • 查看部署的 ERC20 合约
    • zksync-cli contract read 使用 read 命令可以调用合约函数读取状态
    • 查询 name() 方法,选择返回类型为 string,zksync-cli 会自动将返回数据 decode 为 string 类型 DappLearningZksyncTutorial
    • 查询 balanceOf(address) 方法, 我们可以通过 read 命令的附加参数直接指定合约地址,函数名和查询参数
# 使用read命令,根据提示输入查询参数
npx zksync-cli contract read --rpc
? Contract address 0x1A595d5fa4bD27fDC1273341eB75eF44Cafb7C2e
? Enter method to call name()

✔ Method response (raw): 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a446170704c6561726e696e675a6b73796e635475746f7269616c000000000000
Provide output types to decode the response (optional)
? Output types string
✔ Decoded method response: DappLearningZksyncTutorial
# 通过 `read` 命令的附加参数直接指定合约地址,函数名和查询参数
npx zksync-cli contract read  --rpc "" --contract "0x1A595d5fa4bD27fDC1273341eB75eF44Cafb7C2e" --method "balanceOf(addres
s)" --args "0xe45d43FEb3F65B4587510A68722450b629154e6f" --output "uint256"

✔ Method response (raw): 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000d3c21bcecceda1000000
✔ Decoded method response: 1000000000000000000000000
  • 发送交易与合约交互,给另一个账户转账
    • zksync-cli contract write 命令可以让我们与合约交互
# 使用write命令,根据提示输入交易参数
npx zksync-cli contract write --rpc
? Contract address 0x1A595d5fa4bD27fDC1273341eB75eF44Cafb7C2e
? Enter method to call transfer(address,uint256)
? Provide method arguments:
? [1/2] address 0x36615Cf349d7F6344891B1e7CA7C72883F5dc049
? [2/2] uint256 1000000000000000000
? Private key of the wallet to sign transaction ******************************************************************

✔ Transaction submitted. Transaction hash: 0xac2bb1f2835ed44e535a0d6ae664cc5fb45db546dd8b34f9a88358539d7b2914
✔ Transaction processed successfully.
# 通过 `write` 命令的附加参数直接指定合约地址,函数名和交易参数
npx zksync-cli contract write --rpc "" --contract "0x1A595d5fa4bD27fDC1273341eB75eF44Cafb7C2e" --method "transfer(address
,uint256)" --args "0x36615Cf349d7F6344891B1e7CA7C72883F5dc049" "1000000000000000000" --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY

✔ Transaction submitted. Transaction hash: 0x1cb96f0b39961d47610aef957bdda4629aac552308452aabc877aada78a1d085
✔ Transaction processed successfully.

查询 transaction 信息

  • zksync-cli transaction info 可以让我查看链上交易详细信息
    • 选择 In-memory 网络
    • 输入要查询的 transacation hash
npx zksync-cli transaction info
? Chain to use In-memory local node
? Transaction hash 0x1cb96f0b39961d47610aef957bdda4629aac552308452aabc877aada78a1d085
──────────────────── Main info ────────────────────
Transaction hash: 0x1cb96f0b39961d47610aef957bdda4629aac552308452aabc877aada78a1d085
Status: completed
From: 0xe45d43FEb3F65B4587510A68722450b629154e6f
To: 0x1A595d5fa4bD27fDC1273341eB75eF44Cafb7C2e
Value: 0 ETH
Fee: 0.00006116465 ETH  |  Initial: 0 ETH  Refunded: 0.00292334935 ETH
Method: 0x02f8b282

───────────────────── Details ─────────────────────
Date: 3/22/2024, 1:03:11 PM (8 minutes ago)
Block: #25
Nonce: 2

ERC721 合约部署与交互(inMemoryNode)

初始化项目模板中同样提供了 ERC721 合约(NFT), 若想修改合约的参数,我们需要在其部署脚本中修改

  • 修改部署脚本的 name, symbol, baseTokenURI 参数
// hardhat-zksync-project/deploy/nft/deploy.ts
import { deployContract } from "../utils";
export default async function () {
  const name = "DappLearningWaterMargin";
  const symbol = "DLWM";
  const baseTokenURI = "";
  await deployContract("MyNFT", [name, symbol, baseTokenURI]);
  • 部署 NFT 合约
npx hardhat deploy-zksync --script nft/deploy.ts --network inMemoryNode

