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History / Compiling on Arch Linux


  • Update dependencies & clean-up instructions

    @NViergever NViergever committed Dec 22, 2023
  • No longer outdated. On ArchLinux the cmake package already requires libarchive, so I dropped it from the package list.

    @Xaekai Xaekai committed Mar 26, 2020
  • Updated Compiling on Arch Linux (markdown)

    @Elime1 Elime1 committed Jan 15, 2020
  • Update Ubuntu compiling guide and add macOS compiling guide to wiki

    @Elime1 Elime1 committed May 28, 2017
  • forgot the "change directory"

    @LaloHao LaloHao committed Aug 1, 2015
  • freshly tested

    @LaloHao LaloHao committed Aug 1, 2015