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This repo provides convenient methods of using binary artifacts of GHC's wasm backend. It's also a staging area for the GHC wasm backend documentation.

Getting started as a nix flake

This repo is a nix flake. The default output is a derivation that bundles all provided tools:

$ nix shell
$ echo 'main = putStrLn "hello world"' > hello.hs
$ wasm32-wasi-ghc hello.hs -o hello.wasm
[1 of 2] Compiling Main             ( hello.hs, hello.o )
[2 of 2] Linking hello.wasm
$ wasmtime ./hello.wasm
hello world

First start will download a bunch of stuff, but won't take too long since it just patches the binaries and performs no compilation. There is no need to set up a binary cache.

Note that there are different GHC flavours available. The default flake output uses the gmp flavour, though you can also use the all_native, all_unreg and all_9_6 flake outputs to get different flavours. See the next subsection for explanations of these flavours.

Getting started without nix

This repo also provides an installation script that installs the provided tools to ~/.ghc-wasm:

$ curl | sh
Everything set up in /home/username/.ghc-wasm.
Run 'source /home/username/.ghc-wasm/env' to add tools to your PATH.

After installing, ~/.ghc-wasm will contain all the installed tools, plus:

  • ~/.ghc-wasm/env which can be sourced into the current shell to add the tools to PATH, plus all the environment variables needed to build wasm32-wasi-ghc
  • ~/.ghc-wasm/ which can be run in GitHub actions, so later steps in the same job can access the same environment variables set by env is just a thin wrapper to download the ghc-wasm-meta repo tarball and invoke These scripts can be configured via these environment variables:

  • PREFIX: installation destination, defaults to ~/.ghc-wasm
  • FLAVOUR: can be gmp, native or unreg.
    • The gmp flavour uses the gmp bignum backend and the wasm native codegen. It's the default flavour, offers good compile-time and run-time performance.
    • native uses the native bignum backend and the wasm native codegen. Compared to the gmp flavour, the run-time performance may be slightly worse if the workload involves big Integer operations. May be useful if you are compiling proprietary projects and have concerns about statically linking the LGPL-licensed gmp library.
    • The unreg flavour uses the gmp bignum backend and the unregisterised C codegen. Compared to the default flavour, compile-time performance is noticeably worse. May be useful for debugging the native codegen, since there are less GHC test suite failures in the unregisterised codegen at the moment.
    • The 9.6/9.8/9.10 flavour tracks the ghc-9.6/ghc-9.8/ghc-9.10 release branch instead of the master branch. It uses the gmp bignum backend and the wasm native codegen.
  • SKIP_GHC: set this to skip installing cabal and ghc

Note that if you use the 9.6/9.8/9.10 flavour, the wasm32-wasi-cabal wrapper won't automatically set up head.hackage in the global config file. In the early days of ghc-9.10, this may result in more packages being rejected at compile time. This is true for both nix/non-nix installation methods. requires cc, curl, jq, unzip, zstd to run.

What it emits when it emits a .wasm file?

Besides wasm MVP, certain extensions are used. The feature flags are enabled globally in our wasi-sdk build, passed at GHC configure time, and the wasm NCG may make use of the features. The rationale of post-MVP wasm feature inclusion:

  • Supported by default in latest versions of Chrome/Firefox/Safari/wasmtime (check wasm roadmap for details)
  • LLVM support has been stable enough (doesn't get into our way when enabled globally)

List of wasm extensions that we use:

The target triple is wasm32-wasi, and it uses WASI snapshot 1 as used in wasi-libc.

List of wasm extensions that we don't use yet but are keeping an eye on:

  • Tail Call, blocked by webkit. Note that we already support wasm tail calls, but it's an opt-in feature for now.

What runtimes support those .wasm files?

The output .wasm modules are known to run on these runtimes:

Non-browser non-JavaScript runtimes

These tools are all packaged in this repo, available in both the nix flake & installation. The recommended default runtime is wasmtime, other ones are included for testing purposes.

Non-browser JavaScript runtimes


Latest releases of Chrome/Firefox/Safari. A JavaScript library is needed to provide the WASI implementation, the following are known to work to some extent:

Compiling to WASI reactor module with user-specified exports

Note: if you are using the GHC wasm backend to target browsers, we already support JSFFI in master as well as upcoming 9.10 releases. See the relevant section in the GHC user's guide for details. The following content is archived here for the time being, but eventually we'll move all documentation to the GHC user's guide.

