The evaluation proposed on the paper comprises using a a validation dataset toguether with some benchmark on CARLA. Considering that the validation dataset and the benchmark were computed on a similar scenario, we compute the correlation between driving and prediction on some dataset.
First thing is to download all the 64 trained models and the ground truth from the validation datasets. For that we provide a script that makes the download and store all files on the appropriete folder. The first thing is to set the environment variable to indicate where the used DATASETS are stored:
export COIL_DATASET_PATH=<datasets_location>
After that, by running the following script you will download all the needed files.
python3 tools/
To test computing the scatter plots for a single experiment, you should run:
python3 -p sample_plot
The folder _logs/eccv/plots/sample_plots should show the following plots:
training_conditions, training_conditions_noise, test_conditions, test_conditions_noise
Note, for few experiments the correlation is usually high. A fully commented example on how to compute plots can be seen on
To compute all the plots run:
python3 -p eccv_online_offline_plots
It takes aproximatelly 4 hours to complete the full plotting process.
To re run the trainings:
python3 --folder eccv -de ECCVGeneralization_Town02 ECCVTraining_Town01 -vd Town01W1 Town02W14
Note: there are non-determinism on the training and evaluation, the plots, when retraining all the models, will be similar but not be the same.
Datasets to be released.
If you use this evaluation methodology, please cite our ECCV’18 paper.
On Offline Evaluation of Vision-based Driving Models
Felipe Codevilla,
Antonio M. López, Vladlen Koltun, Alexey Dosovitskiy;
title={On Offline Evaluation of Vision-Based Driving Models},
author={Codevilla, Felipe and L{\'o}pez, Antonio M and Koltun, Vladlen and Dosovitskiy, Alexey},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},