All problems within a week are ordered from the easiest to hardest
- Easy Retype
- Medium Trash Bins
- Hard+ Festival
- (Mandatory - Look into it at least for two hours) Transform the String
- #Array, #BinarySearch Binary Search
- #Array, #HashTable, #BinarySearch, #Sorting Fair Candy Swap
- #Array, #BinarySearch, #Greedy, #PrefixSum Longest Subsequence With Limited Sum
- #Array, #HashTable, #Sorting Group Anagrams
- #TwoPointers, #Greedy, #Sorting Pancake Sorting
- #Array, #DFS, #BFS, #Matrix Flood Fill
- #TwoPointers, #String, #Greedy Valid Palindrome
- #DFS, #BFS, #Union Find, #Matrix Max Area of Island
- #Array, #Math, #Matrix Rotate image
- #Array, #String, #Trie Search Suggestions System
- #Array, #DP Pascal's Triagle
- #DP, #Memoization, #Array Clibming stairs
- #DP, #Array, Best time to buy and sell stock
- #Array, #HashTable, #Greedy, #Sorting, #Heap Reduce array size to the half
- #Array, #HashTable, #String Evaluate the bracket pairs of a string
- #DFS, #BFS, #Graph, Keys and Rooms
- #Array, #HashTable, #String Vowel Spellchecker
- #Tree, #BFS, #BinaryTree Invert Binary Tree
- #Array, #Hash Table, #Sorting Sort the people
- #DFS, #BST Range of Sum BST
- #DP N-th Tribonacci Number
- #HashTable, #String, #GreedyAlgorithm Longest palindrome
- #Tree, #BFS, #DFS Time needed to Inform all employees
- #HashTable, #Greedy, #Sorting, #Heap #Counting Task Scheduler
- #String Reverse words in String III
- #Array, #Sorting Third Maximum Number
- #Bit manipuation, #Sorting, #HashTable Set Mismatch
- #Linked List, #Simulation Merge node in between zeros
- #Tree, #DP Unique binary search trees