If you want to embed the compiled wasm module into a host language, like in JavaScript for running in a browser, then it's highly likely you want to compile Haskell to a WASI reactor module.

What is a WASI reactor module?

The WASI spec includes certain syscalls that are provided as the wasi_snapshot_preview1 wasm imports. Additionally, the current WASI ABI specifies two different kinds of WASI modules: commands and reactors.

A WASI command module is what you get by default when using wasm32-wasi-ghc to compile & link a Haskell program. It's called "command" as in a conventional command-line program, with similar usage and lifecycle: run it with something like wasmtime, optionally passing some arguments and environment variables, it'll run to completion and probably causing some side effects using whatever capabilities granted. After it runs to completion, the program state is finalized.

A WASI reactor module is produced by special link-time flags. It's called "reactor" since it reacts to external calls of its exported functions. Once a reactor module is initialized, the program state is persisted, so if calling an export changes internal state (e.g. sets a global variable), subsequent calls will observe that change.

Why the distinction and why should you care?

When linking a program for almost any platform out there, the linker needs to handle ctors(constructors) & dtors(destructors). ctors and dtors are special functions that need to be invoked to correctly initialize/finalize certain runtime state. Even if the user program doesn't use ctors/dtors, as long as the program links to libc, ctors/dtors will need to be handled.

The wasm spec does include a start function. However, due to technical reasons, what a start function can do is rather limited, and may not be sufficient to support ctors/dtors in libc and other places. So the WASI spec needs to address this fact, and the command/reactor distinction arises:

  • A WASI command module must export a _start function. You can see how _start is defined in wasi-libc here. It'll call the ctors, then call the main function in user code, and finally call the dtors. Since the dtors are called, the program state is finalized, so attempting to call any export after this point is undefined behavior!
  • A WASI reactor module may export an _initialize function, if it exists, it must be called exactly once before any other exports are called. See its definition here, it merely calls the ctors. So after _initialize, you can call the exports freely, reusing the instance state. If you want to "finalize", you're in charge of exporting and calling __wasm_call_dtors yourself.

The command module works well for wasm modules that are intended to be used like a conventional CLI app. On the otherhand, for more advanced use cases like running in a browser, you almost always want to create a reactor module instead.

Creating a WASI reactor module from wasm32-wasi-ghc

Suppose there's a Hello.hs that has a fib :: Int -> Int. To invoke it from the JavaScript host, first you need to write down a foreign export for it:

foreign export ccall fib :: Int -> Int

GHC will create a C function HsInt fib(HsInt) that calls into the actual fib Haskell function. Now you need to compile and link it with special flags:

$ wasm32-wasi-ghc Hello.hs -o Hello.wasm -no-hs-main -optl-mexec-model=reactor -optl-Wl,--export=hs_init,--export=myMain

Some explainers:

  • -no-hs-main, since we only care about manually exported functions and don't have a default main :: IO ()
  • -optl-mexec-model=reactor passes -mexec-model=reactor to clang when linking, so it creates a WASI reactor instead of a WASI command
  • -optl-Wl,--export=hs_init,--export=fib passes the linker flags to export hs_init and fib
  • -o Hello.wasm is necessary, otherwise the output name defaults to a.out which can be confusing

The flags above also work in the ghc-options field of a cabal executable component, see here for an example.

Now, here's an example deno script to load and run Hello.wasm:

import WasiContext from "";

const context = new WasiContext({});

const instance = (
  await WebAssembly.instantiate(await Deno.readFile("Hello.wasm"), {
    wasi_snapshot_preview1: context.exports,

// The initialize() method will call the module's _initialize export
// under the hood. This is only true for the wasi implementation used
// in this example! If you're using another wasi implementation, do
// read its source code to figure out whether you need to manually
// call the module's _initialize export!

// This function is a part of GHC's RTS API. It must be called before
// any other exported Haskell functions are called.
instance.exports.hs_init(0, 0);


For simplicity, we call hs_init with argc set to 0 and argv set to NULL, assuming we don't use things like getArgs/getProgName in the program. Now, we can call fib, or any function with foreign export and the correct --export= flag.

