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File metadata and controls

99 lines (69 loc) · 2.18 KB

HOW-TO define custom REST Controllers

This part introduces how to use DAO listeners

Define a REST controller

  • Define a REST controller extending APIController
    • The REST controller has to implement the create() method for creating the entity.
    • There are several helper methods like checkRequired and jsonText that can be used in the REST controller.
import static play.libs.Json.toJson;


import models.Sample;
import models.dao.SampleDAO;
import play.mvc.Result;
import play.utils.crud.APIController;

public class SampleRestController extends APIController<Long, Sample> {

	public SampleRestController(SampleDAO dao) {

	public Result create() {
		Result check = checkRequired("name");
		if (check != null) {
			if (log.isDebugEnabled())
				log.debug("check : " + check);
			return check;

		String name = jsonText("name");

		Sample m = new Sample();
		Long key = dao.create(m);
		if (log.isDebugEnabled())
			log.debug("key : " + key);

		return created(toJson(ImmutableMap.of("status", "OK", "key", key)));


Associate REST Controller

  • Associate in the existing Application Controller
public class Application extends Controller {


	private static SampleRestController restController = new SampleRestController(sampleDAO);

	public static Result restList() {
		return restController.list();

	public static Result restCreate() {
		return restController.create();

	public static Result restUpdate(Long key) {
		return restController.update(key);

	public static Result restDelete(Long key) {
		return restController.delete(key);

	public static Result restGet(Long key) {
		return restController.get(key);

define routes


GET     /api/sample                controllers.Application.restList()
GET     /api/sample/:key           controllers.Application.restGet(key:Long)
PUT     /api/sample/:key           controllers.Application.restUpdate(key:Long)
POST    /api/report/        	   controllers.Application.restCreate()
DELETE  /api/sample/:key           controllers.Application.restDelete(key:Long)