Starting deployment process of "MyNFT"...
Estimated deployment cost: 0.0009678828 ETH

"MyNFT" was successfully deployed:
 - Contract address: 0x2042DCd254669aB6a957ee8B0eCEd80C9d11EC58
 - Contract source: contracts/nft/MyNFT.sol:MyNFT
 - Encoded constructor arguments: 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
  • 发送交易与合约交互,mint NFT
npx zksync-cli contract write --rpc "" --contract "0x2042DCd254669aB6a957ee8B0eCEd80C9d11EC58" --method "mint(address)" -
-args 0xe45d43FEb3F65B4587510A68722450b629154e6f --private-key $DEPLOY_PK

✔ Transaction submitted. Transaction hash: 0xabc430ae8ce84aee4a25e2f946ed416da361ff1c95a6acf515b21454df81bc7b
✔ Transaction processed successfully.
  • 查看 mint 是否成功
npx zksync-cli contract read --rpc "" --contract "0x2042DCd254669aB6a957ee8B0eCEd80C9d11EC58" --method "balanceOf(address
)" --args 0xe45d43FEb3F65B4587510A68722450b629154e6f --outputTypes uint256

✔ Method response (raw): 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
✔ Decoded method response: 1

部署合约到 zksync sepolia testnet (hardhat)

我们在 inMemoryNode 本地测试网完成了部署流程,现在我们来试试将合约部署到 zksync-sepolia testnet 上,并完成 contract verify。

  • 我们将使用 @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-verify hardhat 插件进行 contract verify

    • 要进行 contract verify,需要在 hardhat.config.ts 设置区块链浏览器的 verify 接口 api;我们的初始化模板已经预设了这个配置;

      // hardhat-zksync-project/hardhat.config.ts
      zkSyncSepoliaTestnet: {
        url: "",
        ethNetwork: "sepolia",
        zksync: true,
        verifyURL: "",
    • contract verify 脚本,同样在初始化模板中预设了,verifyContract() 函数会调用 @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-verify 插件自动为部署合约进行 contract verify

      // hardhat-zksync-project/deploy/utils.ts
      export const verifyContract = async (data: {
        address: string;
        contract: string;
        constructorArguments: string;
        bytecode: string;
      }) => {
        const verificationRequestId: number = await"verify:verify", {
          noCompile: true,
        return verificationRequestId;
  • 部署 ERC20 到 zksync-sepolia testnet, 注意此时 network 选择 zkSyncSepoliaTestnet

npx hardhat deploy-zksync --script erc20/deploy.ts --network zkSyncSepoliaTestnet

Starting deployment process of "MyERC20Token"...
Estimated deployment cost: 0.0032464766 ETH

"MyERC20Token" was successfully deployed:
 - Contract address: 0x0581364e148898c641D7741094bC9123F5Cb959F
 - Contract source: contracts/erc20/MyERC20Token.sol:MyERC20Token
 - Encoded constructor arguments: 0x

Requesting contract verification...
Your verification ID is: 8522
Contract successfully verified on ZKsync block explorer!


  • 部署 ERC721 到 zksync-sepolia testnet, network 选择 zkSyncSepoliaTestnet
npx hardhat deploy-zksync --script nft/deploy.ts --network zkSyncSepoliaTestnet

Starting deployment process of "MyNFT"...
Estimated deployment cost: 0.0003681876 ETH

"MyNFT" was successfully deployed:
 - Contract address: 0xa4B9C41D5a464be28d0C1D181c132f2D39E8E778
 - Contract source: contracts/nft/MyNFT.sol:MyNFT
 - Encoded constructor arguments: 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

Requesting contract verification...
Your verification ID is: 8523
Contract successfully verified on zkSync block explorer!