Before we add first-class JavaScript interop feature, it's only possible to use the ccall calling convention for foreign exports. It's still possible to exchange large values between Haskell and JavaScript:

  • Add --export flag for malloc/free. You can now allocate and free linear memory buffers that can be visible to the Haskell world, since the entire linear memory is available as the memory export.
  • In the Haskell world, you can pass Ptr as foreign export argument/return values.
  • You can also use mallocBytes in Foreign.Marshal.Alloc to allocate buffers in the Haskell world. A buffer allocated by mallocBytes in Haskell can be passed to JavaScript and be freed by the exported free, and vice versa.

If you pass a buffer malloced in JavaScript into Haskell, before freeing that buffer after the exported Haskell function returns, look into the Haskell code and double check if that buffer is indeed fully consumed in Haskell! Otherwise, use-after-free bugs await.

Which functions can be exported via the --export flag?

  • Any C function which symbol is externally visible. For libc, there is a list of all externally visible symbols. For the GHC RTS, see HsFFI.h and RtsAPI.h for the functions that you're likely interested in. For instance, hs_init is in HsFFI.h, other variants of hs_init* is in RtsAPI.h.
  • Any Haskell function that has been exported via a foreign export declaration.

Further reading:

Custom imports

In addition to the standard wasi_snapshot_preview1 import module, you can add other import modules to import host JavaScript functions which can be called in C/Haskell. Of course, the resulting wasm module is not completely compliant to the WASI spec, and cannot be run in non-browser runtimes that only supports WASI (like wasmtime), but it's not an issue if it's only intended to be run in browsers.

Here's an example:

#include <stdint.h>

void _fill(void *buf, uint32_t len) __attribute__((

void fill(void *buf, uint32_t len) {
  _fill(buf, len);

The above assembly source file can be saved as fill.c, and compiled/linked with other C/Haskell sources. The fill function can be called in C as long as you write down its prototype; it can also be called in Haskell just like any other normal C function.

Now, when creating the instance, in addition to providing the wasi_snapshot_preview1 import module, you also need to provide the env import module which has a foo function. Whatever foo can do is up to you, reader. It may take a buffer's pointer/length and fill in something interesting. Since the WASI module has a memory export, foo has access to the instance memory and can do whatever it wants.

Custom imports is a powerful feature and provides more than one way to do things. For instance, if your Haskell program needs to read a large blob, you may either put that blob in a memfs and read it as if reading a file; or you can just feed that blob via a custom import. In this case, a custom import may be simpler, and it further lowers the requirement on the WASI implementation, since not even a virtual memfs implementation will be needed at run-time.

It's even possible for the imported function to invoke Haskell computation by calling exported Haskell functions! This kind of RTS re-entrance is permitted in GHC RTS, as long as the custom import is marked with foreign import ccall safe.

Using wizer to pre-initialize a WASI reactor module

wizer is a tool that takes a wasm module, runs a user-specified initialization function, then snapshots the wasm instance state into a new wasm module. Since wizer is based on wasmtime, it supports WASI modules out of the box.

I recommend using wizer to pre-initialize your WASI reactor module compiled from Haskell. It's not just about avoiding the overhead of _initialize; the initialization function run by wizer is capable of much more tasks, including but not limited to:

  • Set up custom RTS flags and other command line arguments
  • Perform arbitrary Haskell computation
  • Perform Haskell garbage collection to re-arrange the heap in an optimal way

It requires a bit of knowledge about GHC's RTS API to write this initialization function, here's an example:

// Including this since we need access to GHC's RTS API. And it
// transitively includes pretty much all of libc headers that we need.
#include <Rts.h>

// When GHC compiles the Test module with foreign export, it'll
// generate Test_stub.h that declares the prototypes for C functions
// that wrap the corresponding Haskell functions.
#include "Test_stub.h"

// The prototype of hs_init_with_rtsopts is "void
// hs_init_with_rtsopts(int *argc, char **argv[])" which is a bit
// cumbersome to work with, hence this convenience wrapper.
STATIC_INLINE void hs_init_with_rtsopts_(char *argv[]) {
  int argc;
  for (argc = 0; argv[argc] != NULL; ++argc) {
  hs_init_with_rtsopts(&argc, &argv);

void malloc_inspect_all(void (*handler)(void *start, void *end,
                                        size_t used_bytes, void *callback_arg),
                        void *arg);

static void malloc_inspect_all_handler(void *start, void *end,
                                       size_t used_bytes, void *callback_arg) {
  if (used_bytes == 0) {
    memset(start, 0, (size_t)end - (size_t)start);

extern char __stack_low;
extern char __stack_high;

