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A Unison implementation of the Dhall configuration language.

Table of contents


To install the latest version in your Unison codebase use the following ucm command:

pull hagl.public.dhall .lib.dhall


The main interface for this library are the functions

evaluate : Text ->{IO} Either Text DhallValue
evaluateSimple : Text -> Either Text DhallValue

Both evaluate a text containing a dhall expression into an error or a value of type DhallValue.

unique type DhallValue
  = DhallInteger Integer
  | DhallNatural Natural
  | DhallFloat Float
  | DhallList [DhallValue]
  | DhallBoolean Boolean
  | DhallText Text
  | DhallRecord (Map Text DhallValue)
  | DhallOptional (Optional DhallValue)

evaluate supports all of Dhall's features. In order to resolve imports (i.e. environment variables, local or remote files) it needs the IO ability.

evaluateSimple is a pure function and can be used to evaluate a self-contained dhall expression (i.e. without any imports). It will fail and return a Left value when encountering an import during evaluation.

Example 1: Converting a Dhall expression to a Unison value

Let's have a look at this Dhall program from the Dhall homepage

let Config : Type =
      { home : Text
      , privateKey : Text
      , publicKey : Text

let makeUser : Text -> Config = \(user : Text) ->
      let home       : Text   = "/home/${user}"
      let privateKey : Text   = "${home}/.ssh/id_ed25519"
      let publicKey  : Text   = "${privateKey}.pub"
      let config     : Config = { home, privateKey, publicKey }
      in  config

let configs : List Config =
      [ makeUser "bill"
      , makeUser "jane"

in  configs

Assume we want to use the above Dhall program to generate a list of Unison UserConfig values

unique type UserConfig = UserConfig Text Text Text

This mapping function converts the evaluated DhallValue into UserConfig by pattern matching on the structure. Since the Dhall type-checker verifies that the result has the correct structure, we can use non-exhaustive pattern matching:

convertConfigs : DhallValue -> List UserConfig
convertConfigs = cases
  DhallList list -> (cases DhallRecord map ->
      getString key = Map.get key map |> cases (Optional.Some (DhallText text)) -> text
      UserConfig (getString "home") (getString "publicKey") (getString "privateKey")) list

-- evaluate and convert input in a watch expression
> evaluateSimple input |> Either.mapRight convertConfigs

The watch expression will give the following output in ucm

> evaluateSimple input |> Either.mapRight convertConfigs
  [ UserConfig
    "/home/bill" "/home/bill/.ssh/" "/home/bill/.ssh/id_ed25519",
    "/home/jane" "/home/jane/.ssh/" "/home/jane/.ssh/id_ed25519" ]

This example is also available online on Unison Share

Example 2: Evaluating Dhall code in ucm

This library also ships an unsupported runnable dhallRun function that can be used to quickly test a dhall expression directly from ucm.

The implementation uses a bit of a hack to not require quoting or escaping dhall code inside ucm. Here are a few examples what you can do:

Simple calculations

.> run dhallRun 47 * 71

Text interpolation, access to environment variables and calling built-in functions

.> run dhallRun "Hello ${env:USER as Text}!\n 3 + 4 = ${Natural/show (3 + 4)}"
"Hello harald!
 3 + 4 = 7"

Defining and applying functions

.> run dhallRun let add = \(x: Natural) -> \(y: Natural) -> x + y in add 1 2

Using remote dhall expressions (e.g. fold from Dhall prelude)

.> run dhallRun let sum = \(l: List Natural) -> Natural l Natural (\(x: Natural) -> \(y: Natural) -> x + y)  0 in sum [1,2,3,4,5]

Loading and evaluating the remote expression takes some time. By adding a semantic hash to the import, the function can be cached locally. This will reduce the runtime of the second call below. You can use dhallHash to calculate the hash value of an import expression:

.> run dhallRun

.> run dhallRun let sum = \(l: List Natural) -> sha256:10bb945c25ab3943bd9df5a32e633cbfae112b7d3af38591784687e436a8d814 Natural l Natural (\(x: Natural) -> \(y: Natural) -> x + y)  0 in sum [1,2,3,4,5]

.> run dhallRun let sum = \(l: List Natural) -> sha256:10bb945c25ab3943bd9df5a32e633cbfae112b7d3af38591784687e436a8d814 Natural l Natural (\(x: Natural) -> \(y: Natural) -> x + y)  0 in sum [1,2,3,4,5]

See the Dhall documentation for more details about the language.


This project is currently in development, release v3 has alpha status.

The Dhall Acceptance Tests can be run with the the from ucm with the command

run .external.dhall.trunk.testsuite.runTestSuite <path to local copy of>

At the time of this writing this will give the following results

1495 total tests ( ✅ 1492 passed, 🚫 3 failed) in directory ./dhall-lang
Duration: 567.007s

The remaining failing tests are

  • dhall-lang/tests/type-inference/success/preludeA.dhall : This test recursively loads all of prelude and shows some performance problems in the current implementation. It would probably succeed, but would take hours/days to do so. See the issues labeled performance for some ideas how to improve the performance.
  • ./dhall-lang/tests/parser/failure/spacing/LetNoSpace3
  • ./dhall-lang/tests/parser/failure/spacing/LetNoSpace4


The following features are not yet supported

  • date & time types are not exposed in the resolved DhallValue, since there are no matching type in the Unsion standard library

Future directions

Once Unison has some reflection/meta-programming possibilities it should be possible to

  • generate a Dhall type for a Unison type (giving type checking & editor support for config files)
  • automatically convert a Dhall value into a Unison value when their types are compatible

Copyright and license

All code in this repository is available under the 3-Clause BSD License.

Copyright 2021-2022 Harald Gliebe

This project is based on and uses code from the projects