Quick Introduction to Native AA



现在,让我们深入探讨每日消费限额功能的设计与实现,该功能可以帮助防止账户超出其所有者设定的限额(以 ETH 为例)进行消费。

SpendLimit 合约继承自 Account 合约作为一个模块,具有以下功能:

  • 允许账户启用/禁用某种代币(本例中为 ETH)的每日消费限额。
  • 允许账户更改(增加/减少或移除)每日消费限额。
  • 如果超出每日消费限额,则拒绝代币转移。
  • 每 24 小时后恢复可用的消费金额。

spend-limit structure

根据上述需求我们要实现 3 个主要合约

  • AAFactory.sol AA 账户的工厂合约,调用 era L2 system contracts 创建 AAccount 合约
contract AAFactory {

    function deployAccount(
        bytes32 salt,
        address owner
    ) external returns (address accountAddress) {
        // call L2 sysmtem contract deploy AAccount
  • Account.sol AA 账户合约,主要实现交易的验证,执行功能
    • validateTransaction 验证交易合法,包括验证 nonce,gas 是否充足,签名是否合法
    • executeTransaction 执行交易逻辑,这里需要区分交易目标是否为系统合约 (调用系统合约需要专用的函数,例如 systemCallWithPropagatedRevert)
    • payForTransaction 当 AA 账户没有指定 Paymaster 时,系统合约将调用此方法收取 gas 费用
    • prepareForPaymaster 当 AA 账户指定了 Paymaster 时,系统合约将调用此方法收取 gas 费用,gas 费用由 Paymster 支付
contract Account is IAccount, IERC1271, SpendLimit {

    function validateTransaction(
        bytes32 _suggestedSignedHash,
        Transaction calldata _transaction
    ) external payable override onlyBootloader returns (bytes4 magic) {

    function executeTransaction(
        Transaction calldata _transaction
    ) external payable override onlyBootloader {

    function payForTransaction(
        Transaction calldata _transaction
    ) external payable override onlyBootloader {

    function prepareForPaymaster(
        bytes32, // _txHash
        bytes32, // _suggestedSignedHash
        Transaction calldata _transaction
    ) external payable override onlyBootloader {

  • SpendLimit.sol 主要实现具体的业务需求逻辑
    • modifier onlyAccount 限制接口只能由 AAccount 合约自身调用,即让用户的所有请求必须通过 AA 的调用方式
    • setSpendingLimit 设置每日消费(ETH 转账)上限
    • removeSpendingLimit 删除消费上限(设置为 0)
    • isValidUpdate 检验上限设置是否合规 (只有两种情况可以修改上限,新上限没有超出当天剩余可消费额度或者时间超过 24 小时)
    • _updateLimit 更新可消费余额
    • _checkSpendingLimit 检查剩余可消费余额是否足够支付本次消费
contract SpendLimit {

    uint public ONE_DAY = 24 hours;

    modifier onlyAccount() {
            msg.sender == address(this),
            "Only the account that inherits this contract can call this method."

    /// This struct serves as data storage of daily spending limits users enable
    /// limit: the amount of a daily spending limit
    /// available: the available amount that can be spent
    /// resetTime: block.timestamp at the available amount is restored
    /// isEnabled: true when a daily spending limit is enabled
    struct Limit {
        uint limit;
        uint available;
        uint resetTime;
        bool isEnabled;

    function setSpendingLimit(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyAccount {}

    function removeSpendingLimit(address _token) public onlyAccount {}

    function isValidUpdate(address _token) internal view returns(bool) {}

    function _updateLimit(address _token, uint _limit, uint _available, uint _resetTime, bool _isEnabled) private {}

    function _checkSpendingLimit(address _token, uint _amount) internal {}


spend-limit Account contract

Account 合约是整个 native AA 流程的关键合约,必须继承 IAccount 接口,必须实现的接口

  • validateTransaction 必须实现
  • executeTransaction 必须实现
  • payForTransactionprepareForPaymaster 必须至少实现 1 个
  • executeTransactionFromOutside 非必需,但强烈建议实现



当用户广播了一条 native AA 交易后,系统合约会调用 AAccount 合约的 validateTransaction 接口

  1. 调用系统合约的 NonceHolder 合约的 incrementMinNonceIfEquals 方法,该方法会检查 AAccount 的 nonce,并自动加一
  2. 检查账户余额是否足够支付本次交易 gas
  3. 检查交易签名是否合法(ecrecover(_hash, v, r, s) == owner


  1. transaction.payToTheBootloader() 向系统合约支付 gas, payToTheBootloader 是 L2 system contract TransactionHelper 提供的方法
import "@matterlabs/zksync-contracts/l2/system-contracts/libraries/TransactionHelper.sol";

contract Account is IAccount, IERC1271, SpendLimit {
  using TransactionHelper for Transaction;


  1. transaction.processPaymasterInput() 由 Paymaster 向系统合约支付 gas,同上, processPaymasterInput 是 L2 system contract TransactionHelper 提供的方法



