#happn-3 configuration options: What follows is the full configuration options for a happn server and client, showing what the defaults are when the config is omitted:
var serverConfig = {
port: 55000, //happn-3 port
secure: true, //false by default
encryptPayloads: true,//false by default
services: {
security: {
config: {
sessionTokenSecret: "TESTTOKENSECRET",//how our session tokens are encrypted
keyPair: {//ECDSA keypair
privateKey: 'Kd9FQzddR7G6S9nJ/BK8vLF83AzOphW2lqDOQ/LjU4M=',
publicKey: 'AlHCtJlFthb359xOxR5kiBLJpfoC2ZLPLWYHN3+hdzf2'
adminUser: {
password: 'happn', //happn by default, console logs a warning if secure:true and no admin password specified - breaks if ENV is production
publicKey: 'AlHCtJlFthb359xOxR5kiBLJpfoC2ZLPLWYHN3+hdzf2'
profiles: [ //profiles are in an array, in descending order of priority, so if you fit more than one profile, the top profile is chosen
name: "web-session",
session: {//how we match this profile to a session, mongo-like filter
$and: [{
user: {username: {$eq: 'WEB_SESSION'}},
type: {$eq: 0}
policy: {
ttl: '4 seconds',
inactivity_threshold: '2 seconds'//this is costly, as we need to store state on the server side
data: {
config: {
fsync: true, //if this is true - any nedb datastore with a file configured will immediately write-sync to it's file
autoUpdateDBVersion:false, //if your db version is 0 and the db version in package.json is 1 the db will automatically be updated
datastores: [//you can choose where you want the data persisted depending on the key
name: 'memory',
isDefault: true,// if a datastore with a matching pattern cannot be found - this one will be used
patterns: [
name: 'persisted',
settings: {
compactInterval: 5000,//compact every 5 seconds
filename: [testfilePath],//where you want your data persisted to
patterns: [
transport: {
config: {
mode: 'https'//'http' by default,
certPath: __dirname + '/cert.pem', // optional, defaults creates in home dir
keyPath: __dirname + '/key.pem'
connect: {
config: {
middleware: {
security: {
cookieName: 'happn_token', // default shown
cookieDomain: '.example.com', // optional, allows for cookie domain control in browser
exclusions: [//http paths to exclude from security checks
unauthorizedResponsePath: path.join(__dirname, 'files/unauthorized.html'), // 401 unauthorized response page (not logged in - token invalid)
forbiddenResponsePath: path.join(__dirname, 'files/forbidden.html') // 403 forbidden response page (don't have permissions - token valid)
protocol: {
config: {
inboundLayers: '[inbound plugin]',
outboundLayers: '[outbound plugin]',
protocols: {'happn': require('happn-protocol')}//array of protocols, ie: MQTT
##websockets client
var clientConfig = {
keyPair: { //ECDSA client keypair
privateKey: 'Kd9FQzddR7G6S9nJ/BK8vLF83AzOphW2lqDOQ/LjU4M=',
publicKey: 'AlHCtJlFthb359xOxR5kiBLJpfoC2ZLPLWYHN3+hdzf2'
info: {"KEY": "VALUE"}//anything you want to attach to your session
loginType:'digest'// you want to use your keypair to login