Mozilla has generously offered to host us at their Berlin office:
See dial-in and irc details below.
Lunch is provided for registered attendees, courtesy of our host.
All times are UTC+2
10:00 - start and introductions
10:30 - 11:15 Mixed Content
11:15 - 12:00 Upgrade Insecure Requests (also, let's visit the IETF proposal at:
12:00 - 13:30 lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Powerful Features
15:00 - 17:00 teleconference with W3C systems staff on migrating to https (09:00 Boston time) Systeam has a test mirror set-up at While we haven't rewritten links, you can substitute www-test for www in an existing URL to see what a page looks like if only the scheme is changed (e.g. )
Do we want to give any time to Subresource Integrity?
Guests will be joining us from the TAG. Overall topic will be understanding plans to move the entire web to all-secure transports, how spec work in WebAppSec can assist, and what gaps exist.
Some starting notes to guide the discussion: PR's and updates welcome:
10:00 - start
10:00 - 12:00 open session: articulating goals and a clear model for what an "all-secure" Web should mean? Can we describe in one document what properties and invariants we expect to hold according to the Same Origin Policy, Mixed Content, Powerful Features, and collective undocumented lore? What exceptions exist for legacy reasons and their impact?
12:00 - 13:30 lunch
13:30 - 15:00 open session: how to get from today to "all-secure", migration plans, tools, gaps to fill, including non-WebAppSec work: Let's Encrypt, http-layer upgrades, HSTS
A few open problems to think about: What about "optimistic/opportunistic encryption"? What does it mean for the web security model if we can transparently upgrade 'http' urls to full https-equivalance at runtime? What would allow apps to be willing to use 'http' urls with that upgrade capability as-if 'https'? How do we provide a migration path for data in localStorage or indexedDB for http origins to https? How do we think about origin boundaries for transport-upgraded content?
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