Build SugarCRM
This will take a source version of Sugar and substitute out all the necessary build tags and create an installable copy of Sugar for you to use and dev on.
By default this will ignore sugarcrm/node_modules, but build sugarcrm/sidecar/node_modules to save on time since the node_modules are not required inside of SugarCRM but are for Sidecar.
rome build
rome build -v -f ent -d /tmp/sugar /path/to/mango/git/checkout
--clean Remove Existing Build Before Building
--clean-cache Clears the cache before doing the build. This will only delete certain cache files before doing a build.
-d, --destination string Where should the built files be put
--file-buffer-size int Size of the file buffer before it gets reset (default 4096)
--file-workers int Number of Workers to start for processing files (default 80)
-f, --flavor string What Flavor of SugarCRM to build (default "ent")
-l, --folder string What folder should we build to on the server, if left empty, it will build to a folder named <version><flavor>
--port string What is the server port (default "47600")
-s, --server string What server should we build to
-v, --version string What Version is being built
- rome - A Tool for Building Sugar from source