- perceiving through sensor
- acting through actators
- the actions to be most successful -> measure success -> performance measure
- prior knowledge of env
- actions that agent can perform
- percept sequence
- learning
- autonomy
- Deterministic: next state of the environment Completely determined by the current state and the actions
- Stochastic : otherwise
- Strategic environment: deterministic except for actions of other agents
- Agent = architecture + program
- motivation: static and predictable status
- agent目的:长远来看环境熵最小,但不清楚完整的真实状态分布(需估计)
- motivation: 减少计算量,在低维空间训练
- Four Types
- simple reflex condition-action-rules -> if...then... stated & status
- model-based reflex far more complex condition-action-rules & dynamic
- goal-based less efficient but more flexible & different goal -> different action
- utility-based high-quality
- *learning agent