The Hamler Data Types are mapping to Erlang Data types at compile-time. The following table shows the overview of the mappings:
Hamler Data Type | Erlang Data Type | Mapping Description |
Atom(Symbol in Ruby) | atom() | |
Bool | boolean() | true -> true false -> false |
Char | char() | |
Integer(Int) | integer() | Integer type |
Float(Double) | float() | Float type |
String | string() | |
Tuple | tuple() | |
List | list() | |
Map | map() | |
Record | map() | |
Binary | binary() | bitstring() | |
Port | port() | Erlang Port |
Pid | pid() | Erlang Pid |
Reference(Ref) | reference() | Erlang Reference |
Atom is a constant with name, which is also known as Symbol in other languages, such as Ruby.
Atoms in Hamler are imported from Erlang, defined as a primitive type, but have a different syntax from Erlang.
Atoms in Hamler start with a colon :
Atoms in Erlang:
The syntax of Booleans in Hamler is the same as Erlang. The difference is that Boolean is a primitive type in Hamler, while true
and false
are atoms in Erlang.
Booleans in Hamler:
Booleans in Erlang:
Chars in Hamler are also UTF-8 Unicode characters but with different syntax from Erlang.
Chars in Hamler are enclosed in single quotes, which is similar to most programming languages.
Chars in Erlang start with '$':
Integers in Hamler are the same as Erlang, with unlimited size. Hamler defines Int
as an alias for Integer
Binary, octal, and hex integers in Hamler have a different syntax than Erlang.
Integers in Hamler:
1, 2, -10
-- binary
0b101, 0B101
-- octal
0o1, 0O1, 0o52, 0O752
-- hex
0x1, 0X1, 0x2a, 0X2A, 0xff
Integers in Erlang:
1, 2, -10
-- binary
2#101, 2#10
-- octal
8#1, 8#52, 8#752
-- hex
16#01, 16#2a, 16#2A, 16#ff
Floats in Hamler are the same as Erlang, which are also known as Doubles in other languages.
Floats in Hamler and Erlang:
1.0, 1.0e10
Strings in both Hamler and Erlang are a list of UTF-8 characters.
Strings in Hamler and Erlang:
"Hello, World!"
Tuples are defined as primitive data types in Hamler and compiled to Erlang tuples.
The differences from Erlang are as below:
Tuples in Hamler are enclosed within parentheses, while Tuples in Erlang are enclosed in braces.
The maximum length of Tuples in Hamler is 7, while there is no limit in Erlang.
Tuples in Hamler:
(1, "a", true)
(1, "a")
(:error, "Reason")
-- fst, snd
fst (1, 'a') :: Integer -- 1
snd (1, 'a') :: Char -- 'a'
Tuples in Erlang:
{1, "a", true}
{1, "a"}
{error, "Reason"}
Lists in Hamler are the same as in Erlang.
Lists in Hamler:
{-- List --}
[] -- empty list
[1,2,3] -- Integer list
[1|[2,3]] -- Cons
[1|[2|[3|[]]]] -- Cons
[x|_] = [1,2,3] -- List pattern
[_|xs] = [1,2,3] -- List pattern
[x|xs] -- Cons
Lists in Erlang:
%% List
[] %% empty list
[1,2,3] %% Integer list
[1|[2,3]] %% Cons
[1|[2|[3|[]]]] %% Cons
[H|_] = [1,2,3] %% List pattern
[_|T] = [1,2,3] %% List pattern
[H|T] %% Cons
Hamler provides an enumeration or range syntax to help construct lists.
[1..10] --[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
[0, 5..100] -- [0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100]
['a'..'z'] --"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
The syntax of Maps in Hamler is the same as Erlang. The differences are listed below:
- The keys of a Map must have the same type in Hamler;
- The values of a Map must have the same type in Hamler;
- The syntax
#{k := v}
is only used for map pattern matching.
Maps in Hamler:
-- New map, values and keys must have the same type.
m = #{:foo => "foo", :bar => "bar"}
-- Pattern matching
#{:foo := a, :bar := b} = m
a :: String -- "foo"
b :: String -- "bar"
Maps in Erlang:
%% Create a map
M = #{foo => "foo", bar => "bar"}
%% Pattern matching
#{foo := A, bar := B} = M.
A %% "foo"
B %% "bar"
Records in Hamler are mapping to Erlang Maps at compile-time.
Records in Hamler:
type Person = {name :: String, age :: Integer}
john = {name = "John", age = 12}
Compiled to Erlang's Maps:
%% john
#{age => 12,name => "John"}
Binaries in Hamler are imported from Erlang. The Bit Syntax Expressions in Erlang are defined as below:
Ei ::= Value
| Value ":" Size
| Value "/" TypeSpecifierList
| Value ":" Size "/" TypeSpecifierList
The Bit Syntax in Hamler is a bit different from Erlang, that '/' is replaced with ':':
Ei ::= Value
| Value ":" Size
| Value ":" TypeSpecifierList
| Value ":" Size ":" TypeSpecifierList
Binaries in Hamler:
-- Binary Pattern Match
<<bigI:16:Big-Unsigned-Integer>> = <<1,2>>
<<litI:16:Little-Signed-Integer>> = <<1,2>>
Binaries in Erlang:
-- Binary Pattern Match
<<X:3,Y:5,Z:8>> = <<1,0>>
<<BigI:16/big-unsigned-integer>> = <<1,2>>
<<LitI:16/little-signed-integer>> = <<1,2>>
The Port data type in Hamler is foreign imported from Erlang.
The Pid data type in Hamler is foreign imported from Erlang. Pid in Erlang is a unique identifier of the Erlang lightweight process.
The Reference data type in Hamler is a foreign imported data type from Erlang.
Create a Reference in Hamler:
import Data.Ref
The constructors of Sum/Product algebraic data types are mapping to tuples in Erlang at compile-time.
-- Sum datatype
data Color = Red | Green | Blue
Red -- {'Red'}
Green -- {'Green'}
Blue -- {'Blue'}
-- Product datatype
data Pair = Pair Integer Integer
Pair 3 4 -- {'Pair',3,4}
-- Maybe
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
Nothing -- {'Nothing'}
Just 5 -- {'Just',5}
{'Red'} %% Red
{'Green'} %% Green
{'Blue'} %% Blue
{'Pair',3,4} %% Pair 3 4
{'Nothing'} %% Nothing
{'Just',5} %% Just 5