Find the IPs and host ports of a container port running in ECS. It returns the ip:port
for every running ECS task in the cluster with the given name.
usage: ecs-locate --container-name=CONTAINER-NAME --container-port=CONTAINER-PORT --cluster=CLUSTER --service=SERVICE [<flags>]
Find an instance/port for a service
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
ECS container name
ECS container port
--cluster=CLUSTER ECS cluster
--service=SERVICE ECS service
Role to assume
External ID of the role to assume
Role session name
--region=REGION AWS Region
MFA Serial Number
MFA Token Code
--session-duration=1h Session Duration
-v, --version Display the version
--log-level=warn Log level
--log-format=text Log format