  1. 调用系统合约 DEPLOYER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT 需要使用特定方法,例如 SystemContractsCaller.systemCallWithPropagatedRevert
  2. 其他情况直接使用 call 语句调用



spend-limit scripts

  • 部署合约
    1. 部署 AAFactory 合约
    2. 生成一个新的随机钱包作为 owner (AA 用户, 即 Account 合约的 owner),记录密钥和地址
    3. 调用 AAFactory.deployAccount 方法创建 Account 合约
    4. Acount 合约转入 ETH 作为账户资金

!!注意:因为我们使用了工厂合约来创建 Account 合约,对于zksync网络而言,Account 合约的 hash 可能还没有注册到 KnownCodesStorage 系统合约中,进而导致创建合约失败,所以在部署 AAFactory 合约时,一定要增加 additionalFactoryDeps 字段,将 Account 合约的 bytecode 传给 Operator

// spend-limit/deploy/deployFactoryAccount.ts

export default async function (hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) {

  const factory = await deployContract(
      // ⚠️ NOTICE: very important!! 非常重要!!
      additionalFactoryDeps: [aaArtifact.bytecode],
  const factoryAddress = await factory.getAddress();
  console.log(`AA factory address: ${factoryAddress}`);
yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script deployFactoryAccount.ts --network zkSyncSepoliaTestnet

# output
Starting deployment process of "AAFactory"...
Estimated deployment cost: 0.0000429924 ETH

"AAFactory" was successfully deployed:
 - Contract address: 0x9E942Ad7fbC3d24E29629e738879223280d58815
 - Contract source: contracts/AAFactory.sol:AAFactory
 - Encoded constructor arguments: 0x01000693cded8d0742a9c58d269a6df47f3ce61a83b7b136c283fdf45e93e214

Requesting contract verification...
Your verification ID is: 11257
Contract successfully verified on zkSync block explorer!
AA factory address: 0x9E942Ad7fbC3d24E29629e738879223280d58815
SC Account owner pk:  0x72...20
SC Account deployed on address 0x91Bb8775820e0Bc20d8E89a84aB67Ce540c464b3
Funding smart contract account with some ETH
✨  Done in 23.72s.
  • 为用户设置消费上限

    1. 使用 owner 的 privatekey 初始化 Wallet 对象,用户交易签名

    2. 获取 Account.setSpendingLimit 调用交易,并根据 native AA 格式组装 a. from 是 Account 合约 b. nonce 是 Account 的 nonce c. type 113 代表该交易遵循 EIP-712 规范 d. customData 包含 signature 签名和 gas 相关参数

    3. 使用 provider.broadcastTransaction 广播交易,开始 native AA 流程

    let setLimitTx = await account.setSpendingLimit.populateTransaction(
    setLimitTx = {
      chainId: (await provider.getNetwork()).chainId,
      nonce: await provider.getTransactionCount(DEPLOYED_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS),
      type: 113,
      customData: {
        gasPerPubdata: utils.DEFAULT_GAS_PER_PUBDATA_LIMIT,
      } as types.Eip712Meta,
      value: BigInt(0),
    setLimitTx.gasPrice = await provider.getGasPrice();
    setLimitTx.gasLimit = await provider.estimateGas(setLimitTx);
    const signedTxHash = EIP712Signer.getSignedDigest(setLimitTx);
    const signature = ethers.concat([
    setLimitTx.customData = {
      customSignature: signature,
yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script setLimit.ts --network zkSyncSepoliaTestnet

# output
Setting limit for account...
Account limit enabled?:  true
Account limit:  500000000000000
Available limit today:  500000000000000
Time to reset limit:  1713844093
✨  Done in 5.63s.
  • 触发 AAccount 转账
    1. 使用 owner 的 privatekey 初始化 Wallet 对象,用户交易签名
    2. 我们将触发Account合约向另一个账户转账,组装交易并签名 a. from 是 Account 合约, to 是转账目标账户 b. nonce 是 Account 的 nonce c. type 113 d. customData 包含 signature 签名和 gas 相关参数 e. value 设置将要转账的金额,注意不要超过刚才设置的上限
    3. 使用 provider.broadcastTransaction 广播交易,交易将被系统自动转发给 system contract,开始 native AA 流程
yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script transferETH.ts --network zkSyncSepoliaTestnet

