ScalaJack now supports Kit Langton's excellent neotype library. Neotype allows you to define validated types that ensure the integrity of the values they contain.
By way of example let's define 3 String-related neotypes:
File 1.scala
//----- A String that must not be empty
type NonEmptyString = NonEmptyString.Type
given NonEmptyString: Newtype[String] with
override inline def validate(input: String): Boolean =
//----- A String that must be empty
type EmptyString = EmptyString.Type
given EmptyString: Newtype[String] with
override inline def validate(input: String): Boolean =
//----- A List of String that must be non-empty and the first list element must be "x"
type XList = XList.Type
given XList: Newtype[List[String]] with
override inline def validate(input: List[String]): Boolean =
input.nonEmpty && input(0) == "x"
//----- A class to exercise these neotypes
case class Validated(name: NonEmptyString, xspot: XList, nada: EmptyString)
For this example, we're going to focus on fromJson(). The toJson() is presumed to always work because the neotype library won't let you create a Validated() object having invalid neotype values. So the real test here is to see if ScalaJack will correctly detect JSON that violates the defined field validations.
File 2.scala
given sjValidated: ScalaJack[Validated] = sjCodecOf[Validated]
val sj_ok = """{"name":"Mike","xspot":["x","other"],"nada":""}"""
val sj_brokenName = """{"name":"","xspot":["x","other"],"nada":""}"""
val sj_brokenNada = """{"name":"Mike","xspot":["x","other"],"nada":"boom"}"""
val sj_xspot = """{"name":"Mike","xspot":["y","other"],"nada":"boom"}"""
// materializes Validated("Mike",List("x", "other"),"")
try( sjValidated.fromJson(sj_brokenName) )
catch {
case jpe: JsonParseError => println(
// NeoType validation for NonEmptyString failed at position [9]
// {"name":"","xspot:["x","other"],"nada":""}
// ---------^
try( sjValidated.fromJson(sj_brokenNada) )
catch {
case jpe: JsonParseError => println(
// NeoType validation for EmptyString failed at position [49]
// {"name":"Mike","xspot":["x","other"],"nada":"boom"}
// -------------------------------------------------^
try( sjValidated.fromJson(sj_xspot) )
catch {
case jpe: JsonParseError => println(
// NeoType validation for XList failed at position [42]
// {"name":"Mike","xspot":["nintendo","other"],"nada":""}
// ------------------------------------------^