// Export this function as "wizer.initialize". wizer also accepts
// "--init-func <init-func>" if you dislike this export name, or
// prefer to pass -Wl,--export=my_init at link-time.
// By the time this function is called, the WASI reactor _initialize
// has already been called by wizer. The export entries of this
// function and _initialize will both be stripped by wizer.
__attribute__((export_name("wizer.initialize"))) void __wizer_initialize(void) {
  // The first argument is what you get in getProgName.
  // -H64m sets the "suggested heap size" to 64MB and reserves so much
  // memory when doing GC for the first time. It's not a hard limit,
  // the RTS is perfectly capable of growing the heap beyond it, but
  // it's still recommended to reserve a reasonably sized heap in the
  // beginning. And it doesn't add 64MB to the wizer output, most of
  // the grown memory will be zero anyway!
  char *argv[] = {"test.wasm", "+RTS", "-H64m", "-RTS", NULL};

  // The WASI reactor _initialize function only takes care of
  // initializing the libc state. The GHC RTS needs to be initialized
  // using one of hs_init* functions before doing any Haskell
  // computation.

  // Not interesting, I know. The point is you can perform any Haskell
  // computation here! Or C/C++, whatever.

  // Perform major GC to clean up the heap. The second run will invoke
  // the C finalizers found during the first run.

  // Zero out the unused RTS memory, to prevent the garbage bytes from
  // being snapshotted into the final wasm module. Otherwise it
  // wouldn't affect correctness, but the wasm module size would bloat
  // significantly. It's only safe to call this after hs_perform_gc()
  // has returned.

  // Zero out the unused heap space. `malloc_inspect_all` is a
  // dlmalloc internal function which traverses the heap space and can
  // be used to zero out some space that's previously allocated and
  // then freed. Upstream `wasi-libc` doesn't expose this function
  // yet, we do since it's useful for this specific purpose.
  malloc_inspect_all(malloc_inspect_all_handler, NULL);

  // Zero out the entire stack region in the linear memory. This is
  // only suitable to do after all other cleanup has been done and
  // we're about to exit `__wizer_initialize`. `__stack_low` and
  // `__stack_high` are linker generated symbols which resolve to the
  // two ends of the stack region.
  memset(&__stack_low, 0, &__stack_high - &__stack_low);

Then you can compile & link the C code above with a regular Haskell module, and pre-initialize using wizer:

wasm32-wasi-ghc test.hs test_c.c -o test.wasm -no-hs-main -optl-mexec-model=reactor -optl-Wl,--export=fib
wizer --allow-wasi --wasm-bulk-memory true test.wasm -o test.wizer.wasm

Note that test.wizer.wasm will be slightly larger than test.wasm, which is expected behavior here, given some computation has already been run and the linear memory captures more runtime data.

If you run wasm-opt to minimize the wasm module, it's recommend to only run it for the wizer output. wasm-opt will be able to strip away some unused initialization functions that are no longer reachable via wasm exports or function table.

Accessing the host file system in non-browsers

By default, only stdin/stdout/stderr is supported. To access the host file system, one needs to map the allowed root directory into / as a WASI preopen.

The initial working directoy is always /. If you'd like to specify another working directory other than / in the virtual filesystem, use the PWD environment variable. This is not a WASI standard, just a workaround we implemented in the GHC RTS shall the need arises.

Building guide

If you intend to build the GHC's wasm backend, here's a building guide, assuming you already have some experience with building native GHC.

Install wasi-sdk

To build the wasm backend, the systemwide C/C++ toolchain won't work. You need to install our wasi-sdk fork. Upstream wasi-sdk won't work yet.

If your host system is one of {x86_64,aarch64}-{linux,darwin}, then you can avoid building and simply download & extract the GitLab CI artifact from the latest master commit. The linux artifacts are statically linked and work out of the box on all distros; the macos artifact contains universal binaries and works on either apple silicon or intel mac.