# output
Account ETH limit is:  5000000000000000
Available today:  5000000000000000
Limit will reset on timestamp:  1713844093
Sending ETH transfer from smart contract account
ETH transfer tx hash is 0x525850760c12490fe3d665e4e8a0406e165f2d71272f775481d9ed3cff696693
Transfer completed and limits updated!
Account limit:  5000000000000000
Available today:  0
Limit will reset on timestamp: 1713844243
Current timestamp:  1713844185
Reset time was not updated as not enough time has passed
✨  Done in 4.67s.
  • 此时我们如果再次发起转账,将会revert,得到 "Exceed daily limit" 的报错信息,显示我们今日触及消费上限,不能继续转账
yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script transferETH.ts --network zkSyncSepoliaTestnet

Error: missing revert data (action="estimateGas", data=null, reason=null,
  info: {
    error: {
      code: 3,
      message: 'execution reverted: Exceed daily limit',
      data: '0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012457863656564206461696c79206c696d69740000000000000000000000000000'


接下来我们将构建一个自定义支付代理(paymaster),允许用户使用任何 ERC20 代币支付 gas 费用:

  1. 创建一个支付代理,假设单个单位的 ERC20 代币足以覆盖任何交易费用。
  2. 创建 ERC20 代币合约,并向一个新钱包发送一些代币。
  3. 通过支付代理发送一笔铸造交易,从新创建的钱包发起。尽管该交易通常需要使用 ETH 来支付燃料费,但我们的支付代理将以 1 单位的 ERC20 代币交换执行该交易。

Custom-Paymaster interface

我们只需要构建一个 Paymaster 和 测试用ERC20 即可完成整个流程,并且在 paymaster 中只需要实现 2 个由系统合约 bootloader 调用的函数即可。

  • validateAndPayForPaymasterTransaction 验证交易
    • 验证交易中的 paymasterInput 格式(该交易的实际calldata), 取出 function selector
    • 如果 function selector 等于 IPaymasterFlow.approvalBased 则进入 approvalBased 流程(稍后将详细解释),否则将 revert (我们暂时没有实现 general 流程)
    • 检查 ERC20.allowance 是否足够支付本次交易
    • 从用户地址拉取 token (我们设置 1 token 即足以覆盖gas费用)
    • 函数必须返回两个变量 bytes4 magic 标记验证成功的状态, bytes memory context 用于后续执行的上下文
  • postTransaction 是一个可选实现函数,它将在交易逻辑执行完后被调用,但不能保证一定会被调用,比如交易因为 out of gas 失败,则不会调用
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

import {IPaymaster, ExecutionResult, PAYMASTER_VALIDATION_SUCCESS_MAGIC} from "@matterlabs/zksync-contracts/l2/system-contracts/interfaces/IPaymaster.sol";
import {IPaymasterFlow} from "@matterlabs/zksync-contracts/l2/system-contracts/interfaces/IPaymasterFlow.sol";
import {TransactionHelper, Transaction} from "@matterlabs/zksync-contracts/l2/system-contracts/libraries/TransactionHelper.sol";

import "@matterlabs/zksync-contracts/l2/system-contracts/Constants.sol";

contract MyPaymaster is IPaymaster {
    uint256 constant PRICE_FOR_PAYING_FEES = 1;
    address public allowedToken;

    modifier onlyBootloader() {
        require(msg.sender == BOOTLOADER_FORMAL_ADDRESS, "Only bootloader can call this method");
        // Continue execution if called from the bootloader.

    function validateAndPayForPaymasterTransaction  (
        Transaction calldata _transaction
    ) external payable onlyBootloader returns (bytes4 magic, bytes memory context) {

    function postTransaction (
        bytes calldata _context,
        Transaction calldata _transaction,
        ExecutionResult _txResult,
        uint256 _maxRefundedGas
    ) external payable onlyBootloader override {

    receive() external payable {}

Built-in paymaster flows

Built-in paymaster flows 是系统内置的 paymsater 流程类型,目前只有 generalapprovalBased 两种;

