These are instructions for running scoping experiments on aws EC2. Note that the results in the paper are from experiments run on a laptop using a different set of scripts, NOT in EC2 using the scripts described here. You can find a tutorial on using AWS EC2 here.
These instructions were verified to work using an instance with the following configuration:
Type: t2.large
- AMI ID: ami-0ac5a3737d540e82a
- AMI Name: Deep Learning Base AMI (Ubuntu 16.04) Version 40.0
- AMI Location: amazon/Deep Learning Base AMI (Ubuntu 16.04) Version 40.0
Copy the to your ec2 instance with scp:
scp -i <path2key_file> ubuntu@<ec2_instance_address>:~/
SSH into the ec2 instance
ssh -i <path2key_file> ubuntu@<ec2_instance_address>
Unzip the supplement
Mount the planutils docker image
source scoping_supplement/scoping/ubuntu_scripts/
Change directory to /scoping_supplement
cd /scoping_supplement
Run to setup conda, fast downward
source scoping/ubuntu_scripts/
Run ENHSP-2020 experiments using the experiments/ script. The arguments are:
- Number of runs in this experiment
- Path to domain file
- Path to problem file
- Path to directory the experiment logs will be saved in
- (optional)
if you want to forcibly clear the passed experiment log directory. If you pass an already existing directory as the experiment log directory and don't use the--force_clear_log_dir
option, the script will raise an exception.
Example command:
python ./experiments/ 2 examples/multi_monkeys_playroom/multi_monkeys_playroom.pddl examples/multi_monkeys_playroom/prob01.pddl ./experiment_logs/multi_monkeys_playroom_01
Run Fast Downward experiments using the experiments/ script. The arguments are the same as for the enhsp script. Example command:
python experiments/ 1 examples/IPC_domains_propositional/logistics00/domain.pddl examples/IPC_domains_propositional/logistics00/prob15.pddl ../downward/ experiment_logs/logistics15
To move results out of the ec2 isntance, you can use scp from your local machine:
scp -i <path2key_file> ubuntu@<ec2_instance_address>:<path2experiments_log_dir> scoping_experiment_logs