If your host system is x86_64-linux, you can use the script to install it, as documented in previous sections.

For simplicity, the following subsections all assume wasi-sdk is installed to ~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk, and ~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/bin/wasm32-wasi-clang works.

Install libffi-wasm

Skip this subsection if wasi-sdk is installed by instead of extracting CI artifacts directly.

Extract the CI artifact of libffi-wasm, and copy its contents:

  • cp *.h ~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/share/wasi-sysroot/include/wasm32-wasi
  • cp *.a ~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/share/wasi-sysroot/lib/wasm32-wasi

Set environment variables

If you used to install wasi-sdk/libffi-wasm, then you can source ~/.ghc-wasm/env into your current shell to set the following environment variables required for building. Otherwise, you can save this to somewhere else and source that script.

export AR=~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/bin/llvm-ar
export CC=~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/bin/wasm32-wasi-clang
export CC_FOR_BUILD=cc
export CXX=~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/bin/wasm32-wasi-clang++
export LD=~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/bin/wasm-ld
export NM=~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/bin/llvm-nm
export OBJCOPY=~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/bin/llvm-objcopy
export OBJDUMP=~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/bin/llvm-objdump
export RANLIB=~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/bin/llvm-ranlib
export SIZE=~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/bin/llvm-size
export STRINGS=~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/bin/llvm-strings
export STRIP=~/.ghc-wasm/wasi-sdk/bin/llvm-strip
export CONF_CC_OPTS_STAGE2="-fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration -Wno-error=int-conversion -O3 -msimd128 -mnontrapping-fptoint -msign-ext -mbulk-memory -mmutable-globals -mmultivalue -mreference-types"
export CONF_CXX_OPTS_STAGE2="-fno-exceptions -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration -Wno-error=int-conversion -O3 -msimd128 -mnontrapping-fptoint -msign-ext -mbulk-memory -mmutable-globals -mmultivalue -mreference-types"
export CONF_GCC_LINKER_OPTS_STAGE2="-Wl,--compress-relocations,--error-limit=0,--growable-table,--keep-section=ghc_wasm_jsffi,--stack-first,--strip-debug "
export CONFIGURE_ARGS="--target=wasm32-wasi --with-intree-gmp --with-system-libffi"

Checkout GHC

Checkout GHC.

Boot & configure & build GHC

The rest is the usual boot & configure & build process. You need to ensure the environment variables described earlier are correctly set up; for ghc.nix users, it sets up a default CONFIGURE_ARGS in the nix-shell which is incompatible, and the env script set up by respects existing CONFIGURE_ARGS, so don't forget to unset it first!

Configure with ./configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS, then build with hadrian. After the build completes, you can compile stuff to wasm using _build/stage1/bin/wasm32-wasi-ghc.

Happy hacking!

When something goes wrong

Reporting issues

If you suspect there's something wrong that needs fixing in the wasm backend (e.g. runtime crashes), you're more than welcome to open a ticket in the GHC issue tracker! The wasm tag will be added to the ticket by one of the triagers, which ensures it ends up in my inbox.

It would be very nice to have a self-contained Haskell source file to reproduce the bug, but it's not a strict necessity to report the bug. It's fine as long as the project source code and build instruction is available.

Do include the following info in the ticket:

  • Which ghc-wasm-meta revision is used to install wasm32-wasi-ghc? Or if you're building it yourself, which GHC revision are you using?

Getting more insight on the bug

To get some more insight on the bug, there are a few things worth checking, importance ranked from high to low:

  • Try a different runtime environment. If it is a WASI command module (self-contained .wasm file), does it work in wasmtime or some other runtime? If it is meant for the browser, try switching to a different WASI implementation, does the same bug still occur? It's known that all current JavaScript implementations of WASI are not 100% feature complete and may have bugs.
  • Try a different optimization level in GHC. If it's a cabal project, you can configure the optimization: field in cabal.project. In case of a code generation bug, it may be the case that one of the passes during GHC optimization resulted in buggy code.
  • Try enabling -dlint at compile-time to check consistency.
  • If it crashes, make it crash as early/verbose as possible. Use the GHC -debug flag at link time to link with the debug RTS that enables certain internal checks. On top of that, pass RTS flags to enable certain checks, e.g. +RTS -DS for sanity checks, see here for details.