// Built-in paymaster flows

function general(bytes calldata data);

function approvalBased(
    address _token,
    uint256 _minAllowance,
    bytes calldata _innerInput

approvalBased 是一种预设 ERC20.approve 的流程,系统合约在执行交易逻辑之前,会先调用 ERC20.safeApprove 方法保证目标地址有足够的 allowance 操作 token。

library TransactionHelper {
    function processPaymasterInput(Transaction calldata _transaction) internal {
        require(_transaction.paymasterInput.length >= 4, "The standard paymaster input must be at least 4 bytes long");

        bytes4 paymasterInputSelector = bytes4(_transaction.paymasterInput[0:4]);
        if (paymasterInputSelector == IPaymasterFlow.approvalBased.selector) {

            uint256 currentAllowance = IERC20(token).allowance(address(this), paymaster);
            if (currentAllowance < minAllowance) {
                // Some tokens, e.g. USDT require that the allowance is firsty set to zero
                // and only then updated to the new value.

                IERC20(token).safeApprove(paymaster, 0);
                IERC20(token).safeApprove(paymaster, minAllowance);
        } else if (paymasterInputSelector == IPaymasterFlow.general.selector) {
            // Do nothing. general(bytes) paymaster flow means that the paymaster must interpret these bytes on his own.
        } else {
            revert("Unsupported paymaster flow");

custom-paymaster scripts

  • deploy-paymaster.ts
    • 部署 MyPamaster 合约
    • 为其转入 ETH 作为 gas 费用
    • 部署 MyERC20 合约,作为用户支付 gas 的token
    • 为用户 mint 3 token
❯ npx hardhat deploy-zksync --script deploy-paymaster.ts  --network zkSyncSepoliaTestnet

Starting deployment process of "MyERC20"...
Estimated deployment cost: 0.0011346448077522 ETH

"MyERC20" was successfully deployed:
 - Contract address: 0x2B8606a2C352303d39fcb5f2773B31a0c0807eFF
 - Contract source: contracts/MyERC20.sol:MyERC20
 - Encoded constructor arguments: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000074d79546f6b656e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000074d79546f6b656e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Requesting contract verification...
Your verification ID is: 13196
Contract successfully verified on zkSync block explorer!

Starting deployment process of "MyPaymaster"...
Estimated deployment cost: 0.000710003298384822 ETH

"MyPaymaster" was successfully deployed:
 - Contract address: 0x9c2198dA8593908C5138CeF84308d90b187154a1
 - Contract source: contracts/MyPaymaster.sol:MyPaymaster
 - Encoded constructor arguments: 0x0000000000000000000000002b8606a2c352303d39fcb5f2773b31a0c0807eff

Requesting contract verification...
Your verification ID is: 13197
Contract successfully verified on zkSync block explorer!
Funding paymaster with ETH...
Paymaster ETH balance is now 10000000000000000
Minted 3 tokens for the wallet
  • use-paymaster.ts 为用户 mint 5 token,使用 paymaster 支付
    • paymasterParams 组装,使用 approvalBased 类型,这种类型在支付之前,会让用户 approve 给 paymaster 足够的额度
    • customData 字段中传入 paymasterParams 时,系统会将该交易识别为使用 paymaster 的 native AA 交易类型
    • 这一笔交易我们给用户 mint 5 token,但需要向 paymaster 支付 1 token 作为gas费用,所以最后用户 token 余额增加 4,而 paymaster 余额增加1
// Encoding the "ApprovalBased" paymaster flow's input
const paymasterParams = utils.getPaymasterParams(PAYMASTER_ADDRESS, {
  type: "ApprovalBased",
  // set minimalAllowance as we defined in the paymaster contract
  minimalAllowance: BigInt("1"),
  // empty bytes as testnet paymaster does not use innerInput
  innerInput: new Uint8Array(),

console.log(`Minting 5 tokens for the wallet via paymaster...`);
const mintTx = await, 5, {
  // paymaster info
  customData: {
    paymasterParams: paymasterParams,
    gasPerPubdata: utils.DEFAULT_GAS_PER_PUBDATA_LIMIT,
await mintTx.wait();
❯ npx hardhat deploy-zksync --script use-paymaster.ts  --network zkSyncSepoliaTestnet

ERC20 token balance of the wallet before mint: 3
Paymaster ETH balance is 10000000000000000
Transaction fee estimation is :>>  1257508623149800
Minting 5 tokens for the wallet via paymaster...
Paymaster ERC20 token balance is now 1
Paymaster ETH balance is now 9989472675000000
ERC20 token balance of the the wallet after mint: 7


Deploy with foundry-zksync
